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Course Detail

Course Name Life Skills I
Course Code 23LSK201
Program 5 Year Integrated B.Sc. – M.Sc. Visual Communication
Semester 3
Credits 2
Campus Mysuru


Unit 1

Soft Skills and its importance: Pleasure and pains of transition from an academic environment to work-environment. New-age challenges and distractions. Learning to benefit from constructive criticisms and feedback. Need for change in mindset and up skilling to keep oneself competent in the professional world. 

Managing Self: Knowing oneself, Self-perception, Importance of positive attitude, Building and displaying confidence, Avoiding being overconfident, Managing emotions, stress, fear. Developing Resilience and handling failures. Self-motivation, Self learning, and continuous knowledge up-gradation / Life-long learning. Personal productivity – Goal setting and its importance in career planning, Self-discipline, Importance of values, ethics and integrity, Universal Human Values.

Communication: Process, Language Fluency, Non-verbal, Active listening. Assertiveness vs. aggressiveness. Barriers in communication. Digital communication

Unit 2


Numbers: Types, Power Cycles, Divisibility, Prime, Factors & Multiples, HCF & LCM, Surds, Indices, Square roots, Cube Roots and Simplification. 

Percentage: Basics, Profit, Loss & Discount, and Simple & Compound Interest.

Ratio, Proportion & Variation: Basics, Alligations, Mixtures, and Partnership. 

Averages: Basics, and Weighted Average. 

Equations: Basics, Linear, Quadratic, Equations of Higher Degree and Problems on ages. 

Logical Reasoning I: Blood Relations, Direction Test, Syllogisms, Series, Odd man out, Coding & Decoding, Cryptarithmetic Problems and Input – Output Reasoning.

Unit 3

Verbal Skills 

Vocabulary: Familiarize students with the etymology of words, help them realize the relevance of word analysis and enable them to answer synonym and antonym questions. Create an awareness about the frequently misused words, commonly confused words and wrong form of words in English. 

Grammar (Basics): To learn the usage of grammar and facilitate students to identify errors and correct them. 

Reasoning: Stress the importance of understanding the relationship between words through analogy questions. Emphasize the importance of avoiding the gap (assumption) in the argument/ statements/ communication. 

Speaking Skills: Make students conscious of the relevance of effective communication in today’s world through individual speaking activities. 

Writing Skills: Introduce formal written communication and keep the students informed about the etiquette of email writing.

Objectives and Outcomes

Pre-requisite: An open mind and the urge for self-development, basic English language skills, knowledge of high school level  mathematics. 

Course Objective: To assist students in inculcating soft skills, developing a strong personality, empowering them to face life’s challenges, improving their communication skills and problem-solving skills. 

Course Outcomes 

CO1: Soft Skills – To develop greater morale and positive attitude to face, analyze, and manage emotions in real life situations, like placement process.

CO2: Soft Skills – To empower students to create better impact on a target audience through content creation, effective delivery, appropriate body language and overcoming nervousness, in situations like presentations, Group Discussions and interviews. 

CO3: Aptitude – To analyze, understand and solve questions in arithmetic and algebra by employing the most suitable  methods.

CO4: Aptitude – To investigate and apply suitable techniques to solve questions on logical reasoning. 

CO5: Verbal – To infer the meaning of words & use them in the right context. To have a better understanding of the nuances of English grammar and become capable of applying them effectively.

CO6: Verbal – To identify the relationship between words using reasoning skills. To develop the capacity to communicate ideas effectively. 

Skills: Communication, self-confidence, emotional intelligence, presentation skills and problem-solving Skills.

CO-PO Mapping 


















































































Evaluation Pattern 




Continuous Assessment (CA)* – Soft Skills


Continuous Assessment (CA)* – Aptitude 



Continuous Assessment (CA)* – Verbal 






*CA – Can be presentations, speaking activities and tests.

Text Books / References

  1. Gulati. S., (1006) “Corporate Soft Skills”, New Delhi, India: Rupa & Co. 
  2. The hard truth about Soft Skills, by Amazon Publication. 
  3. Verbal Skills Activity Book, CIR, AVVP
  4. Nova’s GRE Prep Course, Jeff Kolby, Scott Thornburg & Kathleen Pierce 
  5. The BBC and British Council online resources 
  6. Owl Purdue University online teaching resources 
  7. online teaching resources 
  8. online teaching resources and other useful websites 
  9. Student Workbook: Quantitative Aptitude & Reasoning, Corporate & Industry Relations, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. 
  10. Quantitative Aptitude for All Competitive Examinations, Abhijit Guha. 
  11. How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT, Arun Sharma. 
  12. How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for the CAT, Arun Sharma. 
  13. How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT, Arun Sharma. 
  14. Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations, R S Aggarwal. 
  15. A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning, R S Aggarwal. 
  16. A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning, R S Aggarwal.

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