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Course Detail

Course Name Wireless Sensor Networks
Course Code 18CS723
Credits Coimbatore
Year Taught 2018


Course Syllabus

Introduction to wireless sensor Networks – Advantages of ad-hoc/sensor networks, Unique constraints and challenges-. Applications Platforms for WSN: Sensor node hardware: mica2, micaZ, telosB, cricket, Imote2, tmote, btnode . Sensor node software (Operating System): tiny0S, MANTIS, Contiki, and Ret0S. Programming tools: C, nesC .Single-Node Architecture. WSN coverage and placement: Coverage problems in WSN – Type of coverage – OGDC coverage Algorithm- Placement Problem. Topology management in wireless sensor Networks-: Different classification of topology management Algorithms- topology discovery-sleep cycle management. Medium access control in wireless networks. Routing in sensor networks: Data centric- position based routing- data aggregation- Clustered based routing Algorithms .Congestion and flow control: Source of congestion- congestion control scenarios- Protocols for congestion and flow control in sensor networks: ESRT-CODA-PSFQ-RCRT-RMST-Fusion. Hard ware design of sensor Networks : Characteristics – Design challenges- Design of Architecture- Functional components- Energy supply- operating system. Application: Underwater sensor networks. Real life deployment of WSN-: Development of sensor based networking for improved management of irrigated crops – usage of sensors on medical devices (like accelerometer and gyroscope) and study of their performance. Research Paper Discussion and Presentation.

Course Outcome
Course Outcome Bloom’s Taxonomy Level
CO 1 Understand the basis of Sensors with its applications L2
CO 2 To learn the architecture and placement strategies of Sensors L2
CO 3 To analyze routing and congestion algorithms L3
CO 4 To design, develop , and carry out performance analysis of sensors on specific applications L4
CO5 To explore and implement solutions to real world problems using sensor devices, enumerating its principles of working L5

Text Books / References

  1. Holger Karl and Andreas Willig, “Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks”, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
  2. Zhao and L. Guibas, “Wireless Sensor Networks”, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 2004
  3. C. S. Raghavendra, K.M.Shivalingam and T.Znati, “Wireless Sensor Networks”, Springer, New York, 2004
  4. Anna Hac, “Wireless Sensor Network Designs”, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
  5. Kazem Sohraby, Daniel Minoli and Taieb Znati, “Wireless Sensor Networks: Technology, Protocols, and Applications”, Wiley Inter Science, 2007.


‘Wireless Sensor Networks’ is an elective course offered in M. Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering program at School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.

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