Unit 1
Random variables and Stochastic Processes: Probability generating function-mean and variance, Laplace transform of probability distributions, geometric and exponential distributions, sums of random number of continuous random variables, Geometric and Exponential distributions and properties.
Unit 2
Stochastic processes, Introduction, Classification of stochastic processes, statistical properties such as mean, variance, auto covariance and auto correlation, properties, Weak stationary, Strict stationary and non-stationary processes and examples, Mean ergodic processes.
Unit 3
Markov Chains: Definition of Markov Chain and examples, higher transition probabilities, Classification of states and chains, Determination of higher transition probabilities-limiting behavior, stability of a Markov System-Computation of equilibrium probabilities, Markov chains with denumerable number of states, Reducible Markov chains.
Unit 4
Counting processes, Poisson Process: Definition, Poisson process, properties and related distributions, Generalization of Poisson process, Continuous time Markov chains, Birth and death process, Markov process with discrete state space, Chapman-Kolmogorov equations, limiting distributions.
Unit 5
Applications in stochastic models, Queuing systems and models, Birth and death process in queueing theory, M/M/1 and M/M/s models with finite and infinite system capacity.
Course Objectives and Outcomes
Course outcomes
CO1: Understand to Illustrate and formulate fundamental probability distribution and density functions, as well as functions of random variables
CO2: Able to understand the concept of Stochastic processes, various classifications, Statistical proprieties and understand about weak stationary and strict stationary processes and ergodic processes.
CO3: Ability to understand discrete time Markov chains and their applications
CO4: Understanding the Poisson processes and their applications in stochastic modelling CO5: Understand the applications of stochastic processes and use of that in in day to day life