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Course Detail

Course Name Techniques of Experimental Nutrition


S.No. List of Experiments
1. Instrumentation techniques – Brookfield Viscometer, Abbe’s Refractometer, pH meter,

Colorimeter, Spectrophotometer and chromatography-principle and working.

2. Determination of Moisture content using hot air oven drying technique
3. Qualitative analysis of Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats and Oils in given food samples
4. Estimation of Total Sugars using Anthrone Method
5. Determination of reducing sugars using Dinitrosalicylic acid (DNSA) Method
6. Estimation of Dietary Fiber using AOAC Method


7. Estimation of Proteins using Biuret / Lowry method
8. Determination of Amino acids by Sorensen’s Formal Titration
9. Determination of Crude Fat using soxhlet extraction method
10. Determination of Total ash content using dry ashing and wet ashing methods
11. Estimation of Minerals- Calcium, Phosphorus and Iron in the food samples using

Spectrophotometric Methods

12. Estimation of Vitamins- Vitamin A and Vitamin C and in the food samples using

Spectrophotometric and Dichloroindophenol Titrimetric Methods

13. Determination of Phytochemicals – Phytates, Oxalates and Tannins using AOAC Methods
14. Estimation of total antioxidants using FRAP (ferric reducing-antioxidant power) assay-

Spectrophotometric Technique.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objectives:

  1. Understand the chemical composition of different foods using colorimetric and spectrophotometric and chromatography techniques
  2. Impart knowledge on qualitative and quantitative estimation of nutrients, antioxidants and phytochemicals in different food samples

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Acquire knowledge on different analytical techniques associated with food samples

CO2: Gain hands on experience in qualitative and quantitative estimations of proximate constituents, antioxidants and phytochemicals in different food samples.

CO-PO Mappings

CO1 1 2
CO2 2

Text Books /Reference

Text Books:

  1. Nielsen S. (2015), Introduction to the chemical analysis of foods, CBS Publishers and Distributers, Pvt. Ltd, New York.
  2. Ranganna (2019). Handbook of analysis and quality control for fruits and vegetables, 2nd Edition. Tata McGraw Hill, USA.

Reference Books:

  1. Suzanne Nielsen S. (2017). Food Analysis Laboratory Manual. Springer, USA.

Evaluation Pattern

Internal (CA) External Total
80 20 100


*CA – Regular Lab work assessment

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