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Course Detail

Course Name Women’s Writing in India
Course Code 24OEL296
Program BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration), 5 Year Integrated B.Sc. – M.Sc. Visual Communication
Credits 3
Campus Mysuru


OPEN ELECTIVES-UG (Arts , Humanities and Commerce)

Unit 1

Introduction to Women’s Writing in India – Historical Context of Women’s Writing in India – Exploration of early women writers and their contributions – Understanding the societal and cultural factors influencing women’s writing in India.

Unit 2

Early Women Writers in India – Themes and Issues in Women’s Writing – Exploration of topics such as gender, identity, patriarchy, and empowerment – Discussion of how women writers navigate and challenge societal norms through their works.

Toru Dutt: Our Casuarina Tree

Sarojini Naidu: The Coromandel Fishers

Unit 3

Contemporary Women Writers in India – Prominent Women Writers in India – Analysis of their major works, writing styles, and contributions to Indian literature – Examination of the impact of these writers on the literary landscape of India.

Mamta Kalia: Tribute to Papa

Gauri Deshpande: The Female of the Species

Unit 4

Perspectives in Women’s Writing in India – Exploration of social, cultural and political perspectives – feminism – questions of identity and representation – caste, class, religion, and sexuality – understanding the diversity of women’s experiences in Indian literature

Gita Hariharan: The Remains of the Feast

Unit 5

Contemporary Trends in Women’s Writing in India – An overview of current trends in women’s writing in India – Analysis of emerging voices and themes in contemporary women’s literature – Diaspora writing

Anita Desai: Cry the Peacock

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objectives:

To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of women’s writing in India. To provide an understanding of the socio-political issues addressed by women writers. To provide an overview of historical, contemporary, and feminist perspectives.

To encourage creative expression and critical engagement with gender issues in literature.

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Recognise the historical context of women’s writing in India.

CO2: Explore the themes of gender identity, patriarchy, and empowerment in women’s writing.

CO3: Analyse major works and writing styles of prominent women writers in India

CO4: Explore social, cultural and political perspectives in the writings

CO5: Analyse emerging voices and themes in contemporary women’s literature


PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PO13 PO14 PO15
CO1 3
CO2 3
CO3 3
CO4 3
CO5 3

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Component Weightage (Internal) Weightage (External)
Continuous Assessment 30
Mid Term 20
End Sem 50

Text Books / References


  2. Forbes, Geraldine – Women in India – Cambridge,
  3. Kumkum Sangari, Sudesh Vaid (eds) – Recasting Women – Rutgers University Press
  4. Tutun Mukherjee (Tr) – Staging Resistance: Plays by Women in Translation – Oxford University Press
  5. R K Dhawan
  6. Oxford Anthology of Indian Poetry
  7. Online Sources

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