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The Department actively promotes research and provides the faculty and students with opportunities to delve into high-quality research projects, and sponsorship projects, leading to research publications, articles and book chapters.



  • Remya Ajai and Dr. Gayathri Narayan both successfully received their PhDs from the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
  • Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, in collaboration with the University of Milan, Italy, jointly organized the workshop “Multiscale Brain Function and Neuro-Inspired Devices” at Via Celoria 2, Milan. The workshop bridged themes of neuroscience, data science, and artificial intelligence. It was organized by Prof. Giovanni Naldi and Dr. Thierry Nieus from the University of Milan, along with Prof. Shyam Diwakar, Professor in the ECE department and Director of the Amrita Mind Brain Center, Amritapuri campus. The event was part of the project “Multiscale Brain Function India-Italy Network of Excellence”, funded by the Department of Science and Technology, India, and the Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, Italy.
  • Shyam Diwakar delivered a talk at the SPARC workshop organized by IIT Hyderabad on the topic “Multiscale Modelling of the Cerebellum and its Circuits” on December 17, 2024.
  • Rajesh Kannan Megalingam, Director of HuT Labs and Professor in the ECE Department, delivered two engaging seminars at Amrita School of Engineering, Nagercoil campus on November 21, 2024.
  • Rajesh Kannan Megalingam delivered the keynote address at Continental’s prestigious TCI Engineering Week held in Bengaluru.
  • The Amrita Research & Innovation Symposium for Excellence (ARISE ‘24), is scheduled to take place at Amritapuri Campus, from 7th to 10th January 2024.


  • Inauguration of the new research center – Sustainable Mobility and Automotive Research Technology (SMART) Center on Jun 29, 2023, at Amritapuri Campus. Shri. Antony Raju, Minister of Transport, Kerala has inaugurated the center and Dr. Alkesh Kumar Sharma, Secretary, MeitY, GoI, was the Chief Guest.


  • Dr. Shyam Diwakar, ECE faculty and Director of Amrita Brain Center was the invited speaker for the workshop “Artificial Intelligence in Medical Diagnostics” organized by JIPMER, Puducherry in association with ICMR and MHFW, Govt. of India on 25th and 26th November 2022 in Tamil Nadu.
  • Dr. Shyam Diwakar was the invited speaker for School of Brain Cells & Circuits “Camillo Golgi” Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Italy during 29th November 2022 – 3rd December 2022.


  • Under the mentorship of Dr. Rajesh Kannan of ECE, the students and research scholars of ECE in collaboration with Megara Robotics, Chennai, ( successfully built the first product, Prabha – IoT Based UV Sanitizer Robot and delivered two of them to Amrita School of Ayurveda, Amritapuri campus on Mar 22, 2021.
  • IEEE HAC & SIGHT has approved the student COVID project “Autonomous wheelchair with negative pressure isolation hood (21-COV1-071)” with a funding of USD 4919 in June 2021.
    This project is in collaboration with Dr. Sandeep Veeraraghavan and Dr. Ravi Sankaran from AIMS, Kochi .
  • Udbodh 2021-IEEE Student Branch together with Megara Robotics, Chennai have successfully completed 25 webinars during this pandemic by Our ECE alumni. Udbodh 2021, a one day event was celebrated to mark the 25 successful webinars by ECE alumni.


Award of Excellence- Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

  • For the outstanding contributions that are made by our faculty in research and academics, they have been conferred with various recognitions as listed below:
  • Dr. Bhibhu Datta (2015): For having received funding of Rs. 153.7 Lakhs towards research.
  • Dr. Sundar Gopal(2014) and Br. Karthi(2013) received for Journal Publications
  • Dr. Rajesh Kannan : 2013 – ‘IEEE Outstanding Branch Counselor and Advisor Award’ from IEEE, NJ, USA
    : 2011 – For having received various funded projects.
  • Br. Karthi (2011): Towards coaching students appearing for GATE.

Reviewer/Editor for Reputed Journals and Conferences

  • Dr. Shaikshavali C is a reviewer for many journals and conferences such as:
    • Reviewer for Journals
      • Signal processing,
      • International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Reviewer for Conferences
    • European Control Conference
    • IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
    • American Control Conference
    • World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  • Dr. Bibhudatta Sahoo is the reviewer for some of the International Journals and conferences such as :
    • Reviewer for Journals:
      • IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – I (TCAS I),
      • IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – II (TCAS II)
    • Reviewer for Conferences:
      • 27th International Conference on VLSI Design,IIT Mumbai, 2014,
      • 18th National Conference on Communications (NCC), 2012, IIT Kharagpur.
    • Editor
      • IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – I (TCAS II)
  • Dr. Purushothaman A is also a reviewer for journals such as:
    • Reviewer for Journals:
      • IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems.,
      • IEEE Transactions on VLSI
      • Circuits, systems and Signal processing, Springer.

Other Category

  • Best paper award: Dr. Rajesh Kannan won the Best Paper Award in the International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Soft Computing (CISC-2017) at VBIT, Hyderabad from 20th to 21st December 2017. The paper was co-authored by S5 ECE bachelor students- Souraj Vishnu, Vishnu Sasikumar and Sreekumar S.
  • Under the leadership of Dr. Rajesh Kannan, IEEE Student Branch of our campus has won the international “The Darrel Chong Student Activity Award” for the year 2017 under GOLD category.
  • Best Student Chapter Award : Dr. Rajesh Kannan received the Best student chapter award in the world for IEEE IES Student Chapter of Amritapuri Campus in Yokohama city, Japan, at IEEE IECON Nov 11, 2015.
  • In 2015, two of our faculty members, Mr. Athul Shaji and Ms. Gayathri N have received Vishwesaraya Scholarship for research offered by Department of Electronics and Information Technology and Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.
  • Dr. Shaikshavali C is a member of a couple of Local organizing committee such as IEEE International Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems, 2013, Nice, France. IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, 2014, Antibes, France.
  • Dr. Nithin Nagraj received the prestigious award – “Rapid Grant for Young Investigators” (RGYI), from Dept. of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Tech., Govt. of India during 2010-2013.
  • Dr. Nithin Nagraj, has the prestigious position of Adjunct faculty (Honorary), School of Natural Sciences and Engineering, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Indian Institute of Science Campus, Bangalore (July 2012 – current).
  • Dr. Nithin Nagraj is also the reviewer for numerous International Journals and Transactions such as:
    • IEEE Transactions (Image Processing; Information Forensics & Security)
    • European Physics Journal
    • International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
    • Journal of Theoretical Biology, of Information Sciences (Elsevier)
    • CSIT (Computer Science and Information Technology)(Springer)
    • CHAOS (American Institute of Physics)
    • CNSNS (Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation) (Elsevier),
    • International Journal of Imaging
    • EURASIP Journal of Information Security
    • ActaApplicandae, Mathematicae (Springer)
    • Computers and Mathematics with Applications (Elsevier)
    • Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Hindawi)
    • Journal of Franklin Institute (Elsevier) and
    • Journal of Information Sciences (Elsevier)
  • Mr. Rajesh Kannan was appointed as the reviewer of the conference GHTC (Global Humanitarian Technology Conference)-2012. He was been also awarded the “Outstanding Branch Counselor” given by IEEE Kerala Section in 2012.
  • Dr. Sundar Gopal, Dr. Nithin Nagraj, and Bri. Remya, were awarded the “Certificate of Recognition” by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham for publishing in International Journals during the academic year 2011 (July 2011 – May 2012) .
  • IEEE Kerala Section has bestowed a “Special Recognition Award” on Mr. Rajesh Kannan in 2011. Dr. Sundar Gopal, Dr. Nithin Nagraj, Mr. Karthi B. and Mr. Ramesh Bhakthavatchalu received “Certificate of Recognition for contribution to research” in Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham in 2011.
  • Mr. Rajesh Kannan Megalingam received the “Outstanding Contribution to Technical Projects Award” given by IEEE Kerala Section in 2009.

Coordinator/ Invited Speaker

  • Dr. Purushothaman A was the co-ordinator for the workshop on “ CMOS Mixed Circuit RF VLSI Design” at IIT, Kharagpur during 19-25 September.
  • Dr. Purushothaman A was also an invited speaker for the FDP on “VLSI Design Fundamentals and Advanced” at College of Engineering, Perumon during July 20-25.
  • Dr. Ramesh B was an invited speaker for the FDP on “VLSI Design Fundamentals and Advanced” at College of Engineering, Perumon during July 20-25. He delivered a talk on “ VLSI Tesing”.

Funded Projects

  • “Bandpass Delta-Sigma – ADC for Multi-standard Wireless Application”, funded by Analog Devices India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, India with project grand of Rs. 8 Lakhs, PI : Dr. Bibu Dutta Sahoo .
  • “Development of a high resolution Hybrid Superconductor and Semiconductor ADC”, funded by HypresInc, New York, USA, with an assistance of Rs. 43 lakhs, PI : Dr. Bibu Dutta Sahoo .
  • “Mathematical modeling of population dynamics of Drosophila Melanogaster”, funded by Department of Bio-technology, Govt. of India. The project is being carried out by Dr. Nithin Nagraj (in collaboration with IISER Pune) with a funding amount of Rs. 6.38 Lakhs, PI : Dr. Nithin Nagraj.
  • IEEE Standards Education Committee, NJ, USA funded prjects, PI : Mr. Rajesh Kannan
    • Comparative Study and Implementation of JPEG & JPEG2000 Standards for Satellite Meteorological Imaging Controller in HDL.
    • Wireless Gadget for Home-bound Patients (using IEEE standard1073 for Medical Device Communications).
    • Intelligent Home Navigation System (IHNS) for the elderly and the physically challenged (with a grant US $7520).
    • Assistive Technology for Pregnant Women Health Care: Rural, Mobile Ultrasound Scan System ($800).
  • Along with this Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has funded a project named “Robo Coconut Tree Climber”.


  • Rajesh Kannan Megalingam, Head of HuT Labs and Associate Professor in the Department of ECE at Amritapuri Campus, along with Dr. Ravi Sankaran, Professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the School of Medicine, Kochi Campus, were granted an Indian patent titled “Hand Orthosis Control using Electrooculography.”
  • Anuraj K filed a patent on “Integrating Graph Signal Processing and Deep Learning for Parkinson’s Disease Detection,” with her guide, Dr. Vivek Menon from the CSE department.
  • “Graph extraction labelling and visualization”, US PAT# 7, 719, 533, issued on May 18, 2010, Lead-inventor: Dr. Nithin Nagraj.
  • “Method and apparatus for segmenting structure in CT Angiography” , US PAT# 7, 676, 257, issued on March 9, 2010, Co-Inventor: Dr. Nithin Nagraj.


  • Abhijith C. B., from the 2025 graduating batch, completed the MITACS Globalink Research Internship. He worked under Dr. Areezo Emadi in the E-Minds Laboratory, Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, at the University of Windsor, from July 26 to October 29.
  • Our ECE graduate, Yadhu Krishnan, from the 2024 graduating batch, has enrolled in the MS program at Liverpool University, UK.
  • Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, hosted the International Design Contest ROBOCON 2024 from August 5 to 17, featuring participants from eight countries, including India, Japan, China, the USA, Thailand, Egypt, Singapore, and South Korea. Our third-year B.Tech ECE students excelled in the competition, with Teena and C Sai Anish’s team securing the First Prize, Sri Sahithi and Indiresh S winning the Best Design Award and emerging as Second Runner-Up, and M Y Ravi Teja’s team achieving the position of First Runner-Up. These accomplishments showcase the exceptional talent and innovation of our students on the global stage.
  • S. C. Abhinav, a third-year ECE student, won the First Prize in the IEEE R10 Code of Ethics competition held at the IEEE Education Leadership Summit 2024 at Vardhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad.
  • Ravi Ganesh Padullaparthy from S3 ECE, along with Aryan Soniya Duge, Satrudhan Kumar Chauhan, Budharaju Pavani Sivapriya, and Adwaitha V, formed a team under TRC-The Robotics Club and applied to GUJCOAST Robofest 4.0 at the end of Semester 2. The team successfully cleared the first stage (Ideation Stage) of the competition and received prize money of ₹50,000. Using these funds, they developed a working prototype of a Hexapod robot to participate in the second stage (Proof of Concept). On October 26, 2024, they represented our college and successfully cleared the second stage.
  • Jorden Ninan John from S3 EAC secured the Best Use of Data Award in the 2024 NASA International Space Apps Challenge.
  • Abel S. John from S3 EAC and his team secured First Place in the Xenon CTF event, conducted as part of Anokha 2024 hosted by Amrita Coimbatore.
  • Abhiram A, Vaishnav Raj M, Ananthakrishnan M, Devadathan P. R., and Abhijith S. from S5 EAC won First Prize in the Sustainable Development category at the Hack Arena National Level Hackathon for their project titled INTELLI WASTE: An AI-Powered Waste Disposal System with IoT-Connected Smart Bins.
  • Nikhil R., a second-year B.Tech ECE student, secured Eighth Position in the Essay Writing Competition on the topic “Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat” as part of the 78th Independence Day celebrations. He was also invited to attend the 78th Independence Day celebration at Red Fort, New Delhi.
  • On November 22, 2024, as part of an outreach session, students from St. Thomas English Medium School visited the HuT Labs and IoT Labs of the ECE department. Our ECE students conducted engaging demonstrations of their various projects, showcasing their innovations to the school children.
  • Under the captaincy of Poorna Shashank, a final-year B.Tech ECE student, the team secured the Gold Medal at the Inter-Amrita Chess Competition held on December 1-2, 2024.
  • Pavan Surya Ajai and Parthiv Naidu’s team, from the second year B.Tech ECE, won the 4th Phase Inter-Campus Volleyball Men Tournament 2024-25 held at the Amaravati Campus on December 10-11, 2024.
  • Vyshnav Vasudev K from S5 EAC secured First Prize in the 4×400 relay, Second Prize in the 1500m, and Third Prize in the 800m at the Inter-Amrita Cross Country Athletic Meet.
  • Parvathy R. from S5 EAC secured 1st Place in the Evaluation Contest and 2nd Place in the Table Topics Competition at the area-level competition held on October 20, 2024, at B Hub, Nalanchira. Her outstanding performance qualifies her to compete in the divisional and district-level competitions next.
  • Anand Mahadevan from the third year B.Tech ECE won Second Prize in the Triple Jump (Men’s) at the Inter-Amrita Athletics Meet held on December 24-25, 2024, at the Ettimadai campus.
  • Aiswarya Santhosh from the third year B.Tech ECE secured Second Place in the relay competition at the Inter-Amrita Athletics Meet held on December 24-25, 2024, at the Ettimadai campus.


  • Our final-year student M.V. Sai Adithya has been recognized in the ET Campus Stars Class of 2022-23, honoring India’s largest hunt for the brightest engineering minds in the country
  • Our final-year student, Akshita Singh, has secured a summer internship at Fractal.
  • A nine-member team of students from HuT Labs, represented India at the International Design Contest (IDC) Robocon 2023 held at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. Two students, Sai Dikshith of S5 ECE won the second prize and Mounesh of S5 ECE won the third and Best Design prizes.
  • Govind V. Gopal & Mebal Joseph got first prize for their project “Adulteration Detection Using Microfluidic Sensor” under food technology theme at Sristhi 2023. Certificate & cash prize.
  • Student team from HuT labs, ECE, won Second Prize in the International Robotics Competition Transformer League at the Global Robotics Games held on the 15th to 17th November 2023 at the Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore.
  • Participated in G20 conference
  • Devinanda S (AM.EN.U4ECE20115) has secured an All-India Rank: 6011 in GATE2023.
  • Best Paper Award Kiran S Pillai (AM.EN.U4ECE20029) and SNEHA.M.L (AM.EN.U4ECE20051),ARYA B ANAND (AM.EN.U4ECE20011), Aiswarya S (AM.EN.U4ECE20005) has received the Best paper award for their paper “Unlocking Hidden Water Resources: Mapping Groundwater Potential Zones using GIS and Remote Sensing in Kerala, India” in the conference Sustainable Technologies in Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICSTCE 2023)
  • SIEP eBike Challenge held in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, our students Vaishnavi Bhaskar (AM.EN.U4EAC20070), Srinija Gatram (AM.EN.U4EAC20068), and Sreesankar A S (AM.EN.U4EAC20079) were honored with the esteemed Future Award.
  • Nirmal E J(AM.EN.U4EAC20048) secured first position in Technical: Xperia (Robotics Competition) conducted by saintgits college, Kottayam as part of their tech fest.
  • NAGUBATHULA SATYA SAI (AM.EN.U4ECE21136), SAI GANESH K(AM.EN.U4ECE21150 ) , Abhijith CB (AM.EN.U4ECE21102)Participated in NASA Space Apps Challenge,2023. Got Global Impact Award in Local Level of Bangalore along with a prize money of 2,500, where we competed against 31 Teams. And also we were nominated for globals on International Level and we were among the 580 projects in the Global Nominations among 5,550 projects
  • Gyanchith Hari and Aneesh Nadh R(AM.EN.U4EAC20010) secured first position in IITB Trust Lab CTF- Team “w3libz,” led by Aneesh Nadh and Sanjay Vardhan Padala, won 1st prize in the IIT Bombay CTF, a national-level cybersecurity competition with India’s top 50 teams.
  • Aman Kumar Singh(AM.EN.U4ECE20008) Represented Amrita at G20 Conference as Cyber Volunteer; Intern at Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre, Ministry of Home Affairs
  • Pooja Dileep AM.EN.U4ECE21043- secured second place in Flutter 102 was a flutter development competition conducted by CRFID IEEE Kerala section.
  • A S Pranav Vishwas AM.EN.U4ECE20101, won second place in CodeCure-23 Collaborated with medical professionals and presented a technical solution to help people suffering from dysarthria conditions.
  • DEVANANDH A B(AM.EN.U4ECE22014) has won first place in Sanskrit Recitation, 3rd in Hindi Recitation during Amritakaloltsavam 2023.
  • Rohan.R.Nair(AM EN.U4ECE22039) has won fourth place in Western Solo during Amritakaloltsavam 2023.
  • Pooja DileepAM.EN.U4ECE21043 has won second prize monoact Amrita kalolstavam 2023.
  • Kailas Krishna KS(am.en.u4eac22030) has won the second position in swimming competition held at the Amrita Inter Campus tournament 2023.
  • S AKHIL(AM.EN.U4ECE20047), RAMAKRISHNA S R (AM.EN.U4ECE20045)won second position in the Badminton Tournament Conducted by Sree Narayana Institute Of Technology Adoor.
  • Yadukrishnan CP (AM.EN.U4ECE20055) and his team won first place in the Inter Amrita Football Tournament.
  • Krishnapriya of final year EAC and team won First Prize this time for the Dance Competition held at St Thomas College. The same team also won the third position in Dance performance conducted as part of Sidhantha 23 .
  • Our Campus Basketball Teams (Men and Women) competed in the Inter-Amrita 2023 Competitions, held at Amritapuri Campus on 3rd, 4th, and 5th November 2023. Parvathy S (EAC) and Sethu Vishnu (EAC) were among the team. Both teams placed Second in the competition.
  • Our students G Poorna Shashank and Avanthika Rajesh participated in the Inter-Amrita 2023 Competitions, and won the second position in Chess at IVth Phase of Inter-Amrita Competitions held at Chennai Campus on 1st and 2nd November 2023.


  • Avinash Hegde of 2022 B. Tech ECE pass out is currently pursuing Master’s in Computer Engineering (MS in CE) Track: VLSI at University of Cincinnati.
  • Abhijith CB, Manoj Parasuram Sadanala, Govind AR, Sai Ganesh K and  N Satya Sai of second year B.Tech ECE won the award “BEST LOCAL IMPACT AWARD” in NASA Space Apps Challenge Hackathon held in Jain University, Bengaluru during October 2nd and 3rd 2022. NASA Space Apps Challenge is a 2-day international global hackathon conducted worldwide and the Amrita team competed with 14 other teams from other universities.
  • Our final year B.Tech student, R S V Mukheshsecured third place in State Powerlifting Classic Bench Press Championship 2022 held in Alappuzha, Kerala on 10th and 11th December 2022
  • Nidhin Naushad of final year B. Tech EAC along with other branch students in Amrita (team biOs hardware) University participated and secured 2nd position in the Nullcon Hardware CTF challenge held in Payatu, Goa on 9th and 10th September 2022 as part of Nullcon International Security Conference, GOA.
  • Vikranth Datta C of final year B.Tech ECE secured first place in “Code for good hackathon”by JP Morgan Chase and Co. Students from all over India took part in the event. Each team worked on one of the problem statements given by various foundations. Vikranth’s team of eight members from various universities in India won the competition. The event was conducted online on 11th and 12th June 2022


  • Santosh T of final year B. Tech got admission into Masters in Robotics (Aerospace Engineering) Georgia Tech, USA, one of the top most universities in the USA. The Aerospace Engineering department of Georgia Tech is ranked #2 in the world.
  •  A group of B. Tech students successfully deployed “Forest Fire Early Detection System” in Chembra peak Wayanad with the permission of Divisional forest Officer, on 12th March 2021. A group of nine final year B.Tech students of ECE have developed a ‘forest fire early detection system’, using UAV and advanced computation technology, to detect fires at an early stage and alert officials quickly by relaying the GPS location. The system, funded by Kerala government’s forest & wildlife department, is successfully tested in Chambra Peak in Wayanad. Its prototype, costing around Rs 25,000, is currently being used in Wayanad district.
  • Our ECE students won three prizes in the International Design Contest (IDC 2021) Robocon held online at Tokyo Tech University, Tokyo, Japan.
  • The competition was held for two weeks online due to a pandemic, from Jul 26 to Aug 7, 2021. Eleven students from ECE, got into the finals of IDC2021. There were 13 teams in the finals. Students from HuT Labs have won first prizes consecutively in the year 2018 (TokyoTech, Japan) and 2019 (MIT, USA) in IDC2018 and IDC2019. The competition is based on invitation only and is extended only to one top university of 15 countries including Japan, Singapore, China, South Korea, France, Brazil, Mexico, India etc. This year students from 8 countries took part in the competition.Sankars Das(Final year ECE) – First Prize
    Sai Smaran (third year ECE) – Second Prize
    Gaurav Rudravaram(third year ECE) – Best Design Award.
  • Y K Karthik of final year B. Tech ECE obtained AIR of 230 in GATE
  • Govind Goel of second year EAC got Best Hardware hack prize in three global Hackathons SFHacks 7 March 2021, FinHacks 18 April 2021, Hack-accessible 25 April 2021. Govind was selected as the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador till 2023
  • Nidhin Naushad of second year EAC, work was selected as one among the best submissions in the competition, as a part of six day workshop -Techsortium 2021, conducted by IEEE Link and IEEE Kerala Section from June 6th to 11th. The challenges were based on embedded system development and problems solving skills.
  •  Nidhin, Ashok team (students from CSE ) got second position in the National RFID challenge and won a cash prize of 10,000 INR. They also got a chance to present their work at the 11th International IEEE RFID Conference held in Delhi Oct 2021.
  • Anand Sparticipated in the First FIDE World University Online Chess Championship held from 14th to 18th of March, 2021 conducted by the University of Texas representing Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. There were two different tournaments at different dates, blitz and rapid, both of which received rankings 47 and 48 respectively out of 200 universities and the 4th in both events from India.
  • Smitha Sony of final year B. Tech ECE is selected as the Campus Ambassador for Cisco from March 2021 to June 2022.
  • Proposal titled “Sensor embedded bed for body signal monitoring” submitted by students, Adithya Pradeep, Ardra S, Anupama UnniKrishnan and Athira S of S7 ECE B (2018 Batch) under guidance of Dr Sreenidhi P R and Mrs Baby Sreeja S D of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, ASE Amritapuri has been recommended for financial assistance in engineering stream for year 2021 by The Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE).
  •  Best Paper Award:A group of four B.Tech final year students: Varsh, Santhoshini, Kavya and Swathy project based paper “Simultaneous Sparse Representation with partially varying support” got Best paper award in ICDCOT 2021 conference, Bengaluru.
  • Smitha Sony and Thupalli Nanda Vardhan of final year B. Tech ECE were selected for Virtual Internships at University of California, Santa Cruz – USA.
  • Austria Microsystems (A VLSI company in Hyderabad) has been coming to ECE dept for the past several years as external reviewers for M.Tech final Year project. They awarded Rs 10,000 along with an “AMS Best Project Award” each for best two to three M. Tech projects.This year the Award was given to Gayathri A G and Annu Thomas.
  • In the current M. Tech batch, 65 percentage of students got one year internship at various core companies such as AMD, Microchip, BOSCH, INTEL, NOKIA and INFINEON

Best Paper Awards

  • Research Paper tiltled “Heal-Well: Health and Wellness Monitoring gadget for Home Bound Elders” won the second prize at student paper contest held as a part of Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) 2013, San Jose, USA. Goutham P, Vivek J, Mourya G and Ajithesh Gupta, all are 2014 B.Tech ECE graduated students
  • Ajithesh Gupta, Uday Dutt and Hithin Sushruth of 2014 pass out batch won third prize for the project “Robotic Arm” in 2013 GHTC student poster contest held at San Jose, USA, on October 20-23, 2013.
  • These students have also won the Second Runner up prize of USD 150 in the IEEE R10 UG Student Paper Contest 2013, titled “Prosthetic Arm Control for Quadriplegics and Arm Amputees”. The award was given at the IEEE Region10 (R10) Student Congress held at Hyderabad

AMS Best M. Tech Project Award

AMS Best M. Tech Project Award 2016

  • Austria Microsystems (A VLSI company in Hyderabad) awarded Rs 10,000 along with a “Best Project Award” each for three final year students of M.Tech VLSI 2016 pass out batch: Anjali Gopinath for the project titled “Design of Low Noise Wide Swing Highly Linear Instrumentation Amplifier”, Ashwini Babu C P for the project titled, “JASPER Connectivity Verification for Memories and IO Pads” and Neema C Babu for the project titled,” Enhancement of Planar Passives using Open Loop Resonator”.
  • As part of their internship our 2016 passout M.Tech and PhD students taped out a Multi bit sigma delta modulator using AMS 350 nm technology in AMS, Hyderabad.
  • Austria Microsystems (A VLSI company in Hyderabad) awarded Rs 10,000 along with a “Best Project Award” each for two final year students of M.Tech VLSI: Saranya Kannan for the project titled “Design of secure logic BIST blocks for SOC testing”, and Prasanth Krishna for the project titled “ Design of OpAmps in FinFETs”. The name of the award is “Dr Martin Schrems Award”
  • The company also awarded a one year internship for three first year M.Tech VLSI students: Harini K, K V Manoj, Anjali Gopinath. The students are currently in AMS completing their internship and M.Tech final year project and they were offered job in the same company.

Richard E Marvin Scholarship

  • Over the past years several of our students have been honoured with the prestigious Richard E. Marvin scholarship from the IEEE Computer Society in recognition of exemplary involvement in student chapter activities and academic excellence.
  • Tom Charly, Goutham P and Athul Balan of 2014 B.Tech pass out batch have won the coveted Richard E. Merwin Scholarship Award from IEEE Computer Society, Washington D.C., USA. They received an amount of USD 1150 each. Tom Charly was also chosen as Student Ambassador of IEEE CS
  • Ramesh N Nair of 2012 B.Tech ECE graduated batch received Richard E Marvin scholarship of USD 1500 from the IEEE Computer Society. Also, he was chosen as Student Ambassador of IEEE CS to Region 2 MGAB (Region 2 includes 8 states of Eastern USA).

Mars Rover Challenge

  • A team The Rover Phoenix, comprising of students from both mechanical and ECE won the 4th position out of 40 teams short listed for the United Kingdom’s University Rover Challenge( UKURC), as a part of European city of science 2016 held in Cathedral Gardens, Manchester, United Kingdom on July 23-24, 2016. Also this is the only team selected from India.
  • A team comprising of students from both mechanical an ECE of B.Tech ECE students were selected for participation in the 9th International University Rover Challenge 2015 held at the Mars Desert Research Center, Hanksville, Utah, USA during May 26-30, 2015. They also received a funding amount of Rs 6.2 Lakh by Protocase USA (a MNC) for the project Mars Rover Project.
  • The University Rover Challenge (URC) is the world’s premier robotics competition for college students held annually in the desert of southern Utah in the United States. The challenge is to design and build the next generation of Mars Rover that will one day work alongside human explorers in the field. The selection procedure was based on a Critical Design Review (CDR) which involves a video presentation of the built design and hardware realization of Mars Rover.
  • Twenty three teams from various countries were selected for the final round presentation and out of which five teams were from India. The students for this project were guided by Arjun B, a 2014 B. Tech ECE passout, who was that time working as a Research Assistant in Mechatronics and Intelligent System Research Lab(MISRL), Amritapuri Campus. ECE students who were eligible for the final round are: Arjun B Krishnan, Unnikrishnan V J, Deepu Prasad Mathew, Chinmaya Krishna Tilak, Ragesh Ramachandran , Amal Suresh, and Aswath Suresh.

Technical Competitions

  • IEEE Richard E Merwin Scholarship: Vamsy Vivek of final year B. Tech ECE has won the IEEE Richard E Merwin Scholarship from IEEE NJ, USA in 2017. The scholarship consists of USD 1000 and 2 year free IEEE Membership and IEEE CS Membership. In 2016, Final year B. Tech student Gokul M received Richard E Marvin scholarship from the IEEE Computer Society as an appreciation for their activities in IEEE for the past three years.
  • Two of our B. Tech ECE 2017 Pass out students, Virajith V and Vishnu Vardhan got funded admission for MS in Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy.

National Level

  • Purnima G of current M.Tech VLSI 2017 pass out batch, has won the best ANSYS Electronics/Electrical/ Instumentation Project award for the project titled “Design of Planar Crossover for maintaining High SNR ”conducted at Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam on 13-14 February 2017.
  • Shabina Mol of current M.Tech VLSI 2017 passout batch, has won the best poster award for “Investigation on electromagnetically coupled hairpin resonators” in the National Symposium on Telecommunication System 2017 sponsored by TEQIP II during February 20-22, 2017 at College of Engineering, Perumon, Kollam.

One Moment of Robot Glory (OMRG) Asia 2016, Robotics Contest, Singapore.

  • ECE students from Amritapuri campus won the largest numbers of prizes in Open Category (four prizes) and one prize in ‘Under 18’ category at the OMRG 2016 Robotics Contest held in Singapore on Feb 21,2016. There were a total of twenty one teams selected for the final round from different countries.
  • The robotic coconut tree climber named ‘Amaran’ won the Best Mechanical Design Award – “Amaran”. All students involved in this were third year B. Tech ECE students from Amritapuri campus: Sarath Kumar , G Sriharsha, Vignesh S, SuryaTeja, Vishnu R, S Venkatraj and Sai Kumar.
  • “ClePa”, a staircase cleaning robot was adjudged the  Best Marketable Design Award .  All students involved in this were first year B. Tech ECE students from Amritapuri campus: Abhijeet prem, Aditya J, Aravind Hari, Bharath S and Arjun P.
  • An autonomous room cleaning robot named ‘Swachak’, won the second prize in the under-18 category. All students involved in this were first year B. Tech ECE students from Amritapuri campus: Aniketh Das, Pavanth Kumar, Aswin S, and P N V K Naveen.
    Other  prizes won in the open category include:
  • Second Prize – “Gesture based Navigational Platform” (Third year B. Tech ECE students from Amritapuri campus: Arsha V, Aparna P T A, Parvathy Gopal and G Akhil).
  •  Fifth Prize – “Hand Orthosis Robot for stroke patients”  (Third year B. Tech ECE students from Amritapuri campus: B Likhith, G Rajesh, Nirmal Elamon, Vinu S and N Vignesh)

Mentor Graphics University Design Contest

  • For the three consecutive years 2013,2012 and 2011 our B.Tech ECE students have won prize in Mentor Graphics University Design Contest from the renowned Mentor Graphics CAD tool company
  • First Prize: 2013 for the project “ Image Comparison and Matching using FPGA”. Students involved in this were: Goutham P, Vivek J, Moury G, Athul Balan and Athul A T, all are B.Tech ECE students graduated in 2014. They received a cash prize of Rs. 1,50000
  • Second Prize: 2011 for the project “Satellite Image Transceiver for Natural Disaster Alert” Rizwin Shooja, Ajay Mohan, Vineeth Mohan, Paul leons: 2012 B.Tech ECE graduated batch
  • Third Prize: 2012 for the project “FPGA based Security System” Ananthakrishnan P R and Deepak Dileep : 2013 B.Tech ECE graduated batch

Texas Instrument Innovation Challenge 2015 (Semi Finals)

  • A team of final year B. Tech ECE students (graduated in 2015), Nihil Sahoo, Chinmaya Krishnan Tilak, Jeevan NR and Aswath S were qualified for the semi final round of “Texas Instrument Innovation Challenge 2014” for the project “An Intelligent Brain Controlled Humanoid Robot”.

IEEE Student Enterprise Award

2012 – 2013 Recipients

  • Vivek J, Mourya G, Athul A T of 2014 B.Tech pass out batch received IEEE Student Enterprise Award 2013 under Region10, for the project titled “PULSS: Portable Ultrasound Scan System for Low Resource Settings”.
    2011 – 2012 Recipients
  • Goutham P, Vivek J, Mourya G, Athul AT of 2014 B.Tech pass out batch received this for the project titled “”HOPE: Wireless gadget for Home Bound Elders” with a cash prize of USD-1500
    2010–2011 Recipients
  • Vineeth R, Deepak Krishnan, Denny C Jacob, Akhil K S of 2012 B.Tech pass out batch received this for the Project titled “”HOPE: Wireless gadget for Home Bound Elders” with a cash prize of USD-1500.

Mars Habitat Design Contest

  • Tom Charly, Anandkumar Mahadev, Ashis Pavan and Sanjay S of 2014 B. Tech ECE pass out secured Third place in All Kerala ‘Mars Habitat Design contest’ conducted by ISRO,VSSC and ISSU held in connection with World Space Week 2011 at VSSC, Trivandrum- Kerala.

TIDE Awards

  • A group of 2014 B.Tech pass out students Athira S, Ushma Unnikrishnan, Sreeja K, Neha, Goutham P,Vivek J, Mourya G, Rocky Katoch, Pranav S V, Raghavendra M, Rithun Raj K and K Raviteja got 2013 Bright Idea Award (worth Rs. 3000) and 2013 Innovation Seed Grant (Rs. 25000) for the project titled PULSS: Prenatal Ultrasound Scan for Low resource Settings as part of Amrita TIDE Awards, TBI, Amritapuri
  •   Mr. Rajesh Kannan, Mr.Deepu K. B., Mr. Iype J. P., Mr. Parthasarathy R., Mr. Gautham P., “Power consumption analysis of direct, set associative and phased set associative cache organizations in alpha AXP 21064 processor”, 2010 Communications in Computer and Information Science, 70, 114 – 119 (Book Chapter).
  • Mr. Rajesh Kannan Megalingam, Mr. Mithun Muralidharan Nair, Mr. Rahul Srikumar, Mr. Venkat Krishnan Balasubramanian, Mr. Vineeth Sarma and Mr. Venugopala Sarma, “Novel Variance based Spatial Domain Watermarking and its Comparison with DIMA and DCT based Watermarking Counterpart”, Book: Matlab, ISBN 979-953-307-124-3, INTECH Open Access Publishers, University Campus, STePRi, Croatia, 2011 (Book Chapter).
  • Mr. Rajesh Kannan Megalingam, Mr. Manoj Prakhya, Mr. Ramesh Nammily Nair, and Mr. Mithun Mohan, “Intelligent Home Navigation System for the Elderly and Physically Challenged”, Book: Autonomous Robots: Control, Sensing and Perception, Editors: Edgar A. Martinez-Garcia and Luz Abril Torres-Mendez, Cuvillier-Verlag, Cuvillier Verlag Oct 2011, ISBN: 978-3-86955-866-0 Germany 2011 (Book Chapter).
  • Mr. Ramesh N Nair of 2012 batch of ECE graduates, has won the coveted Richard E. Merwin Scholarship Award from IEEE Computer Society, Washington D. C., USA, for his exemplary involvement in IEEE student chapter activities and his excellent academic achievement. Also, he was chosen as Student Ambassador of IEEE CS to Region 2 MGAB (Region 2 includes 8 states of Eastern USA).
  • The students won the coveted prize from Mentor Graphics University Design contest 2012 of US $1000, on Dec 14th, 2012 during the International Mentor Graphics user conference User2User India 2012, at Vivanta by Taj, Bangalore. In 2011 a team from Amritapuri Campus had won a prize in this contest.
  • Mr. Ramesh N. Nair, Mr. Sai Manoj P. and Mr. Mithun Mohan of 2008-2012 batch won Second prize in the regional IEEE R10 Paper Presentation Contest 2011 for their paper titled “Gesture Based Wheel Chair Control for the Physically Challenged.” They won US $200 as their prize.
  • Mr. Ajay, Mr. Paul Leons, Mr. Rizwin and Mr. Vineeth received Accenture Tech Vision Special Winner Award in Yahoo Accenture Innovation Jockeys contest in April 2012.
  • Mr. Mithun, Mr. Ramesh and Mr. Sai Manoj bagged First Prize under the Home Category in Yahoo Accenture Innovation Jockeys contest in April 2012.
  • Mr. Ramesh N Nair of our 2012 ECE passed out batch, Chaired the student poster presentation session at GHTC and he received sponsorship from GHTC to attend the same.
  • Amrita IEEE Student Branch has won the prestigious IEEE Student Enterprise Award for the project “HOPE: Wireless gadget for Home Bound Elders” for the year 2011 – 2012.
  • As a recognition to the extensive work rendering to IEEE, Mr. Ramesh Nair has been awarded the IEEE Kerala Section SAC Excellence Award in 2011.
  • The students received the “Best Demo Award” for the project “Intelligent Home Navigation System (IHNS) for the elderly and the physically challenged” in the International Conference on Wireless Technologies for Humanitarian Relief (ACWR2011).
  • Ms. Athira, Ms. Sreeja, Ms. Neha, Ms. Ushma of ECE won the 3rd prize in “International IBM/IEEE Smarter Planet Challenge Contest” in 2011.
  • Best New-Comer Award, Infosys, Preetha Sampath of 2011 ECE Graduate was awarded as the best fresher recruit in her work for Infosys (Client: Juniper Networks) in Pune.
  • Jayashree Muralidharan of 2011 ECE graduate received Award for outstanding performance in Infosys, also nominated for INSTA unit level award at Infosys.
  • IEEE student members won the first and second prizes at the “Humanitarian Technology Challenge Student Poster Competition,” conducted as part of International Conference on Humanitarian Technology Challenges of the 21st Century, held in Feb 2010.
  • Mr. Hareesh S., Mr. Navneeth K., Mr. Akash P. and Mr. Vivek Vijayan won the first prize that included a cash award of Rs. 5000/‐ and a certificate of appreciation. The student’s poster depicted a Robotic Coconut Tree Climber.
  • Mr. Ramesh N. Nair and Mr. Sai P. Manoj were awarded the second prize, a cash award of Rs. 3000/‐ and a certificate of appreciation, for their Wireless Vehicular Accident Detection and Reporting System.
  • Mr. Venkat Krishnan and Mr. Vineeth Sharma of 2006 – 2010 batch won the first prize in a contest to determine the Best Hardware Engineer, beating nearly 30 ‐ 40 other student teams that competed in a tech fest conducted by SCMS Engineering College, Kochi, in Feb 2010.
  • Mr. Nikhil Krishnan of 2006 – 2010 batch secured fourth rank at the All India level in the GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) exam for admission to M. Tech. programs.
  • Amrita’s Chakshuyaan, (vehicle‐with‐eyes), was adjudged the Best Project at “TechTop 2009, A National Contest for Engineering Students” conducted by Techno park, Trivandrum in 2009. Over 200 teams participated from all over India. Mr. Shibesh Dutta and Ms. Vandana Vikram won the first Prize in the contest. The team carried home a cash award of Rs. 1 lakh.
  • Mr. Shibesh Dutta and Ms. Vandana Vikram won 2nd prize in the program “Young Innovators” category in a National Innovation Fair, “India Innovation Initiative, (I3)” conduced by IIT Delhi in Oct 2009.
  • Ms. Sowmya Narayan, alumini, (2004 – 2008 batch) was awarded the Wipro Prodigy Award for excellence at work. Only two or three new hires are given this award of the thousands of the people Wipro recruits annually. The only requirement is that they should have made some extraordinary contribution, while working on a project. Soumya was part of the VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits) Team at Wipro that was working on a client project for NEC Global, one of the world’s leading providers of Internet, broadband network and enterprise business solutions.
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