The primary objective of this conference is to bring together leading researchers, academicians, and industry experts to discuss recent developments, methodologies, and applications in numerical analysis. The focus will be on fostering collaboration between theoretical research and practical applications in various scientific and engineering fields. The upcoming conference will explore a broad spectrum of topics within the field of numerical analysis, bringing together researchers, scholars, and practitioners to discuss recent advancements and methodologies. The event will focus on both theoretical developments and practical applications of numerical methods, with a special emphasis on interdisciplinary research. This Conference is sponsored by Anusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF)- Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India.
Start date for Abstract Submission
Last date for Abstract Submission
Abstract Acceptance
Last Date for Early Bird registration
Last Date for Registration
Dates of Conference
Full Paper Submission
Category |
National Participanta{[Rs.] |
International Parti [USD] |
Student[PG/Research Scholars] |
₹ 3540 (₹ 3000 + ₹540 GST) |
$ 150 |
Faculty/Post Doc/Scientist |
₹ 4720 (₹ 4000 + ₹720 GST) |
$ 200 |
Industry |
₹ 5900 (₹ 5000 + ₹900 GST) |
$ 250 |
Registration fees include conference kits and lunch. Only one paper presentation is allowed for one registration. Accommodation shall be arranged on payment basis. The paid fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.
The authors are encouraged to submit their original research works for presentation and it will also be considered for possible publications in one of the SCOPUS indexed journals Springer, IOP and Taylor and Francis (will be finalized soon) and by registering themselves after the notification. Please note that the submitted papers will be accepted for publication in special issues only after thorough scrutiny and peer review process as per Journal directions.
All presented paper after peer review process will be published in Scopus Indexed conference proceedings. The publication details are available in the conference website shortly.
At least one author of any accepted abstract must register and present the paper in the conference. Otherwise, the paper will not be processed further for publication.
The proposal is submitted to Springer for a possible publication in a Scopus-indexed series
Best paper will be selected and awarded
Numerical Linear Algebra
Machine Learning / Deep Learning / Soft Computing in Numerical Analysis
Big Data and Numerical Computation
Approximation Theory
Finite Element Methods (FEM)
Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations
Optimization Techniques
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
High-Performance Computing for Numerical Simulations
Stochastic Processes in Numerical Methods
Dean & HoS, School of Engineering, Coimbatore
Principal, School of Physical Sciences, Coimbatore
Chairperson, Department of Mathematics, School of Physical Sciences, Coimbatore
Vice Chairperson, Department of Mathematics, School of Physical Sciences, Coimbatore
Assistant Professor (Sr. Gd.), Department of Mathematics, Coimbatore
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Coimbatore
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Coimbatore
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Coimbatore
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Coimbatore
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Coimbatore
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Coimbatore
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Coimbatore
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Coimbatore
The Department of Mathematics established in the year 1994, the Department of Mathematics initially focused on offering Engineering Mathematics courses for both Undergraduate and Postgraduate Engineering Programmes. The Department aims to train a selected group of talented students for academic and professional careers requiring exceptional Mathematical and computational skills. Since 2003, the Department has been offering elective courses for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Engineering Programmes and advanced courses for Ph. D. Programme in the Engineering Departments. In the year 2004, the Department introduced Ph.D. Programme in Mathematics and Statistics. The main areas of research include Graph Theory, Wavelet Transforms, Magneto Hydrodynamics, Lie Algebra Bundles, Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis, Cryptography and Statistics. The aim of the Department is to pursue excellence in both research as well as in teaching. This has motivated the Department to introduce Five-Year Integrated MSc in Mathematics and Computing and also Two-Year MSc with specialization in Mathematics.
Phone : +91-422-2685601
Mobile: 9865393827