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The Honorable Speaker Shri. G. Karthikeyan inaugurated the Leadership Summit and stressed on the need for building and acquiring trust as one of the main factors to be a successful leader. Trust sustains everything in life for long. An Individual’s ability should prove to be beneficial to both himself and his society. Ability to make decisions in stressful and demanding times also determines a Leader’s ability. It is not just the education or inheritance, but the leadership ability that makes the difference. Listening to others is a skill that has to be practiced for better team work and its co-ordination along with common sense. People vote for those candidates who prove to be trustworthy, understanding and sensible. Mata Amritanandamayi Amma is one of the greatest role models as world renowned Leader.

Shri. K. Jayakumar, Retired Chief Secretary, Government of Kerala and Vice Chancellor, Malayalam University focused on the need to avoid fragmented vision and replace it with vision that should be enlarged and comprehensive in nature. Unethical practices do not provide long term sustainability. Thus one must strengthen their own character with more emotional quotient than intelligence. Being human and avoiding ego-driven decision making brings about success.

Dr. Debashis Chatterjee, Director, IIM-Kozhikode said that true Leaders follow their own convictions and values as they have high levels of self-awareness. For such leaders, degree of comfort with themselves is critical. They are committed, able to discriminate between right and wrong; acknowledge their shortcomings and are willing to give and serve the society at large.

Shri. Kochouseph Chittilappilly, founder and Vice Chairperson of V-Guard group believes that as a leader one should have self-confidence, attitude and willingness to learn and imbibe knowledge throughout one’s life. The change agent should be the individual himself/herself. Leaders should be self-disciplined and quality conscious to keep the customers happy. One has to be a fair but firm leader to achieve the impossible as nobody can cheat all the people at all the times.

Dr. Debashis Chatterjee released the souvenir of the Leadership Summit, which was the inaugural event of the business fest Asthra 2013.

Students from all over the country participated in a number of management events. A variety of events in various domains of management like Systems, Human Resource, Operations, Marketing and Finance were conducted. Other events like the Best manager and the Business Quiz which aimed at tapping the hidden potential of students in a very dynamic way was highly looked upon and appreciated by one and all. The business plan which was the flagship event saw a lot of colleges participating both at a national and international level. Adding glitz and pomp to the fest were the cultural events. The students who impressed the judges with their academic knowledge also mesmerized them with their breathtaking dance performances.

The exuberance, fun and excitement culminated by way of a valedictory function on the 8th of January 2013. The benedictory address was delivered by Brahmachari Anaghamrita Chaithanya. The chief guest for the valedictory function was Shri. M. Muraleedharan, Zonal Head, Dhanalaxmi Bank.

A brilliant and creative idea that was adopted by the students for ASTHRA was that the entire event was streamed live via A-View and enabled online participation for the event like B-Plan which helped to get the international participants. Participants presented their Business plan via web conference facility.

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