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Electrochromic Properties of Vanadium Pentoxide Thin Film Prepared by Sol–Gel Process

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : Springer Singapore

Source : ICT Systems and Sustainability, Springer Singapore, Singapore (2020)

ISBN : 9789811509360

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Arts and Sciences, School of Physical Sciences

Department : Physics

Year : 2020

Abstract : Prepared by chemical sol–gel process, thin films of\thinspace\textasciitilde500 nm thickness from the Vanadium pentoxide sol by spin coating over indium tin oxide (ITO) glass plates. These are annealed at different temperatures to identify the best sample. The field emission scanning electron microscopic (FESEM) analysis is used to view the morphology of the prepared film. The optical band gap of the film is evaluated from absorbance spectrum. For the prepared films, the transmittance study is also carried out. From the studies, it is inferred that the sample thin film annealed at 300 °C (S300) shows the best crystallinity and has lesser optical band gap of 2.16 eV. The electrochromic behaviour of the film is studied from cyclic voltammetric analysis. The reversible multichromism of yellow, green and blue is exhibited by the film annealed at 300 °C.

Cite this Research Publication : V. R., Albert, A., and Dr. Sreekala C. O., “Electrochromic Properties of Vanadium Pentoxide Thin Film Prepared by Sol–Gel Process”, in ICT Systems and Sustainability, Singapore, 2020.

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