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Visit to Kalinagar, West Bengal by ASE Coimbatore

Visit to Kalinagar, West Bengal by ASE Coimbatore
2015-08-23 @ 9:30 AM – 2015-08-31 @ 5:30 PM

The Department of Civil Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Combatore Campus, students spent time in rural communities as part of their Live-in-Labs projects. The students spent time in Kali Nagar, West Bengal and Guptapada, Odhisha. The survey of Orissa and West Bengal was held from August 23-31, 2015 . Mr. R. Ramkrishnan and Mr. E. Lalithprakash along with two students carried out the work to implement a water distribution system .

As part of Live-in-lab, a team of students, faculty members from the Department of Civil Engineering and research scholars from Ammachi Labs were assigned to visit Kali Nagar, Kolkata, West Bengal and Guptapada, Khurda District in Odhisha. For the first village, a water distribution system to these homes that provides them with potable water has to be designed and implemented, because the existing water (which is abundant) is polluted with iron and hardness. A surface cleansing process for stagnant water that can be used to remove pollutants from the abundant surface water available can also be proposed. For the second village, a temporary water supply system was designed and executed here for the immediate requirement that came after the construction of public toilets by the mutt. For a long term solution a permanent concrete water tank is proposed at the site. Also, water lines to each home are to be proposed supplying each home with potable water. The ground water here is also rich in iron content, hence a treatment system that runs free of cost and which efficiently removes iron content is proposed to be designed.

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