Andrew Ponce
Andrew Ponce entered the field of developmental services in 1992 as a provider of residential and employment programs for individuals served through the state of Nevada developmental disabilities services program. Since 1999 he has continued his efforts on behalf of those with developmental disabilities through the California regional center system, a series of non-profit agencies under contract with the California Department of Developmental Services to administer the state’s Developmental Disabilities Services program. From 1999 to 2022 Andrew served through Alta California Regional Center In Sacramento, California, where he coordinated case management services and supported development of community resources for individuals with developmental disabilities within a ten county area of Northern California. Presently, Andrew serves on the executive team for Westside Regional Center which coordinates developmental services for western Los Angeles County. WRC presently serves approximately 12,000 eligible individuals. Andrew’s present responsibilities include oversight of case management services delivered by over 150 case workers and development of community-based provider services to support these eligible individuals in their natural environments.
Andrew received his Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Nevada-Reno. He completed his Masters in Public Administration, with a focus on Public Management, from Arkansas State University.