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Abstract Submission Guidelines

General Guidelines

  • Abstracts should be no more than 300 words; not including title, authors, and spaces. Characters within a table are counted towards the character limit. Figures, title, and authors do not count against the 300 word limit. Use simple fonts.
  • Always include the abstract title, authors, affiliations, and text.
  • Figures are accepted and they do not count towards character limit. You are limited to three images in one abstract. Acceptable file types for images are .gif, .jpeg, and .png. color images are allowed. Please provide high-resolution images.
  • An author may not revise or resubmit an abstract in order to make changes or corrections after this deadline; adding or removing authors after the submission deadline is not permitted.


Use a concise title that summarizes the content of the abstract. Capitalize the first letter of each word except prepositions, articles, and species names. Italicize all specific/scientific names of microorganisms as appropriate.


Enter complete author(s) names (example: John S. Doe, MD). Include the name, degree, institution, city, state, and country of all authors and author groups. You must specify the “presenting author” with a prefix *. It is the responsibility of the presenting author to communicate future correspondence to all co-authors. Notifications will be sent to the presenting author only


List the name of each author’s institution, city, state, and country (do not include department, division, laboratory, etc.).

Abstract Text

Describe the relevance of the research using background, methods, results, and conclusions.

Deadline for Submission of Abstract: October 15, 2018. Abstracts to be sent to,

Topics Covered By International & National Experts

Day 1

  • Optimizing Antimicrobial Prescription in Surgical pathways: ASPIRES
  • Global Advances in Antibiotic Stewardship
  • Surgical Site Infections: What’s new?
  • Surgical Prophylaxis-Why it is so difficult?
  • Peri operative antibiotic stewardship
  • Societal impact of Antibiotic Stewardship
  • Therapy of MDR, XDR gram negative infections: dealing with the devil
  • Catheter associated Urinary Tract Infection: How aggressive can you get
  • Role of antibiotic susceptibility testing and breakpoints in clinical decision making
  • Central Line associated Blood Stream Infections

Day 2

  • Reality check: Antimicrobial resistance in India
  • Behavioral Economics in Antibiotic Stewardship
  • Implementation Science in Antibiotic Stewardship
  • Team dynamics, technology and co design in Antibiotic Stewardship
  • Changing perspectives of Salmonella infections in India
  • Biofilm associated infections
  • State Action Plan on AMR Containment : Kerala,what are the learning’s for other states?
  • Sepsis 2018: updates and controversies
  • Biomarkers : Does that improve clinical decisions?
  • MDR and XRD TB: Can we achieve END TB goals
  • Fungal Infections: The untold story
  • Nipah Epidemic: The Kerala Success story


International Speakers

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