Unit 1
Topological spaces, Definition and examples, Interior, Closure and Boundary, Basis and Sub-basis, Continuity, Topological Equivalence, Subspaces.
Course Name | Topology |
Course Code | 24MAT506 |
Program | 5 Year Integrated MSc/ BSc. (H) in Mathematics with Minor in Data Science |
Semester | IX |
Credits | 4 |
Campus | Amritapuri |
Topological spaces, Definition and examples, Interior, Closure and Boundary, Basis and Sub-basis, Continuity, Topological Equivalence, Subspaces.
Connected Spaces, Theorems on Connectedness, Connected subsets of Real line, Applications of Connectedness, Path Connected Spaces.
Compact spaces, Compactness and Continuity, Properties of Compact Spaces, One-Point Compactification.
Finite and arbitrary Products, Tychnoff’s theorem, Comparison of topologies, Quotient Spaces, T0, T1 and T2 Spaces, Regular Spaces, Normal Spaces, Separation by Continuous functions.
Urysohn’s Lemma and Tietze Extension Theorem, Nets, Filters and Convergence, Tychnoff’s Theorem.
Course outcomes
CO1:To introduce the concept of Metric spaces as a generalization of the analysis on the real line at a level and depth appropriate for introducing Topological spaces
CO2: providing a prerequisite for the forth coming courses like Differential Geometry, Functional Analysis, Complex Analysis etc..
CO3:To introduce the student to what it means to do mathematics, as opposed to learning about mathematics or to learning to do computational exercises.
CO4:To help the student learn how to write mathematical text according to the standards of the profession.
CO5: Inspiring them to study higher-level mathematics and to become a professional mathematician
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