Faculty Awarded Top Innovator at Intel SA and Innovator Summit – 2019 Dr. Shriram K. Vasudevan, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus, was awarded “Top Innovator” at Intel SA and Innovator Summit – 2019 held at Bengaluru, from June 13-15, 2019. He was a special invitee at the summit and was awarded ‘Top Innovator’ for the contributions to the tech community by Intel. He was the only Professor to be honored with the award.
“Best Paper Runner-up Award” at 17th International Symposium on Web & Wireless Geographical Information Systems, Kyoto, JapanThe students from the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus, along with Professor Dr. Vidhya Balasubramanian, won “Best Paper Runner-up Award” for their paper titled “A Dynamic Weighted Trilateration Algorithm for Indoor Localization using Dual-band WiFi” at the 17th International Symposium on Web & Wireless Geographical Information Systems, held at Kyoto, Japan, from May 16-17, 2019.Mathivannan S., Srinath S., Shashank R., Aravindh R. worked on developing a calibration free WiFi based indoor localization algorithm under the mentorship of Dr. Vidhya Balasubramanian in the Amrita Multidimensional Data Analytics Lab (AMuDa). This algorithm makes indoor localization more practical and robust to implement with minimum infrastructure cost and computational overhead.
Faculty Delivers Lecture at Computational Thinking in Schools Conference, PuneDr. V. Anantha Narayanan, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus, delivered a session on ‘Physical Computing’ at the First Conference on Computational Thinking in Schools- CTiS 2019, held on April 20, 2019, at Pune. More than 140 delegates, which included teachers, principals and organisations working in the field of education from 20 cities and 7 states of the country, attended the conference. The conference was organized by CSpathshala, an ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) India initiative to provide a platform for educators to share their experiences, student learnings/stories, outcomes and interesting new experiments. Prof. Venkatesh Raman, Program Chair, shared, “CTiS2019 makes a beginning with inviting participation from teachers implementing CSpathshala curriculum. CTiS 2019 received 55 abstracts and all abstracts showed, in general, a highly positive feedback on the curriculum. Of the 55 abstracts, 9 were selected for presentation based on some specific examples and experiences and the chairs invited two other presentations”. Out of 9 presentations, “T{h}inker – A Physical Computing Tool Kit “ was the only one from a Higher Education Institute (Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham) to support Computational Thinking in schools.
Faculty Delivers Tutorial on Game Theory at IEEE ICT 2019 Conference, Vietnam Dr. Ganesh Neelakanta Iyer, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, delivered a tutorial on “Game Theory and its Applications in Networks and Distributed Systems” as part of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT 2019) held at Hanoi, Vietnam, from April 8-10, 2019. The conference saw participation of delegates from more than 40 countries. Dr. Ganesh’s tutorial was well appreciated by the participants and several delegates interacted with him on possible applications of game theory in their area of research. In addition, Dr. Ganesh served as the session chair for one of the sessions on “Cooperative Communications” and also presented a research paper on the application of non-cooperative games for enforcing cooperation in ad-hoc wireless networks.
AMRITA CSE faculty appointed ACM Coimbatore chapter treasurer Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) India Council (IC) has appointed Prof. Prashant R.Nair, Vice-Chairman, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore as the founder Treasurer for ACM Coimbatore chapter. This announcement was made by Mr. Shekhar Sahasrabudhe, COO, ACM India during the launch of ACM Coimbatore chapter at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on 31 July, 2018. In conjunction with this chapter launch, as part of their CS Pathshala initiative, ACM along with the CSE department @ AMRITA organized an outreach workshop on ‘Bringing Computational Thinking to schools’ at the AMRITA Coimbatore campus on the same day. The workshop saw the participation of 75 school teachers from all over Tamil Nadu. ACM India Council is looking at AMRITA towards providing leadership in popularizing ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) and CS Pathshala initiative to bring modern computing curriculum to schools in the region. AMRITA has been organizing ACM ICPC since 2005. AMRITA is also one of the early adopters of Computational Thinking in the undergraduate engineering curriculum in India. About ACM ACM brings together computing educators, researchers, and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources, and address the field’s challenges. As the world’s largest computing society, ACM strengthens the profession’s collective voice through strong leadership, promotion of the highest standards, and recognition of technical excellence. ACM’s reach extends to every part of the globe, with more than half of its 100,000 members residing outside the U.S. Its growing membership has led to Councils in Europe, India, and China, fostering networking opportunities that strengthen ties within and across countries and technical communities. Their actions enhance ACM’s ability to raise awareness of computing’s important technical, educational, and social issues around the world. ACM has 37 Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in computing’s discrete disciplines and technical communities. As a leading global source for scientific information, ACM promotes computer research and innovation through its journals, magazines, and the proceedings of more than 170 annual conferences and symposia. ACM also provides access to the ACM Digital Library (DL), a comprehensive and expanding database of literature and detailed bibliographic resources for computing professionals from a wide range of publishers. The DL currently includes more than 1 million articles authored by leading researchers in computing.
AMRITA awarded Infosys Partnership Awards
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham received Infosys Partnership awards at the Infosys Principal’s Meet held in their campus at Electronic City, Bangalore on 23 March, 2018. The awards were presented for being an ‘Advanced Partner Institute’ in Infosys Campus Connect Program and for ‘outstanding contribution in Industrial Electives roll out’ during the period from January 2017 to December 2017. Mr. Mohanan N.R., Advisor, Corporate & Industry Relations (CIR) and Prof. Prashant R. Nair, Vice-Chairman, Department of Computer Science & Engineering represented Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore at the event. Amrita also has the distinction of highest offered to tested ratio (30%) and highest contribution score (11.77%) in the Infosys engineering recruitment, during the recruitment period 2017 – 18 (till December ’17) among 85 institutes in the southern part of the country.
During the year 2017, 432 students (in 7 batches) of Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore enrolled for the Infosys supported industry electives viz., Big Data Analytics and IT Essentials offered by CSE department. Amrita faculty are actively participating in various Faculty Enablement Programs and Train the Trainer programs facilitated by CIR Department. Infosys Campus Connect Program is one of the Industry-academia interaction program, which has benefited 15,000 faculty and 4.5 lakhs students since 2004. Through CIR, Amrita has been participating in this program since its inception.
Dr. N. Radhika’s second Ph.D. student, Ms.Malarvizhi, graduated on 21st June 2017 in the area of cloud computing under Karpagam University.
Dr. V Anantha Narayanan participated two days workshop on “Internet of Things Using ESP8266” in the month of May at 7th National Level Techfest Anokha 2017.
Mr. Prashant R.Nair has been appointed as the national editor of Computer Society of India (CSI) Communications from May, 2017. Having been published for the last 40 years, CSI Communications is the oldest computer science journal cum magazine in India with a circulation of over 100,000.
Mr. Prashant R.Nair has been selected as a Mentor for iB Hubs, Pan India Start-Up Hub along with faculty from reputed institutions like IIT, IIM and IISc
Dr. G Jeyakumar chaired as an External Member for Board of Studies of UG programmes at Sri Krishna College of Arts and Science on 06.05.2017.
Dr. K V Shriram, Ms. Sini Raj Pulari & Dr. P Prakash presented one of the top 30 innovations in Amrita TBI Innovation Challenge in May 2017.
Dr. Latha Parameswaran was the author of the paper “Teaching Computational Thinking to Entry – level Undergraduate Engineering Students at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham” and recognized for her outstanding performance at IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2017) Athens, Greece from 25.04.2017 to 28.04.2017.
Dr. K V Shriram delivered a keynote in National conference on the topic “Augmented Reality /Virtual Reality as Enabling Technologies or building Smart Environments” at PSG college of Technology, Coimbatore on 21st April 2017 & at M.Kumarasamy college of Engineering and Technology, Karur on 27th April 2017 respectively.
Mr. B.A. Sabarish and Ms. S Vidhya presented a project on a topic Health Care Monitoring using Biometrics invited by Govt. of Karnataka on 11. 04. 2017 at Vidhana Soudha Conference Hall, 6th Floor, 5th Stage, Building # 5, M.S. Building, Dr. Ambedkar Veedhi road, Bangalore.
Dr. K V Shriram and Mr. Ritwik mentor the students (Team Name: Geeks squad, Idea Name: A Machine learning application for DDU-GKY Beneficiaries Problem Category: The Ministry of Rural Development) and awarded as “Deloitte Innovation Award” for the Smart India Hackathon April 2017 at Trivandrum.
Dr.G. Jeyakumar attended Principals’ Meet conducted by Infosys Limited, Bangalore on 24th March 2017.
Dr.N.Radhika gave a guest lecturer in National Conference Recent Advances in Research and Engineering, Jansons Institute of Technology, Karuthampatti, and Coimbatore on 23.03.2017.
Dr. Priyanka Kumar and Mr. Dayanand V attended Workshop regarding “Space Technology Applications in Governance and Development” conducted by National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad between 06.03.2017 – 10.03.2017.
Dr. K V Shriram and Mr. V. Anantha Narayanan attended Embedded system workshop on ARM architecture and LPC2148 programming proceed with the workshop preparation which was held at Amritapuri Campus on 25.02.2017.
Dr. N Radhika attended International conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (IEEE ICECCT 2017) which was held at SVS college of Engineering , Coimbatore on 23rd Feb 2017 and she also attended the first meeting of DAB members on 25th Feb 2017, at Kumuraguru campus. Coimbatore.
Dr. (Col) P N Kumar attended South Zone ISF Congress & Chairperson Meet which was held at Kongu Engineering College on 17.02.2017.
Dr. P. Prakash participated Trainer Programme which was held at Tech Mahindra Ltd on 14.02.2017 to 16.02.2017.
Dr. N. Radhika got best paper award in 4th International Conference on Computer Control and Communication Technologies (CCCT – 17), Malaysia and her first PhD student Ms.Ambika Devi Amma is graduating on 24th Jan 2017 in the area of cloud computing under Karpagam University.
Mr. Prashant R.Nair secured his 4th Computer Society of India (CSI) Academic excellence award at the CSI 2016 annual convention held at Coimbatore from 24 to 26 January, 2017. This academic excellence award was for prolific publishing in international conferences.
Dr. T Senthil Kumar got best paper award in Advanced Computing & Communication Systems – ICACCS 2017 at Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore on January 2017.
Mr. Prashant R.Nair has been appointed as the associate editor of Computer Society of India (CSI) Communications from January, 2017
On the lines of ACM Distinguished Speaker and IEEE Distinguished Lecturer programs, Computer Society of India (CSI) has unveiled its Distinguished Speaker program. CSI has recognized around 50 distinguished speakers from among its membership base of over 200,000 all over India and abroad. Dr. Shriram K Vasudevan, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore has been recognized as a CSI Distinguished speaker.
The “Deloitte Innovation Award” for the Smart India Hackathon 2017 under the Rural Development category was awarded to the team “Geeks Squad”, mentored by Dr. Shriram K V and Mr. Ritwik M for the problem “A Machine learning application for DDU-GKY Beneficiaries”. The team member details are as follows:
Rama Ganapathy(CSE14438)
Prasanth S (CSE14434)
Team mentored by Dr. Shriram K. V., Asst. Professor, participated in G E Digital Industrial IoT Hackathon’17 in the Title “Quality Tracking System For Perishables on the go!”. The hackathon conducted by GE Digital is to encourage and recognize cool ideas that can revolutionize the industrial internet of things. Themes revolved around IIoT, Smart City, Smart Machines, Healthcare. Time span was 60 Days and the finalists included IITs (Roorkee, Kharagpur), 900 plus registrations. The team member details are as follows:
Ikram Shah (ECE III Year)
Aswini Shilpa (CSE III Year)
Sriharsha P (CSE III YEAR)
The hackathon conducted by GE Digital is to encourage and recognize cool ideas that can revolutionize the industrial internet of things. Themes revolved around IIoT, Smart City, Smart Machines, Healthcare.Span: 60 Days. (Finalists included IITs (Roorkee, Kharagpur), 900 plus registrations) Title: Quality Tracking System For Perishables on the go! Team: Mr. Ikram Shah (ECE III Year), Ms. Aswini Shilpa (CSE III Year) and Mr. Sriharsha P (CSE III YEAR) (Mentor: Dr. Shriram K V, Asst. Prof, CSE)Idea: It is a fact that natural and perishable goods such as fruits and vegetables are cultivated in one location and are transported to other locations for consumption. It is also well known that a single such vehicle does not transport the vegetables and such goods from the source city to the destination city in one go; there are multiple intermediate transfers of the perishable goods between smaller vehicles to reach the interior regions of the country. During this transportation process, the order in which the products are stacked in the vehicle from the source is completely changed by the time the product reaches the destination (Last In First Out). Usually, the perishables placed first in the vehicle is the last to be removed as they are stacked one above the other. Due to this, by the time the vegetables or fruits placed at the bottom of the stack are delivered, they could become spoiled or unusable. Also, there are some vegetables that could withstand the weight of the stack and remain fresher for a considerably longer duration within the vehicle during transportation.Our innovative solution is aimed at identifying the basket of perishables that is most likely to get spoiled and to deliver them in the order of freshness. Therefore, this enables delivery of the perishable goods within the appropriate time without letting them get spoiled and thus wasted.We used IoT, Data Analytics, and Microcontrollers to achieve the task.
On the lines of ACM Distinguished Speaker and IEEE Distinguished Lecturer programs, Computer Society of India (CSI) has unveiled its Distinguished Speaker program. CSI has recognized around 50 distinguished speakers from among its membership base of over 200,000 all over India and abroad. The services of these speakers are made available to over 600 colleges and universities in India with CSI student branches. Speakers have been drawn from premier institutions in academia, research and industry such as IISc Bangalore, ISI Kolkata, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). Defence Institute Advanced Technology(DIAT), VIT Vellore, NIT Trichy, Thapar University and Nirma University. Mr. Prashant R.Nair, Vice-Chairman, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore has been recognized as a CSI Distinguished speaker and also National Student Co-ordinator(NSC) of Computer Society of India. The CSI NSC who is nominated to the national executive committee of CSI, has overall responsibility for professional activities and administration of the 600+ CSI student branches in leading universities and colleges all over India.
CSI Academic Excellence Award: Paper Presenter Award at International Conference (2016)
CSI Academic Excellence Award: Publishing in CSI Communications (2014)
CSI Academic Excellence Award: Publishing in CSI Communications (2014)
IEEE Education Society Global Chapter Achievement Award (2013)
IETE Fellowship (2017)
IETE – Honarary Treasurer for Coimbatore center
CSI – National Student Coordinator
CSI – National Editor
Mentor for iB Hubs, Pan India Start-Up Hub along with faculty from reputed institutions like IIT, IIM and IISc
Board of Studies member in CSE Department, Karpagam University and Sri Krishna College of Arts & Sciences, Coimbatore.
Coimbatore Local Centre and Tamilnadu State Centre membership of the Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkatta.
Chair-Publications, IEEE Madras Section
National Secretary, IEEE Education Society, India
National Joint Secretary, IEEE Computer Society, India
Member, Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA)
Dr. D. Venkatraman, Archanaa R, AK Sumesh, Dr. T Senthil Kumar, J.Govindarajan, C. Arun Kumar. “Interaction with Mr. Prasad, Asia Head of Seagate Technology will be visiting Amrita University on 01.11.2016
T. R. Swapna, Technology Panelist (Ophthalmology Panel); Talk on Retinal Image Analysis Research Synergy Day, AIMS, Kochi on 07.10.2016.
Dr. R. Gowtham” lecture delivered on for Information Awareness week at Indian Airforce Station, Sulur, Coimbatore on September 8th 2016.
Dr. K. V. Shriram lecture delivered on for Information Awareness week at Indian Airforce Station, Sulur, Coimbatore on September 8th 2016.
Ritwik M. Task committee will finalise the vision and ensure a speedy implementation of “Amrita Digital Campus” initiative. Amrita Digital Campus – Formation of Task Committee
Dr. K. V. Shriram, Task committee will finalise the vision and ensure a speedy implementation of “Amrita Digital Campus” initiative. Amrita Digital Campus – Formation of Task Committee
Dr. K. V. Shriram selected Distinguished speaker award in CSI
Dr. Shriram K. Vasudevan, Assistant Professor, was the mentor of the student team who won Cisco’s first-ever “Great Digital India Challenge – iDeate” – an event focused on Internet of Things (IoT) based ideation challenge for India.
Dr. Vidhya Balasubramanian, Associate Professor, has been honoured with ‘Best Mentor Award’ by Accenture on March 22, 2016.
Dr. K V Shriram received IEI (Institute of Engineers of India) Young Engineers Award 2015-2016 – Computer Science and Engineering. This award was conferred at Salem National Convention on Feb – 18, 2016.
Dr. K V Shriram has been Selected for Indian Academy of Sciences Summer Fellowship – 2016.
Dr Shriram K V along with his sibling entered into prestigious Limca Book of Records – with a National record in Writing for “Most technical books co-authored by siblings”. They are the only sibling in the world to have authored most number of books together.
Dr. N. Radhika Delivered a invited talk on “Wireless Sensor networks” at PSGR Krishnammal college for women on Jan 29th 2016. This was part of DRDO sponsored workshop.
Dr. P. BagavathiSivakumar served as Academic Council Nominee member for the Board of Studies in CSE Department at Kumaraguru College of Technology Coimbatore held on 11.03.2015.
Dr. Latha Parameswaran was a speaker in a panel discussion on Mastering Organisational Dynamics and Ms.Bindu K. R. was a committee member Track (Technology): Made in India in Grace Hopper Celebration India Conference held on DECEMBER 2-4, 2015 at Bangalore. On December 2, 2015venue was White Orchid Convention Centre, Bangalore and December 3 – 4, 2015 venue wasVivanta by Taj – Yeshwantpur, Bangalore. She has been in the Executive committee of Grace Hopper Celebration India for the past 5 years.
Dr K.V.Shriram – Winner of ICTACT’s Best Techno Faculty Award (Special Trend Setter) – 2015. (ICTACT is an organization created jointly by Govt of TamilNadu and Govt of India)
Dr. T Senthil Kumar delivered a session on “Pattern Recognition Techniques and Image Processing” for a two days Research workshop on “Potential Research Avenues and Future Opportunities in Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering” at Karpagam College of Engineering on 05.02.2015.
Dr. N. Radhika, Delivered guest lectures on “5G Technologies” at SNS Institutions, Coimbatore on 15/3/2015 and on “Localization and energy management of wireless sensor networks” at PSGR Krishnammal college for women on 22/7/2015.
Dr. N. Radhika was Program chair and Organizer of International conference on smart grid Technologies, held at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, held on 08th and 9th August 2015.
Dr. T Senthil Kumar delivered a keynote address on “Video Intrusion System using Multidimensional Data Analytics” in the 2ndInternational Conference on Emerging Trends in Technology and Applied Sciences at SAINTGITS College of Engineering, Kerala on 02.05.2015.
Dr. T Senthil Kumar delivered a keynote address in International Conference on Advances in Electronics and Computer World at TKM Institute of Technology, Kollam on 26.03.2015.
Dr.Shriram K V Delivered a lecture on “Cloud Computing” at Train the trainer program, Karpagam Polytechnic on 8/12/2015.
Dr.Shriram K V Delivered a lecture on “Book Authoring made easier” at M.Kumarasamy college of Engineering, Karur on 7/1/2015.
Dr.Shriram K V delivered a lecture on “Authoring Research Paper” at M. Kumaraswamy College of Engineering on 24.03.2015.
Dr. S. Padmavathi was a reviewer for the Second International Conferences on Artificial Intelligence & Applications (ARIA-2015) 2014: Dr.Latha Parameswaranhas been nominated to serve as a Advisory committee member for Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, Pollachi, Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering. Kochi.
Dr.Latha Parameswaran served as a Chief Guest for IEEE sponsored Seventh National Conference on Computing, Communication and Information Systems at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology on 13.02.2015
Dr.Latha Parameswaran reviewed papers for the following journals: International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (Inderscience), CSI Journal and Applied Computing and Informatics, World Applied Science Journal, WSEAS.
Dr.Latha Parameswaran reviewed papers for the Applied Electromagnetic International Conference 2014 (APPEIC’2014) which is Springer based conference,
Dr N.Radhika has reviewed papers for the International conference on smart grid technologies ( Elsevier publications ) in the year 2015.
Asst. Prof P Prakash Served as Board of Studies member of Department of IT. Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, Pollachi on 8/3/2015.
Asst. Prof P Prakash delivered a lecture on “Web Technology” at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 23/05/2015.
Asst. Prof M. Prathilothamai served as member, Board of Studies in CSE Department, Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology on 08.05.2015.
Asst. Prof Dhanya M Dhanalakshmi delivered a session on “Fuzzy Toolbox In Matlab” in the workshop NWCVIPT – CI Tools conducted at Amrita VIshwa Vidyapeetham, Workshop on 18.02.2015.
Asst Prof Prakash P and Dr.R.Gowtham won the Distinguished Facilitator of Inspire Faculty Excellence Awards 2015 conducted by Infosys/Campus Connect on September2015.
Asst Prof K P Jevitha was recognized as SILVER partner faculty under inspire Partners in Success 2015, The Campus Connect faculty Partnership Model conducted by Infosys/Campus Connect on September 2015.
Asso Prof Prashant R. Nair, Served as Board of Studies member in CSE Department, Karpagam University and Sri Krishna College of Arts & Sciences, Coimbatore, 12 March 2015.
Asso Prof Prashant R. Nair got Coimbatore Local Centre and Tamilnadu State Centre membership of the Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkatta. On 31.12.2015.
Dr. T Senthil Kumar Served as Board of Studies member in CSE Department, Dr. G.R. Damodaran College of Science, Coimbatore from 11.03.2015 to 12.03.2015.
Dr. Latha Parameswaran, served as Board of Studies member in CSE Department, for the following institutions: PSG college of Technology, Coimbatore, Avinashilingam University, Coimbatore, PSGR Krishnammal College for women. Coimbatore and Kumaruguru College of Technology Coimbatore,
Dr. N. Radhika Conducted computer Networking workshop with IITB from 30th June to 5th July 2014 at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham , Ettimadai, Coimbatore.
Dr Rajathilagam received ‘Senior Woman Educator and Scholar’ award from the organization ‘National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development (NFED)’, 2014, on the occasion of Women’s day.
Dr.T.Senthil Kumar was a Chair for session on “Intelligent Distributed Computing” in 2014 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics held at Galgotia College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida, India during 24-27 September, 2014.
Dr.Shriram K V was recommended for inclusion in IBCs Top 100 educators of 2014.
Dr.Shriram K V was a session chair for ICDRET’14 conference
Dr.Shriram K V received Best Academic Researcher, ASDF – Thailand, Dec 30th 2014.
Dr.Shriram K V has been selected as board member in International Association of Scientific Innovation and Research (IASIR) and chair for International conference on Embedded Systems to be held at Thailand from Nov 19-21, 2014.
Dr.Shriram K V – Amrita TBI Tide has announced a contest for innovative proposals towards potential funding. Shriram K V, MeenakshiSundaram and Santhosh C have submitted a proposal on Augmented Reality Headset. It has been selected for both the categories of Bright idea award and seed funding, 2014.
Dr. G.Jeyakumar Reviewed Papers International Conference on Embedded Systems 2014 (ICES 2014) Conducted by EEE department, Amrita School of Engineering, Ettimadai, International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Mining (ICCIDM-2014) Veer SurendraSai University of Technology, Burla and International Conference – ICONIAAC-2014, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amrita School of Engineering, Ettimadai.
Dr. G.Jeyakumar Reviewed Papers for International Journal of Machine Learning Cybernetics and International Journal of Soft Computing, 2014.
Dr.BagavathiSivakumarhas been endorsed with the outstanding educator scholar award by National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development on 5th Teacher’s Day awards and celebrations-2014 (05.09.2014).
Dr. (Col.). P.N. Kumar has been elected as Chairman of Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), Tamil Nadu section for the period 2014-2016.
Dr S. Padmavathi was a reviewer for the Frontiers in Psychological and Behavioural Science(FPBS) , The World Academic Publishing Co., Ltd April 2014
Dr S. Padmavathi reviewed papers for the international conferences: Second International Conference on Signal, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition(SIPP-2014), Third International Conference on Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Applications(SCAI-2014), Third International Conference on Information Technology Convergence and Services(ITCSE-2014), International Conference on Interdisciplinary Advances in Applied Computing(ICONIAAC-2014), The Fourth International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (ICCSEA-2014), Second International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering(CSE-2014), First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications(AIAP-2014) and International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (Signal 2014).
Dr S. Padmavathi delivered a session on “Hough Transform and its Application” on 22nd March 2014 at United Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
Asst. Prof. P. Prakash Delivered a lecture on “Cloud Computing” on 27.08.2014 for students of SreeSaraswathiThyagaraja College.
Asst. Prof. P. Prakash Delivered a lecture on ” Computational Theory” , at Sona College of Technology , Salem on 11.10.2014
Asst. Prof. Jevitha K.P delivered a lecture in one day National level workshop on “Hands on Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security” conducted at Hindustan college of Engineering and Technology on August 27th 2014.
Asst. Prof.J.Govindarajan delivered a lecture for Workshop on “NS2 Simulator” at Kathir College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 29.01.2014.
Asst. Prof Sini Raj Pulari acted as a Member of World Congress on Engineering (WCE)
Asst Prof.Bindu K. R. “Gracehopper Poster Committee Member for GHC 2014 held on November 19 and 20, 2014 at Bangalore.”
Asso. Prof .Prashant R. Nair, served as reviewer for following conferences: 13th International Conference on WWW/Internet 2014, Porto, Portugal, 25-27 October 2014 – The Ninth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, ICIW 2014, July 20 – 24, 2014 – Paris, France – 4th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision, June 15-18, 2015, Kitakyushu, Japan – 2015 International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mobile Computing (AIM 2015) held at Jeju, Korea, February 24-26, 2015 – 13th International conference on e-society 2015 held from 14 – 16 March 2015 at Madeira Portugal – The Tenth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, ICIW 2015, June 21 – 26, 2015 – Brussels, Belgium- 16th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN) 2014 held at BITS Pilani, Goa campus, India – IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference 2014 (R10 HTC) held from 6th – 9th August 2014, at Hilton Chennai Hotel, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India – The 8th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Information Security (DFIS 2014) held from December 17-19, 2014 at Guam, USA
Asso. Prof. Prashant R. Nair was Elected as Student Coordinator (South India) for Computer Society of India (CSI)
Asso. Prof. Prashant R. Nair was Elected as National Vice-Chair, IEEE Education Society
Asso. Prof. Prashant R. Nair was Elected as National Joint Secretary, IEEE Computer Society
Asso. Prof. Prashant R. Nair received Computer Society of India (CSI) Academic Excellence award for Maximum publishing in CSIC for the period 2013-14
Asso. Prof. Prashant R. Nair received Best Accredited CSI Student Branch Award (2013-14) for Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita VishwaVidyapeetham, Coimbatore
Asso. Prof. Prashant R. Nair was Elected as Treasurer, IETE Tamil Nadu section
Asso. Prof. Prashant R. Nair acted as Resource person for UGC Refresher Course on Computer Science at Bharathiar University
Dr. N. Radhika, was a Member of board of studies MCA in Kongu Engineering College Erode.
Dr. N. Radhika acted as Advisory Committee member of the national level conference on computation and communication at KalaignarKarunanidhi Institute of Technology held on 14th and 15th March 2013.
Dr. N. Radhika acted as Advisory Committee member at the national conference on emerging trends held at PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 22nd Feb 2012.
Dr. N. Radhika Delivered a talk for FDP on ”Research Issues in Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Network Security” at Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 16.05.2013
Dr. Latha Parameswaran Delivered a talk on “Teaching a Socially Networked Generation in Higher Educational Institutions : Challenges and Opportunities” for GRGSACT Industry Day at GR Govindarajulu School of Applied Computer Technology, Coimbatore from 13.04.2013
Dr. T SenthilKumar, delivered a session “Analyzing Data Mining Algorithms using Orange Tool ” for TEQIP Phase II sponsored one week FDP on “Data Mining Techniques and Tools -Research Perspective” at CIT, Coimbatore on 13.11.2013.
Dr. T Senthil Kumar, Served as a Chief Guest to inaugurate the technical workshop and symposium “Back to future” and delivered a technical session C, C++ at M Kumarasamy College of Engineering on 17.10.2013.
Dr. T SenthilKumar, delivered a lecture on the Topic “Management of Resources in Cloud” and “Tools in Cloud Computing – hadoop and hbase” for the FDP on “Emerging Challenges and Research Opportunities in Cloud Computing” at KLN College of Engineering on 13.08.2013.
Dr. T Senthil Kumar delivered guest lecture on the topic “Java Programming”atVivekanandha Institute of Engineering Technology for Women on 10.09.2013.
Dr. T Senthil Kumar delivered a session for AICTE sponsored FDP on “Cloud Computing in Emerging Technology”, Topic: Connecting to the cloud, open SSH keys, Tunneling/Port forwarding at Vivekanandha Engineering College, Thiruchengode, on 06.12.2013.
Dr. T Senthil Kumar delivered a lecture on “Neural Network Tool Box for Parallel Computing” for the AICTE sponsored National Seminar on “Trusted Computing for Next Generation Embedded Systems” at Erode Builder Institute of Technology on 21.09.2013.
Dr. T Senthil Kumar delivered a lecture in one day workshop on “Modeling Cloud Computing Platforms for Real Time Applications” at Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology, Karur on 03.10.2013.
Dr. N. Radhika delivered a lecture on “Resource sharing and scheduling on open source clouds” at Sri Shakti Institute of Engineering and Technology on 30.08.2013.
Dr. N. Radhika delivered a lecture on “Research Issues in Web mining and Information Retrieval” for AICTE sponsored two days National Seminar at Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 07.11.2013.
Dr. N. Radhika delivered a lecture on “Research Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks” in the National level Workshop on wireless Sensor Networks and Hands-on Training in NS-2, at Hindustan College of Engineering and Technology on 12.07.2013.
Dr. N. Radhika delivered a lecture for AICTE sponsored two week FDP on “Web Application Security” at Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, on 06.12.2013.
Dr.LathaParameswaran, Served as a chief guest Inaugurated Department Student Association “Echelon” at KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology on 14.08.2013.
Dr.LathaParameswaran delivered a session on “Security Issues and challenges in Images” for National seminar on “Security Issues in Advanced computing” conducted by SNR Sons College on 15th February 2013.
Dr. K V Shriram, Asst. Professor, Winner of – Best Faculty CSE – Junior Shri.P K.DAS Memorial Award– NGI, Coimbatore – 2013.
Dr. K V Shriram, Asst. Professor, Winner of ASDF – Best Computer Science Faculty Global Award – 2013. ASDF 2013
Dr. K V Shriram, Asst. Professor, received Distinguished Facilitator Award (Technical) – Inspire Faculty award Infosys technologies, Bangalore 2013.
Dr. K V Shriram Delivered a lecture on Embedded Linux for FDP on ”Open Source RTOS for Real Time Embedded Applications using u C linux ”at Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 16.05.2013
Dr. K V Shriram Delivered a talk on Networking and Operating System Security for a conducted FDP Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology on 27.06.13
Dr. (Col) P N Kumar, Served as an external examiner for final year project of M.Tech in Soft Computing and Machine Learning at Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Trivandrum on 12.08.2013.
Dr S. Padmavathi reviewed papers for the international conferences: Fifth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Networks (WIMON2013), The First International Conference on Information Technology Convergence and Services(ITCSE 2013), Second International Conference on Information Technology Convergence and Services (ITCS2013), The Third International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications(ICCSEA-2013), Second International conference on Advanced Information Technology (ICAIT-2013), Third International Conference on Digital Image Processing and Pattern Recognition(DPPR 2013) and Third International Conference on Advances in Computing and Information technology (ACITY-2013).
Dr S. Padmavathi received Senior Woman Educator and Researcher Award by National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development in March 2014.
Dr S. Padmavathi received Best Woman of the city award by Lions club in March, 2013
Asst. Prof.V.Ananthanarayanan, Resource person for TEQIP II FDP, Topic: Wireless Sensor Networks at PSG Technology, Coimbatore on 19.11.2013.
Asst. Prof.V.Ananthanarayanan delivered a session on “Sensor Networks and Zigbee Technology-Theory and Training” in the FDP on Sensor Networks and Cloud Computing – conducted by Govt. College of Technology, Coimbatore on 13th February 2013
Asst. Prof.P.Prakash delivered a guest lecture on the topic: “Undecidability and Complexity Problems”atSona College of Technology, Salem on 23.10.2013 .
Asst. Prof.P.Malathi Delivered a lecture on Data Structures Concepts for Anna University sponsored FDP on Data Structures on 06.06.2013 at PA College of Engineering and Technology
Asst. Prof. P Malathi acted as Resource Person for Faculty Development Training Programme on Programming and Data Structures at P A College of Engineering and Technology on 14.12.2013.
Asst. Prof.M.Prathilothamai Served as Judge for paper presentation for a National level technical Symposium “Innowar~2K13” at SVS College of Engineering on 23.02.2013
Asst. Prof.M.Prathilothamai Delivered a talk on Compiler Design for Academic Staff College- Staff Orientation Program at Karpagam University, Echanari,Coimbatore on 20.06.13
Asst. Prof. M. Prathilothamai Delivered a special lecture on “Syntax Directed Translation, Type Checking and Runtime Environments” at Sona College of Technology,Salem on 11.04.2013
Asst. Prof.J.Govindarajan delivered a lecture on “NS3” in the National Workshop “Network Simulation Tools” at Anna University, Regional Centre, Coimbatore on 10.10.2013.
Asst. Prof. P Prakash, Asst. Professor, Distinguished Facilitator Award (Technical) – Inspire Faculty award Infosys technologies, Bangalore 2013.
Asst. Prof.Jevitha K P delivered a session on “Cyber Crime and its global economy” for DRDO sponsored Workshop on “Cyber security trends and its challenges in 2013” conducted by Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 9th February 2013
Dr.T.Senthil Kumar delivered a session on “Application Development for Mobile Environment” in the national seminar on Mobile and Pervasive Computing conducted by M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, Karur on 6th September 2012.
Dr. T. Senthil Kumar gave hands on training “ORANGE Tool” for the Refresher course conducted by Academic Staff College, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore on 07th December 2012.
Dr. T. Senthil Kumar delivered a session on “Tools for Bioinformatics Applications” for DBT Sponsored Seminar on “Cloud Computing for Bioinformatics applications” conducted by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 14th December 2012.
Dr.T. Senthil Kumar delivered a session on “Network Simulator – NS2” for the National Workshop on “Wireless Networks and Network Simulators” conducted by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 21st December 2012 .
Dr.T Senthil Kumar served as a resource person to deliver a session for one day workshop on Theory of Computation, 17.02.2012 at Senguthnar engineering College.
Dr.T Senthil Kumar delivered a session for one day workshop on Theory of Computation conducted by Senguthnar Engineering College, Erode on 17th February 2012.
Dr. N. Radhika delivered an invited talk on “Smart grids” at Sri Narayana Guru Institutions on 09th February 2012.
Dr. N. Radhika delivered a session on “Smart grids with open research issues” for conducted by PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on 02nd May 2012
Dr. Latha Parameswaran delivered a session on “Research problems in Image processing” conducted by Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 04th August 2012.
Dr. T Senthil Kumar delivered sessions on “Research Model development issues in Networking and communications” and “Application of Genetic concepts ‘Orange’- Open Source Tool” for Lecture Workshop on “Research Paradigms in Networking and Communications” conducted by SVS Institute of Computer Applications, Coimbatore on 31st March 2012 .
Dr. T Senthil Kumar delivered a session on Cloud Computing tools for one day National level Workshop on “Cloud Computing” conducted by Sasurie College of Engineering, Tirupur on 16th March 2012
Dr. N Radhika delivered a lecture on “Smart Grids – Introduction, Architecture And Protocol Stack” conducted by PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore on 18th September 2012.
Dr. Latha Parameswaran, served as a resource person to deliver a lecture on the topic “Computer vision and image analysis” on 11.01.2012 during 2nd International. Conference on Computer Communications and Informatics-2012 at Sri Shakti Institute of Engineering and Technology.
Dr. Latha Parameswaran, served as a resource person to deliver a lecture on the topic “Delivered an invited talk on “Smart grids” on 9.2.2012 at Sri Narayana Guru Institutions
Dr. Latha Parameswaran delivered a session on “Digital Water Marking: Principles and Practice” for one day National level Workshop on “Cloud Computing” conducted by SreeNarayanaGurukulam College of Engineering, Kadiyiruppu on 08th and 09th March 2012 .
Dr S. Padmavathi reviewed papers for the international journals: International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT), ISSN 0975 – 3826, International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA) ISSN : 0975 – 9018 ( Online ); 0976-2221 ( Print ), Signal & Image Processing: An International Journal (SIPIJ), ISSN :0976 – 710X; 2229 – 3922 (print), International Journal of Information Sciences and Techniques (IJIST) ISSN : 2249-1139 [Online]; 2319 – 409X [Print], IET Image Processing, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Elsevier, Frontiers in Psychological and Behavioral Science(FPBS) , The World Academic Publishing Co., Ltd, British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science.
Dr S. Padmavathi reviewed papers for the international conferences: World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies(WICT 2011), The Second International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (CCSEIT-2012), and International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEAS-2012).
Asst. Prof..M.Prathilothamai delivered a special lecture on “Data Structures and its Applications” conducted by Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 18th September 2012.
Asst. Prof. M. Prathilothamai delivered a session on “Sorting and Searching Algorithm Analysis” for AICTE Sponsored FDP on Design and Analysis of Algorithm conducted by Erode Sengunthar Engineering College on 12th December 2012.
Asst. Prof. D. Bharathi delivered a session on “Biconnected components, Branch and bound, 0/1 Knapsack Problem” for AICTE Sponsored FDP on Design and Analysis of Algorithm conducted by Erode Sengunthar Engineering College on 12th December 2012.
Asst. Prof. A.K.Sumesh offered Training on .Net Framework for Microsoft Technical Associate certification Programme for Tech{know}logy Dept, Amrita School Of Engineering, Ettimadai on January 19-20, 2012.
Amrita Faculty Recognized as ACM Eminent Speaker : Dr. Prashant R. Nair, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Coimbatore campus has been recognized as an eminent speaker of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) for 2021 and 2022. Only 20 computing professionals in India have been selected for the ACM India Eminent Speaker Program (ESP). The objective of this program is to provide ACM Professional and Student chapters in India with direct access to top technology leaders and innovators who will give talks on issues that are important to the computing community.
IEEE Global recognition for Amrita Faculty : Dr. Prashant R. Nair, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Coimbatore campus was awarded an appreciation certificate for his service as IEEE Region 10 (Asia-Pacific region) newsletter editor for 2 terms by Dr. Akinori Nishihara, Emeritus Professor from Tokyo Institute of Technology & Mr. Deepak Mathur, IEEE Region 10 director in a virtual ceremony held on 1st February, 2021. IEEE region 10 comprises 130,000+ IEEE members in the Asia-Pacific region which includes Japan, Australia, India & China. He has also been nominated to the following global committees of the IEEE international professional body:Member of the 2021 IEEE Member & Geographic Activities IEEE.tv Advisory Committee. The MGA IEEE.tv Advisory Committee provides on-going strategic planning as it relates to IEEE.tv and its related activities.Editor for the 2021 IEEE Region 10 newsletter for third term
Amrita Faculty Ambassador for National Science, Technology & Innovation Policy (STIP) 2020, Govt. of India : Dr. Prashant R. Nair, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus, has rendered service as a faculty ambassador for the upcoming National Science, Technology & Innovation Policy (STIP) 2020 of the Government of India. Organizing STIP 2020 consultation events for IEEE and inputs towards policy formulation in STIP 2020 track 1 consultation were among Dr. Prashant Nair’s responsibilities. STIP 2020 track 1 consultation of the secretariat functions under the aegis of Department of Science Technology (DST) and Office of Principal Scientific Advisor (PSA) to the Government of India.
Amrita Faculty Recognized as Top Innovation Mentor by Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), NITI Aayog : Amrita faculty member, Prof. Prashant R. Nair, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus, was recognized as the Top Innovation Mentor by Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), NITI Aayog. The recognition comes for online mentoring and coordination of the Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) of NITI Aayog activities and initiatives in the state of Tamil Nadu.
Amrita Faculty Recognized for Smart India Hackathon 2020 Judge & Evaluator : Dr. Prashant R. Nair, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus has been recognized for his contribution as a judge & evaluator for the prestigious Smart India Hackathon (SIH) 2020, both software and hardware editions. SIH 2020, organized by the Ministry of Education, Government of India, has emerged as the largest hackathon and open innovation model worldwide. Over 400,000 students participated to solve some of the pressing problems faced by central and state government ministries, research agencies, and industries of India.
NITI Aayog Recognition for Amrita Faculty : Dr. Prashant R. Nair, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus has been selected as a Regional Mentor of Change for Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) of NITI Aayog. 37 professionals all over India have been selected as regional mentors and felicitated by Mr. Amitabh Kant, CEO, NITI Aayog and Mr. R. Ramanan, Mission Director, AIM at New Delhi on January 31, 2020. The mandate of the regional mentor is to coordinate various initiatives and programs of the Atal Innovation Mission like Atal Tinkering Labs, Atal Incubation centers, etc., across the state.
Amrita Faculty Member on Fulbright-Nehru Specialist Program Review Panel : Prof. Prashant R. Nair, Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, has been appointed to the review panel of the prestigious Fulbright-Nehru Specialist Program in the area of Computer Science and IT by US-India Educational Foundation (USIEF).
Best Mentor AwardAMRITA awarded Infosys Partnership AwardsDeloitte Innovation AwardAMRITA CSE faculty appointed ACM Coimbatore chapter treasurerAMRITA CSE faculty appointed ACM Coimbatore chapter treasurerAMRITA CSE faculty appointed ACM Coimbatore chapter treasurerAMRITA CSE faculty appointed ACM Coimbatore chapter treasurerWinner of ICTACT’s Best Techno Faculty AwardProf. Venkatesh RamanProf. Venkatesh RamanGrace Hopper Celebration India ConferenceHackathon 117Dr. Ganesh Neelakanta IyerMr. Prashant R.NairDr. T Senthil KumarYoung Engineers Award 2015-2016
SmartIndia Hackathon 2019 – Team Active High
A group of six enthusiastic students from second year Computer Science at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham was shortlisted for the finals of SmartIndia Hackathon 2019 at Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh on March 1 – 2, 2019. They created a platform in 36 hours for solving one of the problems of the company Future Generali to have a platform for attracting insurance agents to join them. The web platform our students created was very attractive with features for grabbing the attention of possible insurance agents, get their attention through interactive chat bots, forums and slowly leading them to a mobile app.
The app gives them personalized experience in terms of private video calls with company representatives as well as with customers, voice based assistance services, rewards and recognitions and strategies to attract new customer through social media. Overall the student team had a great learning experience learning how to think from technology stack perspective and thinking from business perspective. The team was accompanied by Dr. Ganesh Neelakanta Iyer , Associate Professor at Amrita Vishwa Vidaypeetham as a mentor.
2. SmartIndia Hackathon 2019 – Team PRERANA
Vinyāsa – The App (”nyāsa” means “to place” and “vi” means “in a spec”): An Intelligent fusion of available signals from WIFI routers, BLE beacons, IMU sensors, GPS, Pressure sensors is employed to provide the seamless indoor-outdoor positioning. The challenge of seamless indoor-outdoor positioning lies in detecting the environment of the user.
To detect the environment of the user, the signals from BLE beacons and Wi-Fi RSSI are used. After detection of environment, the user will be positioned appropriately. If the user is in an indoor environment, information from available IMU sensors and Wi-Fi Routers are fused to position the user appropriately. Outdoor positioning is designed using GNSS/GPS. The system also has an Administrator module to configure the map of various buildings along with the position of Wi-Fi Routers. This information is stored onto a server and retrieved when the user enters a building. For faster retrieval of map caching and eager loading are used. Most importantly the privacy of the user is protected and makes use of available sensors only in and efficient manner.
3. SmartIndia Hackathon 2019 – Team Backspace
Problem Statement: Developing a feasible solution to help farmers from lightning attacks
Proposed Solution: To build an android application that is capable of alerting the farmers three hours in advance to the occurrence of lightning. The alert is sent both through a normal android alarm notification, as well as an SMS service that is triggered along with the result of the prediction.
Word Done: The prediction of lightning is done using a mathematical thresholding of forecast parameters obtained for the given location. Both the forecast data and SMS communication has been done using third-party APIs.
Furthermore, the solution included collecting the location details and the phone number of the farmer in the first run of the app, after which the local app serves effectively as a weather-forecast application, while the Firebase Backend is responsible for making calls to the API service and trigger the notifications if necessary. This removes the necessity of the app running periodically in the user’s phone.
Technology Stack:
Android Programming in Android Studio.
Server-Side storage – Firebase.
4. VIVID 2019 – Fourth National Level Project Contest
In another stellar show of their ingenuity, innovation and independent thinking, the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) students of School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus, have won top honours at the “VIVID 2019-Vision Insight and Voices as India goes Digital” 4th National Level Project Contest conducted by the Department of Information Technology, SSN College of Engineering in association with Cognizant Technology Solutions at Chennai.
Problem Statement: To develop a conversion scale which would convert the scaled mentioned in Ayurveda into modern day measures Team Name: Exalt Date & Venue of Hackathon: 30 and 31 March 2018 at Gurunanak Institute of Technology, Kolkata
What is our App and how is it unique?
Our App is used for converting Ayurvedic and ancient units to their modern day equivalents. In addition, we have multi-platform applications for a library system for resources of Ministry of AYUSH.
Some features are:
Ease of Usage and friendly UI: Users can navigate through the app easily as it has simple applications and instructions.
Can be used for more than unit conversion: The app is a platform for resources of the Ministry of AYUSH to be consolidated in one place and be easily available to all users. Likewise users can send in their resources to help others and turn the app into an interactive network
Allows Ayurvedic Organizations to be found and utilized: Our app allows Ayurvedic Product Markets, Shops and Organizations (after appropriate verification) to join the app to help users contact them and move forward with their Ayurvedic needs.
Feasibility and Scalability: The app is cheap and inexpensive to create. Additional costs are incurred only with increase in Database and Storage Server usage. It also employment opportunities for experienced persons who manage and verify content.
Security User data is not collected. Thus leak of private information is not present. Also a strict protocol for accessing phone/system storage only during voluntary resource uploads.
Our Technology stack:
Android Programming Language using Android Studio.
Cloud or Server side Storage (Firebase) for storing all the Ayurveda Resources.
HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Flask (Python3.x) for website platform.
Tizen SDK/ Android Wear for simplified version of app for smartwatches.
Prize won at Hackathon:
First Prize – Other State (INR 1 lakh cash prize)
6. Anupam Rajanish,Yeshwant Sripathy , Krishna Rao , Sakthisree V , Sri Harsha Varahabatla , Keerthana Saravanamoorthy won First Prize Grand Finale Smart India Hackathon – 2018. Team Name: VISION, Title and Ministry: Devise a model to capture the components of cost of export: Cost to Export Index, Ministry of Economics and Commerce on 30.03.2018 and 31.03.2018 and received Rs. 1,00,000/- Cash Prize from Department of Commerce and Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt of India.
7. Eric Joseph, Prabaharan A S, Nikish Kumar S V, Siddharth Shanmuganathan, Sanjay Tharagesh R S, Abel Lesle won First Prize (Other State) award grand finale smart India Hackathon – 2018. Team Name: Exalt. Title and Ministry: An app/site for Ayurveda unit conversions approved by ISI and resources regarding those units under Ministry of AYUSH on 30.03.2018 and 31.03.2018 and received Rs. 1,00,000/- Cash Prize from Ministry of AYUSH.
8. Mr. Rajkumar S., a second-year B.Tech. student (2017-2021 batch) of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE), School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus, developed an Android App named “Amrita Repository”, which helps students from the campus to view or download the previous year question papers for the respective courses.
The app also facilitates the student to check their academic timetable and the faculty timetable. The app has got 1500+ downloads in Google Play Store
9. Amrita student, Mr. Rishideep S. (final year BTech), Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE), Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore, developed an Android App, ‘Wall on”, which has been adjudged as one among the Top 10 Best Android Apps for July, 2017, by TechworkZ online global community of Android App developers.
10. The students Arvind P Jayan , Ajay Naarayanan , Aswesh T Anand , Ajay Naarayanan , Arjun Satish , M Yeshwanth Bharadwaj , Sourav Rajeev (2015-2019) were attended internship at various companies during their summer vacation – June 2017.
11. Sri Dattabudaraju, Rama Ganapathy, Vipin P.R, Sri Athithya Kruth B & Dhruv Saraswat was one of the top 30 innovations in Amrita TBI Innovation Challenge 2017 on 03.05.2017 at Amritapuri.
12. Gokul .K & Pooja R presented ”A Self – Switching Base Vector Selection Mechanism for Differential Mutation of Differential Evolution Algorithm” at 6th IEEE International conference on Communication and signal processing between 06.04.2017 to 08.04.2017.
13. Sreeram Ganesan, Vyas Giridharan, Shubham Maheshwari, Prasanth S, Shamika Kumar, Rama Ganapathy, got “Deloitte Innovation Award” in SMART INDIA HACKATHON April 2017, Trivandrum.
14. Saravanan Gowtham participated in Anokha Cubing Royale 2017 (Indian National 2017) and won First Place, Anokha April 2017.
15. Jayesh Poduval participated in Armageddon (7th Annual National Technical festival) & Football Manager’17 and secured first place, Anokha April 2017.
16. Aravind V participated in Football Manager’17 and secured First Place – Anokha April 2017.
17. Aravind V, M Sukrita participated in Analytics Sherlock, Anokha April 2017.
18. Keerthana S & Vinitha A, participated in Ethical Hacking and Cybercrime Investigation, Anokha April 2017.
19. M Sai Chandan, Sri Harsha & Gokul Kishan participated in Building an App Using Matlab and Simulink, Anokha April 2017.
20. Sri Ram & Aishwarya S participated in Amazon Web Services, Anokha April 2017.
21. Srijha Kalyan participated in Pencil Sketching & Painting and secured First Place in Talent Search, April 2017.
22. Jyothi Vaidyanathan & Kaavya S participated in Microsoft Azure Participated, Anokha April 2017.
23. Akkena Pallavi & Akkena Pavithra attended Internship training program at HAL-Helicopter Division, Bangalore April 2017.
24. Mandadi Manjukeshear Reddy attended Internship training program at JAIST April 2017.
25. Rupika Nilakant attended Internship training program –iSep April 2017.
26. Dharini & Pooja Smaran V participated in Ethical Hacking and Cybercrime Investigation, Anokha April 2017.
27. Kanimozhi N R participated in Analytics Sherlock, Anokha April 2017.
28. Sukrita Mohan & Dharini Siresh Mohan participated in Skit and secured First Place, Amritotsavam April 2017.
29. Shiny K participated in International Speech Contest and won second place which was conducted by Toastmasters club on 23.02.2017 and she awarded gold medal in various categories of swimming event During Revels’17, the National Cultural and Sports Festival of Manipal Institute of Technology held from 08.03.2017 to 11.03.2017.
30. Praveen AP, Sachin P, Phanidhar CH & Shanthosh D participated in Volleyball (Men) During Revels’17, the National Cultural and Sports Festival of Manipal Institute of Technology held from 08.03.2017 to 11.03.2017.
31. Siva Rama Krishnan.S, Hariharan.J, Aasha.A.R, Shree Varshni.G, Aravindh.R & Raghul.M selected (out of 10 teams) for SMART INDIA HACKATHON March 2017, for the Grand Finale scheduled on April 1& 2, 2017.
32. HariGuhan, Aravind T.J, Nimalan M, Shreya.S, Shiny K & Vignesh Prasad.S selected (out of 10 teams) for SMART INDIA HACKATHON March 2017, for the Grand Finale scheduled on April 1& 2, 2017.
33. Akash Sudershan participated (Tennis) during Revels’17, the National Cultural and Sports Festival of Manipal Institute of Technology held from 08.03.2017 to 11.03.2017.
34. Anumolu Jagadeeswar, Shakhil Raghavendar L, Shashank R, Kodand Ram M, Prashanth Satish, participated (Cricket) during Revels’17, the National Cultural and Sports Festival of Manipal Institute of Technology held from 08.03.2017 to 11.03.2017.
35. K Sooraj participated (Table Tennis) during Revels’17, the National Cultural and Sports Festival of Manipal Institute of Technology held from 08.03.2017 to 11.03.2017.
36. Athithya J participated (Chess) during Revels’17, the National Cultural and Sports Festival of Manipal Institute of Technology held from 08.03.2017 to 11.03.2017.
37. T.J.Viswashankar participated (Badminton) during Revels’17, the National Cultural and Sports Festival of Manipal Institute of Technology held from 08.03.2017 to 11.03.2017.
38. K M Keerthana participated (Badminton) during Revels’17, the National Cultural and Sports Festival of Manipal Institute of Technology held from 08.03.2017 to 11.03.2017.
39. K Niharika participated (Tennis) during Revels’17, the National Cultural and Sports Festival of Manipal Institute of Technology held from 08.03.2017 to 11.03.2017.
40. Siddharth S, Rishi Mathur, Arjun Satish, participated (Football) during Revels’17, the National Cultural and Sports Festival of Manipal Institute of Technology held from 08.03.2017 to 11.03.2017.
41. N Chandrasekara Bharathi, Shantam Bhuraria, K B Umachandran, Praveen Kumar M, Mukund T, Nihal Palani, participated (Hockey) during Revels’17, the National Cultural and Sports Festival of Manipal Institute of Technology held from 08.03.2017 to 11.03.2017.
42. Viswa Tej, Selvamani, Vellaiyappan PL, Atheletics & Cross Country (Men), during Revels’17, the National Cultural and Sports Festival of Manipal Institute of Technology held from 08.03.2017 to 11.03.2017.
43. D N Hari Prasath, K S Vivin Balaji, Basketball during Revels’17, the National Cultural and Sports Festival of Manipal Institute of Technology held from 08.03.2017 to 11.03.2017.
44. Sachin Kamath selected as Mentor for Google Summer of code Online.
45. Raakheshsubhash.A selected to attend the 8th University Scholars Leadership Symposium, in August at United Nations in Bangkok, Thailand.
46. Aakash C & Bernett Orlando of B.Tech CSE 2013 – 2017 participated in Yugam Programming Contest and won First Prize, 30K February 2017at KCT, Coimbatore.
47. Aishwaria P T of B.Tech CSE 2016 -2020 attended Bio-informatics Workshop and got Certificate of Appreciation at Shaastra 2017, IIT Madras. She got the Runner up in Table Tennis at Intra Mural Competitions, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham February 2017.
48. Shruthi V, Aishwarya Premdas and Akshaya K of B.Tech CSE 2015 – 2019 participated in Workshop Cloud Computing – Vortex’17 National level Technical Symposium and got Certificate of Appreciation, at Computer Science Association, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on February 2017.
49. K S Gautam (Research Scholar) got Certificate of Merit in Online Quiz conducted by Thiagarajar College of Engineering 17.02.2017 – 21.02.2017.
50. J. Bernett Orlando awarded the TCS Best Student Award on February 2017.
51. Sathya Dev.S.V.P.K.H, RaamBalaji D, Sunil Dev Choudhary B and Vasanth Subramaniam presented a paper and got Certificate of Achievement in Advanced Computing & Communication Systems – ICACCS 2017 at Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore. (06.01.2017 – 07.01.2017).
52. K S Gautam got best paper award in Advanced Computing & Communication Systems – ICACCS 2017 at Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore.(06.01.2017 – 07.01.2017).
53. Divya M got best paper award in 4th International Conference on Computer Control and Communication Technologies (CCCT – 17), Malaysia on 06.01.2017.
54. Praveen Muraleedharan & Vidya Krishnamoorthy got certificate of achievement in International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (sixth edition – ICCCI-2017), January-2017 at Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology.
55. Sanjay Krishnan participated in Online Programming organized by Computer Society of India (CSI) and secured a credible 23rd place in the online contest wherein around 12,000 students participated from all over India including premier institutions such as IITs, BITS, NITs, Manipal, and Nirma etc. The testing partner for the programming contest was Reliscore.
56. RUPIKA NILAKANT (BTech Student)Presented a Poster Entitled Towards a Brain – activated and Eye – controlled wheel on International Conference on Robotics & Automation for Humanitarian Applications Raha 2016. During Dec 18-20 2016 at Amritapuri.
57. Shiny K.
Cleared the prelims and got shortlisted to attend FOSSTER WORKSHOP conducted as part of Shaastra, techfest of IIT Madras
Bagged 3 gold medals at ‘INTRA-AMRITA AQUATICS MEET’
Won ‘HONORARY MENTION’ award in leadersmeet MODEL UNITED NATIONS held at Amrita University as part of Anokha
Represented Chan Margarett, the Director General of World Health Organisation in the HYLC Model United Nations at KCG college of Engineering
Was the delegate of NIGERIA in the MOP MODEL UNITED NATIONS at MOP Vaishnava College of Engineering
Was the delegate of People’s Republic of China in the YLGC Model United Nations at PSG college of Engineering
Awarded the ‘OUTSTANDING SWIMMER’ of Amrita Aquatic Academy for the year 2015-2016
Won 4 medals in the ‘National Level Aquatics Championship’ at Manipal Institute of Technology from 9-12 March 2016 in the events 100m freestyle,
33m freestyle,200m freestyle and 66m backstroke(3 silver and 1 bronze)
58. Sree Vaishnavi Devi S (BTech Student)Throwball Winner, November 6 – 7, 2016.
59. Abishek SN (BTech Student)attended by Bosch Makethon 2016 on November 2016
60. Rupika Nilakant – Summer Research Fellowships 2016.
61. Sivakumaran C (BTech Student) Completed on-line non-credit course authorized course certificate by University of California, Santa Cruz Course offered through Course Era( Sept 29, 2016 )
62. Sachin S Kamath – Google Summer of Code 2016 Internships – with cash memo 500$.
63. Sivakumaran C (BTech Student) Treated fellow delegates in a diplomatic manner, and managed to SALW-age the Committee from wreckage, Representing Albania at the United Nations General Assembly-Disarmament and International Security Committee (UNGA-DISEC) Organized by UN Information Centre for India and Bhutan
64. Hariharan J/Raghul M/SivaRamakrishnan S (BTech Student) invited for finals @ IIT, Kanpur during Nov 10-13, 2016 and they secured 8th rank holder amongst top 15 teams in India or CTF Preliminary game in CSAW ( Cyber Security Awareness Week ) CTF ( Capture the flag ) Preliminary online game.
65. Sachin S Kamath (BTech Student) recieved Google Sponsorship-Fedora Project- Stipend $5500
66. MITHUNKUMAR SIVA received Thirukural Promotion award and which is honoured in the parliament house, New Delhi for their outstanding contribution to Thirukural Popularization among students and youth in December 2015.
First in the event “Debian Hackathon” during Debutsav 16,ASE, Amritapuri
Placed First in Hackercup in “Capture The Flag” organized by Cyborg Cyber Forensics and Information Security
Rewarded “BugBounty” for finding and reporting vulnerabilities in Github and Cleartrip websites and also in our AMRITAnet.
Currently Incubating under TBI for a Startup @ AMRITA
Delivered a talk on “Powers of LINUX” in Fedora Contribution Camp
67. Mr. Edwin Jegam, HR – Head Corporate Accounts TCS, presented the TCS Best Student Project Award 2016 to Srivenkata Krishnan S., Sundarrajan G., Kiran Kassyap S. of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, for the project titled, “A Robust Approach for Improving the Accuracy of IMU based Indoor Mobile Robot Localization”, guided by Dr. Vidhya Balasubramanian , Associate Professor, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore on 30th September 2016.
68. Kundavai Devi S ,Rhama L V , Sachin P C and Soundarya G BTech students of Department of CSE 2011-2015 batch won the TCS best project award. The project was titled “Reducing the Cold-User and Cold-Item problem in Recommender system by densening the Sparse Matrix and addressing the Diversity-Accuracy Problem” guided by Bindu K R, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE. The award carried a Cash Prize and One Gold Medal for each student. Mr.Kesavaswamy of TCS was the Chief Guest for the function. Dr. Mahadevan, Associate Dean, Dr. LathaParameswaran, Professor and Chairperson, Department of CSE, Dr. BhagavathySivakumar, Vice Chairman, Mr. N. R. Mohanan, Mr S. Srikanth, Mr. A. Balachandran, Dr. K. A. Narayanankutty, graced the occasion. Students presented this work in International Conference on Communication and Networks (ComNET 2016) conducted by CSI Ahmedabad Chapter, on February 20-21, 2016 in Ahmedabad.
Recommender Systems are a subclass of information filtering systems that seek to predict the preferences of a user or the preference that a user would give to an item. The most common problem faced by these systems is the lack of data. Such a situation leads to a matrix that is extremely sparse thus reducing the accuracy of prediction. Cold-start problem is one such problem that is faced by the recommender systems when a new user or a new item enters the system. We are hoping to reduce the cold-user and the cold-item problem by reducing the sparsityof the sparse matrix with the help of Iterative Local Least Squares algorithm and a hybrid of Heat Spreading algorithm and Probability Spreading algorithm.
69. The following B.Tech. Computer Science students were selected for Google Summer of Code (GSoC)2016 this summer with Fedora project,
Ananya Bahadur (Thrid year B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering student)
Sachin S. Kamath (Second year B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering student)
Became ‘JOINT SECRETARY’ of the literary club SRISHTI – was a volunteer of ‘COMPUTER SOCIETY OF INDIA’
Came second in the 800m and third in 400m Athletics event in the ‘INTRA-AMRITA ATHLETICS MEET’
Was a member of 4×100 m relay event RUNNER-UP team in the ‘INTRA-AMRITA ATHLETICS MEET’
Was the FIRST first-year student to become a ‘TORCH-BEARER’ at the ‘ANNUAL SPORTS MEET’
Cleared the prelims and got selected to attend HACKFEST WORKSHOP conducted as part of Shaastra, techfest of IIT Madras
Interned as a web developer for a startup – that1card, venturing as an online marketplace for invitation cards
Participated in GPU CODING competition organised by NIT Trichy
Bagged 2 gold and 1 silver medals in the ‘INTER-AMRITA AQUATICS CHAMPIONSHIP’
Represented Amrita at ‘THE ALL INDIA INTER-UNIVERSITY AQUATICS CHAMPIONSHIP’ held at Punjab University, Chandigarh
Bagged 2 silver medals at ‘INTER-AMRITA ATHLETICS CHAMPIONSHIP’ in the 800m and 1500m events
Was the delegate of CZECH REPUBLIC at IIMUN Chennai
71. Shiny K
Won the individual championship at ‘INTER AMRITA AQUATICS CHAMPIONSHIP’ having bagged 5 gold medals
Represented Amrita University at ‘THE ALL INDIA INTER-UNIVERSITY AQUATICS CHAMPIONSHIP’ held at Jain University, Bangalore in the year 2014
Awarded the ‘OUTSTANDING SWIMMER’ of Amrita Aquatic Academy for the year 2014-2015
Won the individual championship in ‘INTRA-AMRITA AQUATICS CHAMPIONSHIP’ having bagged 3 gold medals
Was a member of 4×100 m relay event WINNERS team in the ‘INTER-AMRITA ATHLETICS MEET’
72. Sarup Banskota ( CB.EN.U4CSE11045) co-authored GlitterGallery, a GitHub for open source designers. It was part of his Google Summer of Code with Fedora in 2013. It’s going to be used by designers from world over, who belong to organizations such as Fedora, Wikimedia and Gnome.
73. Sarup Banskota ( CB.EN.U4CSE11045) gave a talk on “The Grit Library by GitHub” at Garden City RubyConf 2014 and at the 2014 January Mysore RUG Meetup.
74. Sarup Banskota ( CB.EN.U4CSE11045) was a Product Design intern at Cleartrip in December, 2013, where he helped and analyzed the user traffic they receive.
75. G. Srikanth (CB.EN.U4CSE13255) is awarded Certificate of Appreciation for displaying good diplomatic and debating skills as the representative of Austria in UNGA-DISEC at the Young Leaders’ Global Conclave held on 25.01.2014-26.01.2014.
76. Voruganti Rajesh (CB.EN.U4CSE12158), Srinivasa Praneeth V. V. (CB.EN.U4CSE12154) and R.Ahobilam Chakravarthy (CB.EN.U4CSE12103) of II CSE participated in AppsFluxus-2014 National Android Apps Championship workshop on held from 30.01.2014 to 31.01.2014 at Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore organized by Finland Labs.
77. Ms. Bavya B.(CB.EN.U4CSE11207) participated in 2 days Android App Development workshop and won Zonal round of NADC 2013-14 at NSN college of Engineering and Technology official Zonal Center of National Android Development Championship 2013-14 held from 30.01.2014 to 31.01.2014 conducted by ARK Technosolutions & ACM IIT Delhi.
78. Meenakshi Sundaram Viswanathan (Roll No. CB.EN.U4CSE11030) will participate in LEAP-AXLR8R event to be held at San Francisco during 31st January 2014 to 20th May 2014.
79. Nivedhita S. was runner up in Stay Late & Code conducted by Amrita Bangalore.
80. Mrinal Purohit Y. won best app prize by Microsoft and also won best project demonstration award at Aicwic. He is the Kurukshetra Student Ambassador and Yappon Student Leader.
81. Suganth S. has won best Poster Award in womens conference, ‘Shakthi’ – 2013 and best Stall Award in AICWI, Shakthi 2013.
82. Vishvesh S. has won best stall award for Alpha – 17 game in AICWIC ‘Shakthi’ 2013.
83. Shyam K. has won first Prize in General Quiz held at PSGR Krishnammal on 4th February 2013 and first prize in General Quiz held at RVS Engineering College on 7th February 2013.
84. Seena Teresa George has won best Poster Award, AICWIC, 2013.
85. Aparna K, Student Partner of Cognizance 2013.
86. Ms. Manojna KSS and Ms. Sphoorthy S. of 2009-2013 batch B.Tech CSE won first prize for paper presentation at Tacheyons 2013 held at Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore on 22 February, 2013.
87. Mr. V. Vinoth and Mr. Rahul Goyal of 2010-2014 batch B.Tech CSE was adjudged as the winner of the 7th Edition of TopCoders, held at Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 15 March, 2013.
88. Ms. Manojna KSS and Ms. Sphoorthy S. of 2009-2013 batch B.Tech CSE won first prize for paper presentation at Tacheyons 2013 held at Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore on 22 February, 2013.
89. Mr. V. Vinoth and Mr. Rahul Goyal of 2010-2014 batch B.Tech CSE was adjudged as the winner of the 7th Edition of TopCoders, held at Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 15 March, 2013.
90. Ms. V. Deepthi, & Ms. Subathra K. (2010-2014 batch B.Tech CSE students) and Ms. N. Shabala (2011-2015 batch B.Tech CSE student) won first prize for Ideas for Future Contest at Shakti – College girls’ computing conference in 2nd Amrita International Conference of Women in Computing at Coimbatore campus on 10 January, 2013.
91. Mr. Ajith J., Mr. M. Niranjan and Ms. Sai Preethy M. S. of 2009-2013 batch B. Tech. CSE won first prize for their paper, ‘Computer vision based Indian language sign language character recognition’ in the paper presentation event of the 29th National Student Convention (NSC) of Computer Society of India (CSI) held at Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore on 15 and 16 March, 2013.
92. Ms. Meenakshy D., Ms. Manojna KSS and Ms. Sphoorthy S. of 2009-2013 batch B.Tech CSE secured won first prize for their paper, “Conversion of Braille to text and speech in English, Tamil and Hindi languages” in the Computer Science & Engineering paper presentation track for Vidyut 2013, the national techfest of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri campus held from 1 to 3 March, 2013. Another team from the same batch consisting of Mr. Ajith J., Mr. M. Niranjan and Ms. Sai Preethy M.S won second prize for their paper, ‘Computer vision based Indian language sign language character recognition.
93. Ms. Meenakshy D., Ms. Manojna KSS and Ms. Sphoorthy S. of 2009-2013 batch B.Tech CSE secured won first prize for their paper, “Conversion of Braille to text and speech in English, Tamil and Hindi languages” in the Computer Science & Engineering paper presentation track for Vidyut 2013, the national techfest of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri campus held from 1 to 3 March, 2013. Another team from the same batch consisting of Mr. Ajith J., Mr. M. Niranjan and Ms. Sai Preethy M.S won second prize for their paper, ‘Computer vision based Indian language sign language character recognition.
94. S. Manopriya of IV B. Tech. CSE received Sri SengodaGounder Scholarship Award by GKD Memorial Trust for the best Academic Performance.
95. Manish Kumar, Santhosh Kumar B., Santhosh P. and Sathyanarayanan S. won the TCS- Best Project Award – 2011 for their project titled Customizable Keyboard less Keyboard
96. Harikumar V. was runner up in Hexathlon in Anokha 2012.
97. Sofia F. received first prize In CSI Coding competition, Code Age.
98. Janaki Vinesh Joshi And Vyshali B. received second prize in Fesla, ACM Coding Contest, March2012.
99. Mr. Arun V. and Mr. Sabareesh K. of 2010-2014 batch B.Tech CSE won first place for Code-on event at Quasar 2012 at Karunya University on 12 September, 2012. They also secured second place for Code Quest for Epiphany 2012 at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology on 28 September, 2012.
100. Boggaram Achyut Sarma received second prize in Amazing Race and has organized prize distribution in Anokha 2012.
101. Palghat Subramanian Srinath has won prize in Iikidol – Business Management Event in Kurukshetra, Anna University.
102. Mehul Kumar Y. and Vishal M. has won cash prize in IEEE Coding Contest, Oct 2012 and IEEE Coding Contest, August 2012.
103. Mr. Arun V. and Mr. Sabareesh K. of 2010-2014 batch B.Tech CSE won first place for Code-on event at Quasar 2012 at Karunya University on 12 September, 2012. They also secured second place for Code Quest for Epiphany 2012 at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology on 28 September, 2012.
104. Karthik Subramanian, Chidambaram M., Sanjay Bharadhwaj V., Vishal M. has won cash prize in the Gaming Contest (Call Of Duty) held by ASTHA.
105. Kriti N was runner up in Stay Late & Code conducted by Amrita Bangalore.
106. Prashanth S., Suganth S., Vishvesh S. are the First Runners up with a cash prize of Rs 1,00,000 and Akash Agarwal, Ashwin Kumar S., Abhishek Rajvir are the Second Runners up with a cash prize of Rs. 30,000 at the Grand Finale -INSCRIBE event of Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions Limited held at the Bangalore HQ on December, 2011.
107. Akshay M. S., Department of IT batch won third prize in Innovationer event at Shastra 2011, the national engineering techfest of IIT Madras held from 28 September to 2nd October, 2011.
108. The team consisting of Bhalaji N., Deebun Vignesh T., Jaani Francis N. and Vishwanath M. of III B.Tech CSE D batch was one of the Bright Idea award winners of Amrita TBI-TIDE innovation contest, 2011. They have been awarded Rs. 25,000/- to pursue their innovative idea.
109. Jaani Francis N., Vishwanath M., Udhaya Girish P. and Karthikeyan. participated in Asia Pacific region semi-finals of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) held at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Amritapuri and Coimbatore campuses on 11 and 12 December, 2011. Mrs. K.R. Bindu was the faculty coach of this team.
110. Ms. Abinaya Balaji was adjudged as the second runner-up in the algorithm development technical event of the Grace Hopper Women in Computing International Conference at Bangalore from 14 to 16 December, 2011.
111. Ms. Parvathy R. won a prize in the marketing event for students in Grace Hopper Women in Computing International Conference at Bangalore from 14 to 16 December, 2011.
112. A team from the IT department came 8th in India and 265th worldwide in the grueling 24 hour IEEE Extreme Programming contest in October, 2011. The team consists of Sanjay Mahalingam, Utkarsh Umeshan Pillai and Aditya Shanker T. Another team consisting of Nivin Anton and Vikram Subash of II B.Tech CSE E batch came 17th. A team consisting of Swarop Kishen A. and G. Sreeram came 34th in India.
113. The following papers were presented at the Computer Society of India (CSI) Southern Regional Conference (SRC) held at Karunya University, Coimbatore on 22 and 23 March, 2011 by Final B.Tech IT Students
K.M. Niranjan, “Stock Market Prediction-A Survey”
Pankaj Kumar, “Performance of Color Based Face Detection Algorithm”
Abinaya.D, Neelima Menon and Dhaarini G, “SSL/TLS based VPN”
Athira Sudhakaran and M. Soundarya, “Analysis of Windows Registry in Memory for Forensics”
Anusha Baskaran, Durga Lakshmipathy and Ganga Praveen, “Various Schemes involved in the Detection of Routing Misbeahaviour in MANETs”
114. R. Padmalatha, L. Vishnu Karthik and Ashok Gautam M of Department of IT won first prize in TopCoders 2011, the 4th edition of the National Programming contest held at Aditya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 9 and 10 September, 2011. A team consisting of Nivin Anton, Mahender Reddy and Sai Ramkumar of II B.Tech CSE E batch won third prize in this event.
115. Akshay M. S., Department of IT batch won third prize in Innovationer event at Shastra 2011, the national engineering techfest of IIT Madras held from 28 September to 2nd October, 2011.
116. The following are the list of awards received by the students of IV B.Tech in ACM-W Conference (Amrita ACM-W Celebration of Women in computing) at the Coimbatore campus of AMRITA on 16th and 17th Sep. 2010:
S. Gowtham, Iyshwarya G., Tamarai Selvi A., Vasudha J., and Kaushik Veluru won the Best Demonstration Award
B. Santhosh Kumar, R. Adhithya, P. Santhosh, S. Sathya Narayanan and Sruthi Ramachandran won the “Best Student Project Poster Award” for their poster titled Customizable Keyboardless Keyboard/li>
Sindusha K. R., Reshmi K., Shipra Choudhry, and Divya Jyothi G. won the “Best Student Project Poster Award” for their poster titled Implementation of Perlin Noise on GPU
G. Shashank, R. Sreeram and S. Karthik Raj won the “Best Student Project Poster Award” for their poster titled Embedded Device for the Visually Challenged
Sneha Aswani and Shipra Chaudhary won the Best Girls Student Award
117. Devaradhan M, Parameswaran B and Moses Jebaraj Martin secured second prize in the software programming contest for TopCoders 2010” held on 18 September, 2010.
118. Devaradhan M and Muralidharan T.U of IT Department won second prize for ‘Code Obfuscation” at 2nd CSI Tamil Nadu State-level Student Convention held on 26 February, 2010.
119. Devaradhan M, Parameswaran B, Moses Jebaraj Martin and Vimal M of IT Department won second prize in “Online Mobile Application project” competition for Kurukshetra 2010 held at Anna University, Chennai on 20 to 23 January, 2010.
120. Devaradhan M, Parameswaran B and Moses Jebaraj Martin, Department of IT won second prize in the Online Coding contest for Srishti 2010 organized by IEEE chapter at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on 27 February, 2010.
121. Muralikrishnan S, of IT Department won third prize in the Networking event of Virtuoso at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 11 and 12 February, 2010.
122. Devaradhan M, Parameswaran B and Moses Jebaraj Martin secured first prize in the hardware assembling and programming contest for Futura 2010, held at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam from 3 to 5 September, 2010.
123. Balagopal R. of 2010 batch was awarded the Huygens Scholarship in May 2010 and also an opportunity to complete a two years Masters’program at Vrije University (VU) in Amsterdam.
124. Gowtham S. has been recognized by “The Hindu” paper dated 28th May 2010, Coimbatore edition, for the article “Introduction of new Calligraphy style (Ambigrams) to Tamil language”
125. Gowtham S., Manjunath N. M. organized Introduction of Tamil Ambigrams and its applications & Dual Language Ambigram stall at World Tamil meet Conference, Coimbatore from June 23 – 27,2010.
126. The paper, “Tracking of nose tip: An alternative to mouse” authored by Gireesh Kumar T, K. J. Poornaselvan, Sattvik Sharma, Gulshan Kumar and Sreevathsan R won Best Paper award in the 2nd International Conference on Data Engineering and Management (ICDEM 2010) held at Trichy from 29 to 31 July, 2010.
127. Gowtham S., RamKishore M. V., Suriya P. and Raghunath N. of 2010 batch won the TCS Best Project Award – 2010 for their project titled CMMS – Cloud Management and Monitoring Suite
128. Divya Natesan of 2009 batch won the Best Student Performer Award of the Indian Internship Programme 2009 by Infosys, Mysore on 20th May 2009.
129. Ms. Meenakshi Amirtharaj, student of 2006-2010 B.Tech Information Technology was one of the three participants from India, who attended the Grace Hopper celebration for the International Conference on “Women in Computing 2009” held at Tuscon, Arizona, USA from 30th September to 3rd October, 2009.
130. In the 1st Tamil Nadu State Level Computer Society of India (CSI) Student Branch Convention 2009, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham emerged the “Champion University” and won the Rolling trophy sponsored by Hindu for overall performance.
131. Mr. Vignesh K.B, Department of IT won second prize for the following events :Logical Network Design, Packet Tracer Simulation, Web Design in the networking symposium, “Cisco Netwarz 2009” at Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore.
132. Ms. Sowmya P and Ms. Swathi Kalaivani won third prize for “Networking Quiz” in “Cisco Netwarz 2009”
133. Ms. Alekya Y and Mr. Sunil Kumar won second prize for “Packet Tracer Simulation” in “Cisco Netwarz 2009”
134. Ms. B. Anusha won third prize prize for “Packet Tracer Simulation” in “Cisco Netwarz 2009”
135. Mr. Balaji D won first prize for “Network Terminology” event in “Cisco Netwarz 2009”
136. Gowtham S. of 2008 batch has been recognized by The Hindu paper dated 28th May 2010, Coimbatore edition, for the article Introduction of new Calligraphy style (Ambigrams) to Tamil language
137. Mr. Praveen Kumar R., Mr. Ragesh R. Santhanam and Mr. Srivathsan K. of 2006 batch won the Microsoft Best Project Prize. The prize which carries a citation and cash prize of Rs. 75,000/-, was given for their project entitled iTRUST – An End to End Trust Based Model for Access Control
138. Amrita alumni, Kaustubh Beedkar was recently awarded PhD fellowship from the prestigious Max-Planck Institute, Germany. Kaustubh finished his B. Tech. in Information Technology from Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore, India in 2007 and later attended Georgia Institute of Technology, USA for his Master’s degree in Computer Science in 2008.
139. Students of Department of IT, Niranjan M. and Saipreethy M. S. presented a poster “An Intelligent Question Answering Conversational Agent using Naive Bayesian Classifier” in the International Conference on Technology Enhanced Education (ICTEE)
140. Wallon –https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=xyz.rishideep.wallon No of installs : 100,000+ Rating : 4 stars Developed by : S Rishideep (CB.EN.U4CSE14142) Android Faculty : Jevitha KP A wallpaper app for the Android device serving images from Unsplash.com . It is a one-stop destination for high-resolution pictures. Wall On is developed/designed by keeping all Google’s new material design principles and API guides. Unsplash API is the most powerful photo engine in the world. By using the API, the app creates the largest collection of high-quality photographs.
141. Pocket Education – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.stackdevs.apprenons No of installs : 5,000+ Rating : 4.7 stars Developed by: Amit Mundada (CB.EN.U4CSE14406) Android Faculty : Ritwik M An app to learn computer programming language. The app supports C, C++, Java, Python, JavaScript, SQL among others.
142. Newsified – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=newsified.com.adsol.newsified No of installs : 100+ Rating : 4.9 stars Developed by: M Aditya Narayana Sarma (CB.EN.U4CSE15102) Android Faculty : Dr. Dhanya NM Newsified is a cutting edge news app that presents the Top News and Latest Headlines from various sources like The Times of India ,The Hindu, BBC News, The Wall Street Journal to know what’s happening in and around the World. Newsified is powered by newsapi.org one of the most powerful and efficient news API.
143. Appointment Manager
No of installs : 10+ Rating : 4.9 stars Developed by:
Rajkumar S – CB.EN.U4CSE17651
Prabhu A – CB.EN.U4CSE17345
Ajay Raj – CB.EN.U4CSE17607
Android Faculty : Ms.Jevitha KP An android app that lets faculty manage appoinments for students to meet them integrated with the faculty’s calendar. Allows people to request appointments and lets the faculty approve it. The app also aims at avoiding conflicts between appointments when requesting/approving.
144. CodeonDroid
No of installs : 10+ Rating : 4.9 stars Developed by:
Sai Phani – CB.EN.U4CSE17137
Prashanth – CB.EN.U4CSE17140
Thanga Manickam – CB.EN.U4CSE17161
Android Faculty : Ms.Jevitha KP
The app makes programming on a mobile device fast and easy. Complete with language-specific custom keyboards for popular programming languages like Python, C , C++ and Java along with variable tracking. It helps to easily participate in contests on major coding platforms on fast custom tabs while seamlessly switching between the editor. Supports operations such as save, share and edit for common code snippets. The built-in keyboard supports custom keys that can be configured from user-specific keywords to large commonly used code blocks and also a column that tracks and stores variable names for fast coding. With safe and secure Firebase Authentication and database storage to maintain saved files of user code, organized by language and easy to use lists of cards that can be saved, modified, deleted and shared overall popular media. The app supports contrasting light and dark themes that adapt system-wide theme and user profile complete with profile photo store in Firebase storage, usage of the ambient light sensor to suggest dark/light theme to use and Google maps API for quick access to user location on maps.
145. WhatToCook
No of installs : 100+ Rating : 5 stars Developed by:
Potti Shanmuka Abhinay – CB.EN.U4CSE18443
EVK Praneeth – CB.EN.U4CSE18419
Bandi Kishore Reddy – CB.EN.U4CSE18009
Kuchipudi Kousik – CB.EN.U4CSE18033
Android Faculty : Ms.Jevitha KP
As the name suggests this app provides a variety of recipes.
This provides recipes in three formats:
1. Recipes in random order/ Alphabetical and can be searched in search bar to get th recipes in text format and displays in a tabbed activity
2. Recipes seen is more understandable than reading, so recipe videos are available for 70+ items
3. Most of the users prefer to watch the step by step as an image and instruction in text. So, users can prefer that for around 700+ items. For all the steps mentioned, the main motive is to provide healthy indian recipes and all are vegetarian items. For image step by step instruction mode, users can find sweets, desserts, breakfast, dinner, snacks and many more…
146. Disable Touch
No of installs : 1000+ Rating : 5 stars Developed by:
Have you ever been in a situation where you have been irritated due to the accidental clicks when the phone is in your pocket? Have you ever wished to listen to football matches or movies while you were walking?
Then this app is the perfect solution to solve the problem. “Disable Touch” lets the user disable the screen touch whenever required to avoid accidental clicks.
-Automatically detects phone calls and re-enables touch if disabled.
-It can be used over any video streaming app like Netflix, YouTube to listen to your favorite videos even when your phone is in your pocket without the worry of accidental touches.
-To avoid ghost touch issues.
-It can help you to trace the drawing by keeping the image still.
-It can be used while cooking to avoid the need to touch the phone as it keeps the video running even without touch.
-To avoid disrupting the GPS display when your phone is mounted on the dashboard for a map-guided journey.
147. Voice Your Alarm
No of installs : 1000+ Rating : 4.2 stars Developed by:
Does your Alarm clock drive you crazy in the morning? Does it frustrate you to wake up to a particular alarm ringtone everyday.
Voice your alarm is an unique app which allows you to wake up to your favorite voices of your friends, family and even your role-models. You just have to record the voice using the in-built audio recorder and keep it as a ringtone for your alarm. You can even preview it with the media player present in the Voice Your Alarm app.
-In-built Audio Recorder
-In-built Media Player
-Repeat alarm every week on certain days
-Vibrate Mode option for setting up an Alarm
-Snooze Notification for setting up an Alarm
-Simple User Interface Design
-Swipe to delete Alarms or Recordings
148. Bubble Hunter game
No of installs : 10+ Rating : 4.8 stars Developed by:
B Sai Nikhil Reddy – CB.EN.U4CSE18010
CVS Siddhartha – CB.EN.U4CSE18013
J Ganapathi Subramanyam – CB.EN.U4CSE18016
V Ravi teja – CB.EN.U4CSE18062
Bubble Hunter is a game and it will work as follows:
When we try to enter the game, the application will ask the user to authenticate gmail or to enter the email id of the user. When the user successfully gets authenticated to gmail, the application will show a small toast message that he/she got authenticated successfully.
Then the user will experience a fish game and the fish has to collect as many as bubbles to get the high score and the score will be recorded on top right of the game.
The fish shouldn’t touch the red bubbles and has 3 lives, visible on the screen gets reduced one by one.if all the lives are gone,the game will be finished. Then the application will ask whether he/she could restart the game as per their interest.
149. Team Tarak Trust App
No of installs : 10,000+ Rating : 5 stars
Developed by: Sudheer Bezawada CB.EN.U4CSE18309
Team Tarak is a friendly fraternity of NTR fans who are committed to make a difference. Our mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of the homeless, hungry, mentally ill and needy. Come Join Us. Keep an eye out for our next event and lets put a smile on some more faces together.This app is an web view of teamtaraktrust website hope you all keep supporting us and tarak too…
App Features :-
– Donate to Trust
– World Wide Trust Dis
– Past charity Events
– Upcoming Charity Events
– Events images
– Events Videos
– Events Locations in Google Maps
– Join in our what”s app group
– Our social media platforms – facebook,twitter,instagram,youtube
– About Trust
– About Developer
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Student foreign exchange programme
BTech CSE 2016 – 20 Batch
Batch Coordinator: Dr. S. Padmavathi
Krishna Swaroop, (EN.U4CSE16430) International Exchange program (Erasmus + Merging Voices) to Lisbon, Portugal during 4th semester (March 2018-July 2018)
Uma Subbaih (EN.U4CSE16159) – Summer internship in Leeds Beckett University – May 2018. Published “Software Engineering Approach to Bug Prediction models using Machine Learning as a service(MLaaS)” by Uma, Muthu Ramachandran and Zaigham Mahmood in first International Conference on Software Engineering for Service and cloud computing , Portugal, July 2018.
Arun Kaleeshwaran N. (EN.U4CSE16106) University of Montreal May 1 June 28, 2019 .
Vijey Shrivathsan (EN.U4CSE16362) Viterbi from May 18, 2019 to July 15, 2019.
Sriram (EN.U4CSE16152) University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada from June 8 to July 8
Mukund Tamizharasan (EN.U4CSE16029) University of Leeds, England, Leeds International Summer School , Saturday July 6, Saturday August 3, 2019
Krishna Kumar J. (EN.U4CSE16511) UNIVERSITY OF TWENTE, NETHERLANDS August 11 to August 22,2019
Neeraj Menon S., (CB.EN.U4CSE16443) research internship on improving performance of SAT Solvers using machine learning for Clause Deletion University of Waterloo, Canada August 21 to September 13, 2019.
DGIST Research Internship for Undergraduates
Vishal Nedungadi (EN.U4CSE16463) student exchange program at University of Aalto, Finland, School of Science. 7 Jan – 31 May 2019.
Vedanth Padigelwar (EN.U4CSE16460) 8.05 student exchange program at University of Aalto, Finland, School of Science. 7 Jan – 31 May 2019.
Prasanna Balaji (EN.U4CSE16141) Pennsylvania State University, USA (Internship) January 20, 2020 to July 20, 2020
Dhuruva Priyan G. M. (EN.U4CSE16114) Pennsylvania State University, USA (Internship) January 20, 2020 to 20 July 20, 2020
Krishnakumar Jayakumar (EN.U4CSE16511) University of Twente, Netherlands, January 2020 to July 2020
Dinesh Kumar Saravanan (EN.U4CSE16115) University of Twente, Netherlands, January 2020 to July 2020
Gautam S. Ganesh (EN.U4CSE16117) Grenoble INP, France, January 2020 to April 2020