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Course Detail

Course Name Software Engineering
Course Code 24CSC501
Program Integrated M. Sc. Mathematics and Computing
Semester VII
Credits 4
Campus Coimbatore


Software process and lifecycle: Software Product, Software Processes, Study of different process models, Project Management Concepts, Planning and Scheduling, Team organization and people management.

Software requirement engineering: Software requirements, extraction and specification, Feasibility Studies, Requirements Modeling, object oriented analysis.

Design Concepts: Object oriented design, Architectural design. Component level Design, User Interface Design, Distributed Systems Architecture, Real Time Software Design, User Interface Design, Pattern Based Design.

Risk Management: Metrics and Measurement, Estimation for software projects, software configuration management, Maintenance and Reengineering.

Software Testing: Unit testing, integration testing, black box and white box testing, regression testing, performance testing, object oriented testing. Verification and validation of Software:Software Inspections and Audit, Automated Analysis, Critical systems validation.

Software Quality Assurance, Quality Standards, Quality Planning and Control, Various Quality models. Overview of recent trends in Software Engineering, Security Engineering, Agile Methods, Service Oriented Software Engineering, Aspect Oriented Software Development.Self-Study:

Text books/ Reference books

Text Books:

  1. Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, Addison – Wesley


  1. Roger Pressman, Software Engineering A Practitioners Approach, McGraw Hill Publication
  2. Rajib Mall, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Prentice Hall of India 3.Ivar Jacobson, Object Oriented Software Engineering A use case Approach, Pearson

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