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Course Detail

Course Name Supply Chain Management and Logistics
Course Code 24COM649
Program M. Com. (Finance & Systems)
Semester Elective
Credits 3
Campus Amritapuri



Introduction:StrategicManagement-Vision,Mission,Scope,Objectives,StrategiesandOperatingPlans;ProcessofStrategicManagement;StrategicFinancialManagement; Changing Environment of Business Finance – Recent Trends and FinancialStrategies;FinancialFundamentalAnalysis–EconomyAnalysis,IndustryandCompetitionAnalysisandCompany Analysis.


Corporate Valuation: Concept of Value; Value Creation through Required Rate of Return – NPV and IRR Approach; Book Value of the Corporate Entity – Intrinsic Value;AdjustedBookValueoftheCorporateUnit;CurrentMarketValuationModel;Cost Theory of Valuation; Earnings Theory of Valuation; The Gordon Model of Valuation; Discounted Cash Flow Model.


Business Growth and Corporate Reorganisation: Reorganisation for Growth – ABriefOverviewofExpansion,Diversification,AlliancesandCooperation,andMergersand Acquisitions; Corporate Growth and Financial Structure Redesigning – Leveraged Re capitalisation, Leveraged Buy Outs and Share Buyback; Growth Companies- DividendPolicyandCashDividendsVsShareBuyback.


Corporate Merger and Takeover : Mergers-Concept and Types; Reasons forMerger; Legal Aspects of Merger; Merger Exchange Ratio; Evaluating a Merger-CapitalBudgeting Framework; Corporate Takeover-Concept of Friendly and Hostile Takeover;TakeoverRegulationsinIndia;TakeoverDefenceMechanism.


ManagingCorporateSicknessandCorporateRestructuring:ConceptofCorporateSickness;SicknessScenarioinIndia;CausesofSickness;SymptomsofSickness; Predicting Sickness-Financial Ratios and AltmanModel; Reorganisation forGrowth-Stifled Corporate Entity – Share Buyback, Divestiture, Sell-Offs, Spin-Offs andEquity Carve-Outs; Distressed Restructuring-Voluntary Settlements and DIP Financing forReconstruction;Formulating RevivalPlan.

Course Objective and Outcomes

Course Objective: To provide an understanding on the different aspects of supply chain management and logistics

Course Outcomes

CO1 Understand the concept of Supply Chain Management and Logistics
CO2 Identify different elements of Supply Chain Management
CO3 Understand the inventory management techniques and functions of warehousing
CO4 Knowledge on different modes of transport
CO5 Identify the forms and process of material handling and packing

EvaluationPattern– R.13&R.16


  1. Strategic Financial Management – Managing for value creation | Second EditionPrasannaChandra(2020), Publisher-McGrawHill.
  2. Taxmann’s CRACKER – Strategic Financial Management | CA-Final – NewSyllabus|Updatedtill31-10-2020|3rdEdition.

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