Unit 1
Introduction to Sustainability: Overview of Sustainability and Green buildings, Selection of site –preservation and planning.
Climatology: Basics of climatology, Influence of climate on buildings, Earth –Sun relationship.
Heat transfer in buildings: Conduction/Convection/radiation heat transfer
Comfort in Buildings: Thermal comfort – Strategies for Thermal comfort. Visual comfort –Enhancement strategies for Daylighting and Artificial lighting. Building Acoustics – defects and prevention of sound transmission. Indoor Air Quality – integrated approach for IAQ management
Sustainable building materials: Features of sustainable building materials and sustainable alternatives.
Unit 2
Resource and waste management in buildings:
Energy efficiency –Energy efficiency in building envelope, energy simulation, Energy management system –lighting and renewable energy and Energy Audit.
Water Efficiency –Planning and design of water management system, Rain water harvesting, Water efficient design and fixtures, Treatment and reuse, Water efficient landscape system.
Waste management –Types of waste and its treatment methods, Construction and demolition waste management, Waste management in residential, commercial buildings, healthcare facilities.
Unit 3
Green project management and Life Cycle Assessment of Buildings:
Green building evolution and Different phases of Green building project management. Life cycle assessment and its types –Modelling and Analysis, Greenhouse gas emission
Sustainability rating systems: Green building rating systems-LEED, BREEAM and others, Indian Green building rating systems –IGBC & GRIHA, IGBC criteria for certification.
Potential case studies
1.Case study on thermal comfort audit for a commercial building
2.Energy audit for commercial building
3.Exposure to Energy simulation tools
Objectives and Outcomes
Promote an approach to project conception and evaluation that is based on an appreciation of the needs of society, with
orientation towards industry and standard practices.
Course Outcome
CO1: Analyse the influence of climate on comfort levels in built environment
CO2: Assess building energy issues and suggest design options
CO3: Propose strategies for water conservation and waste recycling
CO4: Apply green project management concepts in building construction
CO-PO Mapping
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PO11 |
PO12 |
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PSO2 |
PSO3 |
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Text Books / References
Text Book
“Sustainable Building Design Manual- Volume II”, Published by TERI, New Delhi, 2009.
Kibert, C.J., “Sustainable Construction: Green Building Design and Delivery”, Wiley, 2022.
Steven V. Szokolay., “Introduction to Architectural Science – The Basis of Sustainable Design”, Routledge, 2014.
Sandy Halliday, “Sustainable Construction”, Routledge, (Taylor & Francis Group), 2013.
Dejan Mumovic and Mat Santamouris (Ed), “A Handbook of Sustainable Building Design and Engineering”, Routledge, 2021
Francis D. K. Ching, Ian M. Shapiro, “Green Building Illustrated”, Wiley, 2020.