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Course Detail

Course Name Technical Writing for Design
Course Code 24DES281
Program B.Des. (Hons.) in Communication Design
Semester 3
Credits 4
Campus Kochi


Unit I

Technical Writing Fundamentals •What is technical writing? •Sentence level editing •What is a memo? Preparing a memo

Unit II

End products of technical writing – technical reports, project proposals, project abstracts, project documents and.

Unit III

Preparing Manuals – technical, installation end –user.

Unit IV

What is a technical description? •What purpose do they serve? •Who are they serving? Writing a Technical Description

Unit V

The technical editing process – Review of the document, aim, content and its organization; Editing for accuracy of technical details, language style and usage; Editing tables, graphs/illustrations, copy fitting, design, and layout of documents. Online editing process

Text Books / References


  • Aidoo, (2009). Effective technical writing and publication techniques: A guide for technical writers, engineers, and technical communicators. Leicester: Matador.
  • Alred Gerald , Brusaw Charles T. &Oliu Walter E. 2008). Handbook of technical writing. New Delhi: Sage
  • Haile, M. (2001). Technical style: Technical writing in a Digital age. South Carolina: Macatea Productions.
  • Harty, Kevin, (2007). Strategies for business and technical writing (2nd ed). New York. Pearson Education.
  • Ingre, (2003). Technical writing: essentials for the successful professional. New York: Thomson.
  • Lipson, Carol & Day, (2002). Technical communication and the World Wide Web.Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc.
  • Pfeiffer, William, (1997). Technical Writing: A Practical Approach (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.
  • Samson Jr, Donald, (1993). Editing Technical Writing. New York: Oxford University Press
  • Sides, Charles, (1999). How to Write and Present Technical Information (9th ed). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Worley, Wanda &Fitterling, Rebecca A. (2008). Technical Writing: The Fundamentals (2nd ed). Dubuque: Kendall Hunt.

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