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Dr. Soman K. P., Head and Professor at Amrita Center for Computational Engineering and Networking (Amrita CEN), Coimbatore Campus, handled the morning session of the workshop. He explained the modern signal and image processing techniques using linear algebra and optimization theory which are the essential skills required for a new generation data scientist and are not taught in most of the top institutions in India. His lecture contained linear algebra based signal processing, least-square based signal processing, Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD), etc. He also gave a hands-on session in Matlab and was assisted by Ms. Neethu Mohan, Research Scholar, Amrita Centre for Excellence in Computational Engineering & Networking.

The afternoon session was handled by Dr. Sowmya V., Assistant Professor, Amrita Centre for Excellence in Computational Engineering & Networking, Coimbatore. She gave a lecture on deep learning, particularly Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and its applications in various domains like image processing, biomedical signal processing, driver-less vehicles, etc.

Prof. Soman distributed the certificates of participation to the participants at the end of the workshop.

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