The communication engineering lab provides facilities for conducting undergraduate level experiments and mini projects in the area of basic communication systems. Students conduct experiments of different types of modulation and demodulation techniques and enhance their knowledge and understanding in the area of analog and digital communication systems.
Lab Facilities
70 MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope
100 MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope
50 MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope with built-in 20 MHz Function Generator & Digital Voltmeter
30 MHz Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
3 MHz Function Generator
25 MHz Arbitrary Function Generator
Regulated Power Supply (0-30 V / 2 A)
Regulated Variable Dual Power Supply (0-30 V / 2 A)
Digital Multimeter – 3½ Digit
True RMS Digital Multimeter – 3½ Digit
Digital Voltmeter (dc 0-2 / 20 / 200 V)
Digital Milli Ammeter (dc 0-2 / 20 / 200 mA)
Digital Micro Ammeter (dc 0-2 / 20 / 200 µA)
USRP X300 Kit, Daughter Boards and Vertical Antennas
“RTL – SDR Blog R820T2 RTL2832U 1PPM TCX0 SMA
Software Defined Radio with 2X Telescopic Antennas “
ADALM – PLUTO 584 – SDR & RF Development Kit
Raspbery Pi 3 – Starter Kit
NetSim Standard Version V 13 With C1 to C11 Tool Boxes
NetSim Academic Version V 13.1
Personal Computers
Faculty In-charge : Mr. P.Sudheesh
Technical Staff : Mr. N.Prabhu
Digital Design Laboratory
This lab is used to get familiarized with various ICs and utilize them in the implementation of digital circuits. Experiments are carried out to design and test electronic circuits for various applications. It has 15 work benches equipped with UPS connection. The lab has state of the art facilities and equipments. The major list of equipments available are:
Lab Facilities
Digital IC Trainer Kit – 4 Bit
Digital IC Trainer Kit – 10 Bit
Digital IC Trainer Kit – 12 Bit
Digital IC Tester
Linear IC Tester
Regulated Power Supply (0 – 30 V / 2 A)
Regulated Power Supply (0-2 V / 2 A)
Regulated Variable Dual Power Supply (0-30 V / 2 A)
Analog Voltmeters
Analog Ammeters
Digital Voltmeter (dc 0-2 / 20 / 200 V)
Digital Ammeter (dc 0-2 / 20 / 200 mA)
Digital Micro Ammeter (dc 0-2 / 20 / 200 µA)
Digital Multimeter – 3½ Digit
30 MHz Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
50 MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope
50 MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope with built-in 20 MHz Function Generator & Digital Voltmeter
3 MHz Function Generator
Resistance Box 5 Dials
Faculty In-Charge : Dr. Ramesh S R Technical Staff : Mr. Saravanakumar
Digital Signal Procesing Laboratory
Digital Signal processing (DSP) lab caters to the requirements of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in Electronics and Communication engineering. They offer students powerful techniques and tools to apply, synthesize, design, simulate and implement state-of-the-art solutions to modern engineering problems. Experimental activities cover fundamental concepts of digital signal processing such as sampling and aliasing, quantization, digital filter design and implementation. The lab provides hands-on experience in a way that integrates theory, software, hardware and applications.
Lab Facilities
Xilinx Zyynq – 700 – SOC Video and Imaging Kit
ATLYS – Spartan 6 Design Platform
ANVYL – Spartan 6 Development Kit
Nexys 3 – Spartan 6 FPGA Board
Analog Discovery Kit
Matlab Full Suite – Academic License
Xilinx Vivado ML Enterprise Edition with VITIS Model Composer
Personal Computers
Faculty In-Charge : Dr. J Aravinth Technical Staff : Mr. Chandrasekharan Nair B
Electronic Circuit Laboratory
Basic Electronics Lab is the associated with the basic core courses of Electronics Engineering. This lab runs in both the semester and accommodates about 300 students per semester. The laboratory has basic electronic experiments on analog and digital circuits.
Lab Facilities
50 MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope with built-in 20 MHz Function Generator & Digital Voltmeter
70 MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope
60 MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope
30 MHz Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
3 MHz Function Generator
Regulated Power Supply ( 0-32 V/ 2 A)
Regulated Variable Dual Power Supply (0-30 V / 2 A)
Regulated Power Supply (0-2 V / 2 A)
Analog Voltmeter
Analog Ammeter
Digital Voltmeter (dc 0-2 / 20 / 200 V)
Digital Milli Ammeter (dc 0-2 / 20 / 200 mA)
Digital IC Trainer Kit
Digital IC Tester
Linear IC Tester
LCR – Q meter
Raspberry Pi with 8 GB RAM
Analog Discovery Kit
Data Acquisition Board
DAC with Counter
Faculty in-charge: Ms. Vidhya L. Technical Staff: Mr. Dinesh Kumar D.
Electronics Hardware Laboratory
Electronics Hardware Lab is utilized by undergraduate students during the First year of their study. Basic experiments that help the students understand the working and application of simple electronic circuits are conducted here.
Lab Facilities
30 MHz Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
50 MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope with built-in 20 MHz Function Generator & Digital Voltmeter
3 MHz Function Generator
Regulated Power Supply (0-30 V / 2 A)
Regulated Variable Dual Power Supply (0-30 V / 2 A)
PSD 3003 Power Supply, 3A
Digital Voltmeter (dc 0-2 / 20 / 200 V)
Digital Milli Ammeter (dc 0-2 / 20 / 200 mA)
Digital Multimeter – 3½ Digit
Temperature Controlled Soldering Station
Bench Vice
Drilling Machine
Rework System (Soldering & Desoldering) SMD Hot Air
PCB Prototype Making Machine with Solder Masking Unit (Milling type)
Personal Computers
Faculty In-charge : Ms. K S Anusha Technical Staff : Mr. M G Santhosh
Microprocessor Laboratory
Microprocessor lab is utilized by Undergraduate and Post Graduate students for getting familiarized with Microprocessor and Microcontroller Development Kits. This lab also facilitates students to simulate and implement their projects in the field of Embedded Systems.
Lab Facilities
ARM LPC2148 Development Kit
PIC16F877A Development Kit
8085 Microprocessor Kit
Proteus 8 Professional Software (Simulator)
Faculty In-Charge : Mr. S Adarsh Technical Staff : Ms. Sudha R
Microwave & Antenna Laboratory
The Radio Frequency and Microwave laboratory was established in the year 1996. The lab is equipped with full-fledged X band wave guide bench with Klystron and Gunn based microwave sources and Scalar power meter. A RF signal generator in the range 34MHz- 4.4GHz and receiver in the range 34MHz- 8.8GHz is presently added. Together with the waveguide peripherals including directional couplers, magic tees, circulators, tuners provide an excellent set up for the students to get a real time feel of wave propagation concepts and its applications. A complete VHF antenna measurement system was commissioned in the year 2004 with a variety of antennas including dipoles, monopoles, yagi uda and loop structures. The lab has five personal computer systems to provide exposure to the students in the area of electromagnetic simulation employing software.Apart from catering to the regular academic laboratory requirements, students are exposed to innovative experiments involving radar cross section and microwave material characterization. Over the last three years, the lab has undertaken rigorous research and development activities in the area of electromagnetic characterization of fly ash and development of antennas on cylindrical substrates. This has resulted in a good number of publications in reputed international journals including Electromagnetics (Taylor and Francis), Applied Mechanics and Materials, and international conferences like INCEMIC. Over the next three years, it is proposed to have a fully developed microwave instrumentation for exploring the possibility of undertaking external funded projects and consultancy activities in the area of electromagnetic material characterization and developing EM based Non destructive Testing techniques for Agricultural and Food products.
RF Shielded Anechoic Chamber with Automatic Three Axis Antenna Positioning System and
Standard Gain Ridge Antenna (800 – 18 GHz)
Standard Gain Horn Antenna (18 – 26 GHz)
Standard Gain Horn Antenna (26 – 40 GHz)”
Vector Network Analyzer (Frequency range:1 MHz to 20 GHz with Coaxial cable
Desktop Computer for VNA : OptiPlex 5090 11th Gen Intel Core i5@ 2.7 GHz , 8 GB RAM and x64 – based processor
Standard Gain Horn (X band)
Pick up Horn (X band)
Slotted wave guide antenna (X band): Narrow wall
Slotted wave guide antenna (X band): Broad wall
Dielectric Antenna (X band)
H – Sectorial Horn (X band)
Parabolic Disc 8″ dia (X band)
Microstrip Antenna (X band)
Helical Antenna (X band)
Pyramidal Horn (X band)
E – Sectorial Horn (X band)
Gunn Power Supply
Gunn Oscillator
Solid State Klystron Power Supply
Klystron Mount with Klystron Tube
Solid Dielectric Cell
Liquid Dielectric Cell
Phase Shifter
Fixed Attenuator
Magic Tee
Precision Short
Frequency Meter
Variable Attenuator
Slotted Sections
Tunable Probe
Detector Mount
Movable Short
Matched Termination
VSWR Meter
S S Tuner
Directional Coupler
Wave Guide Adaptor
Wave Guide Piece
PIN Modulator
E & H – Plane Bend
90 Degree Twist
E & H – Plane Tee
30 MHz Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
50 MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope
60 MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope
100 MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope
3 MHz & 10 MHz Function Generator
RF Generator – Detector 3 GHz
PSM3120 USB power Meter True Average10 MHz – 8 GHz : N – Type Male
RF Signal Generator with USB Interface Frequency range: 34.5 MHz to 4400 MHz Output Power: -30 dBm to 0 dBm
Faculty in-charge : Dr. S Natarajamani Technical Staf : Ms. R. Sudha
VLSI Design – UG Laboratory
The VLSI Design lab is equipped with the most up-to-date industry standard VLSI EDA software tools and hardware resources. The lab facility includes state of art facilities carrying out advanced research in various areas of VLSI.
Lab Facilities
Keysight MSOX3014A 100 MHz 4 Channel Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
Anvyl Spartan 6 FPGA Board
Analog Discovery Kit
Virtex-6 FPGA ML605 Evaluvation Kit
Zybo Zynq-7000 Development Board
FMC – CE I/O Card
FPAA Quad Development Kit (AN231K04 – QUAD4)
Digital Multimeter with U1177A IR-to-Bluetooth
Digital Discovery Portable Logic Analyzer and Digital Pattern Generator with High speed Adapter
Zed Board Zynq – 7000
Zybo Z7-10, Zynq-7000 ARM/FPGA SoC Development Board
Digital Multimeter – 3½ Digit
Arty S7 (Spartan – 7) FPGA
Basys 3 Entry Level FPGA
Arty Z7-20 All Programmable System-on-Chip (APSoC)
LabView with Signal Express
Matlab Full Suite – Academic License
Personal Computers
Faculty In-charge : Dr. Navya Mohan
Technical staff : Mr. P Raja
Embedded Computing Laboratory
This lab is utilized by Undergraduate and Post Graduate students for getting familiarized with Microprocessor and Microcontroller Development Kits. This lab also facilitates students to simulate and implement their projects in the field of Embedded Systems.
Lab Facilities
8085 Microprocessor Trainer Kit
PIC Programmer
PIC Development Board
Regulated Power Supply (0-30 V / 2 A)
30 MHz Dual Channel Analog Oscilloscope
ARM 7 LPC 2148 (Microcontroller) Development Board
Raspberry Pi 4 with 8 GB RAM – Complete Kit
Raspberry Pi Sense Hat
dc Stepper motor HAT for Raspberry Pi
STM 32F446 RE Nucleo – 64
MSP432 P401R MCU LaunchPad Eval Module
EK-TM4C123GXL – ARM TIVA Launch Pad
Proteus VSM Simulator Software
Personal Computers
Faculty In-Charge :Dr. J Rolant Gini
Technical Staff : Ms. Kanchana P
Intelligent Electronics System Laboratory
This laboratory mainly focuses on providing hands-on experience to undergraduate students on development of intelligent systems using various sensors and actuators which are interconnected using Internet of Things backbone. This lab consists of hardware modules and boards required for the development of final year, open lab and other non-academic projects
Lab Facilities
Displacement Measurement Trainer Using LVDT
Load Cell Trainer Module
30 MHz Dual Channel Analog Oscilloscope
Multi Variable Trainer
“Micro Controller Based PWM Controller &
Power Module with Graphic Display”
ac Servo Motor with Mechanical Set up
dc Servo Motor with Mechanical Set up
Creality Ender 5 Plus 3D Printer
Raspberry Pi4 – 8 GB RAM Complete Kit
NVIDIA Jetson Nano 4 GB Development Kit
LoRa Shield for Arduino
Multi Channel LoRa Indoor Gateway
Leap Motion Controller with SDK
FLIR Thermal Imaging Camera for Smart Phones
HTC SMPS 3005 Power Supply 0-30 V 0-5 A
Aoyue 866 SMD Digital Hot Rework Station
Raspberry Pi HI Quality Camera with Interchangable Lens
6mm Wide Angle Lens for Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera
Arduino Boards
Xbee Modules
ESP Boards
Sensor Modules
WDM IoT Module
Amazon Echo Dot 4th Gen
Google Home Mini
Tello Mini Drone
Quad Coptor Kit with APM 2.8
Personal Computers
Faculty In-Charge : Mr. Peeyush K P
Technical Staff : Ms. Anitha K
UG Labs
PG Labs
Bio-Medical Instrumentation Laboratory
Biomedical Instrumentation lab provides a platform for students and research scholars to explore on the various equipment and software tools for the design and analysis of analog circuits.
Lab Facilities
50 MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope with built-in 20 MHz Function Generator & Digital Voltmeter
70 MHz / 100 MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope
250 KHz Analog Bandwidth & PC Based Digital Storage Oscilloscope
30 MHz Dual Channel Analog Oscilloscope
10 MHz Synthesised Function Generator
3 MHz Function Generator
Regulated Variable Dual Power Supply (0-30 V / 2 A)