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Course Detail

Course Name Security in Cyber Physical Systems
Course Code 24CY741
Program M. Tech. in Cyber Security
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore



Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Characteristics, Modules within CPS, Design Process of CPS, Challenges for CPS Software Design, Modeling languages and Tools in CPS, CPS Architecture Layers, Human- Machine Interaction, Power Management, Scalability and Resilience, Edge, and Cloud Computing Integration, Communication Protocols in CPS: MQTT, CoAP, and DDS, Scalability Techniques: Fog Computing, Load Balancing, and Distributed Control, Privacy in CPS, Secure Communication in CPS, Configuring Firewalls, Intrusion Detection and Prevention in CPS, Access Control and Authentication, Security Testing and Evaluation Methods in CPS, Case Studies of CPS Security Breaches and Implications, Emerging Threats: Supply Chain Attacks and Zero-Day Vulnerabilities, Microservices Security, Cloud Services Security, Security Assessment of CPS, Data Analytics for Security in CPS, Code Analysis Tools, Fuzz Testing, Reverse Engineering in CPS, Application of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Anomaly Detection and Threat Prediction in CPS, Formal Methods and Model Checking in CPS Software Verification. 

Objectives and Outcomes


24CY602 Network Security 


Course Outcome

Course Outcome


Taxonomy Level

CO 1

Understanding the System Architecture of the CPS 


CO 2

Exploring CPS security and privacy 


CO 3

Familiarization of various vulnerabilities and security testing in CPS 


CO 4

ML and AI based Threat Prediction in CPS 


CO 5

Formal Methods and Model checking for software verification 



CO-PO Mapping

CO-PO Mapping  


PO 1 

PO 2 

PO 3 

PO 4 

PO 5 

PO 6 

PO 7 

PO 8 

PO 9 

PO 10 




CO 1 



CO 2 



CO 3 



CO 4 



CO 5 



Text Books / References

  1. Danda B. Rawat, Joel J.P.C. Rodrigues, Ivan Stojmenovic, Cyber-Physical Systems From Theory to Practice , CRC Press 2020. 
  2. Rajeev Alur, Principles of Cyber-Physical Systems , MIT Press 2015. 
  3. Anuradha M. Annaswamy, Pramod P. Khargonekar, Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, Sarah K. Spurgeon, Cyber-Physical-Human Systems: Fundamentals and Applications, Wiley-IEEE Press 2023. 
  4. Liu, Yan Zhang, Cyber Physical Systems Architectures, Protocols and Applications , CRC Press 2019. 
  5. Houbing Song, Glenn A. Fink, Sabina Jeschke, Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems: Foundations, Principles, and Applications Wiley-IEEE Press 2017. 

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