Unit 1
Introduction to Sanskrit language, Devanagari script – Vowels and consonants, pronunciation, classification of consonants, conjunct consonants, words – nouns and verbs, cases – introduction, numbers, Pronouns, communicating time in Sanskrit. Practical classes in spoken Sanskrit
Unit 2
Verbs- Singular, Dual and plural –– First person, Second person, Third person.
Tenses – Past, Present and future – Atmanepadi and parasmaipadi-karthariprayoga.
Unit 3
General group words for communication and moral stories.
Unit 4
ChanakyaNeeti chapter III (part I), Bhagavad Gita chapter 14 (part I)
Unit 5
Translation of simple sentences from Sanskrit to English and vice versa.
Objectives and Outcomes
Course Objectives:
- To enable the students to acquire basic skills in functional language
- To develop independent reading skills and reading for appreciating literary works. To analyse language in context to gain an understanding of vocabulary, spelling, punctuation and speech
- Grasp the connection between Sanskrit language and Indian philosophy
Course Outcomes:
CO 1 Read and understand Sanskrit verses and sentences and communicate in Sanskrit
CO 2 Imbibe values of life and Indian tradition propounded by the scriptures