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Course Detail

Course Name Restructured Power System Optimisation
Course Code 18PR603
Program M. Tech. in Power & Energy Engineering(Smart Grids & Electric Vehicles) (For working professionals and regular students)
Semester Two
Year Taught 2018


Course Syllabus

Review of power system operation in restructured scenario, marginal cost of generation, least-cost operation, and incremental cost of generation.

Introduction to Power System Optimization: classical and evolutionary approaches of optimization, Formulation of optimal power flow problem.

Simulation: load flow and OPF studies using evolutionary approaches.

Fundamentals of deregulation: Introduction to power systems restructuring, key issues in restructuring, restructuring models: Independent System Operators (ISOs).

Electricity Markets: Competitive gencos and discos in markets, Supply and demand functions, Market equilibrium, types of electricity markets – inter-utility interchanges.

Strategic bidding: Market power and its mitigation, Imperfect markets.

Simulation: Electricity market clearing mechanism using OPF.

Transmission Open Access: transmission costing, Concept of distribution factors in power transmission and its application to pricing,

LMPs: Transmission capacity, ATC calculations, OASIS. Transmission Congestion Management and Transmission Rights.

Simulation: Congestion management using evolutionary approaches.

Ancillary Services: classifications and definitions, System Security in Deregulation.

System Frequency Control: Primary Regulation and Automatic Generation Control, Frequency Control Practices, Reactive power ancillary services in electricity markets, Review of electric utility markets in India.

Simulation: LFC studies.

Text Books / References

  • D. P. Kothari, J. S. Dhillon, “Power System Optimization:”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.,. 2010.
  • Kankar Bhattacharya, Math H.J. Bollen and Jaap E. Daalder, “Operation of Restructured Power Systems”, Springer. 2001.
  • M. Shahidehpour and M. Alomoush “Restructured Electrical Power Systems – Operation, Trading and Volatility”, CRC Press. 2001.
  • M. Shahidehpour, H. Yamin and Zuyi Li, “Market Operations in Electric Power Systems: Forecasting, Scheduling, and Risk Management”, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2002.
  • Loe Lie Lai “Power Systems Restructuring and Deregulation”, John Wily, 2002.


‘Restructured Power System Optimisation’ is a course offered in the M. Tech. in Power & Energy Engineering program at School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri campus.

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