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Course Detail

Course Name Research Dissertation
Course Code 24COM497
Program B. Com. (Honours/ Honours with Research) in Taxation and Finance, B.B.A.  (Honours/ Honours with Research) 
Credits 12


Dissertations are typically structured as follows:

Chapter 1 :Introduction (broad overview of the research)

Chapter 2 :Review of the Literature (and conceptual model/framework) Chapter 3 :Theoretical Framework

Chapter 4 :Analysis and Interpretation

Chapter 5 :Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations References


Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objective:

This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to conduct in-depth research and produce a dissertation in the field of Commerce and Management/ Social Sciences. The course will guide students through the process of identifying a research topic, conducting a literature review, developing a research methodology, collecting and analyzing data, and writing a dissertation in the domain area.

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Identify and formulate research questions in the field of Commerce and Management/ Social Sciences that are original, significant, and feasible.

CO2: Conduct a comprehensive literature review related to their chosen research topic, demonstrating an understanding of the current state of knowledge in the field.

CO3: Design and implement a research methodology suitable for their research question,

including the selection and application of appropriate data collection and analysis techniques.

CO4: Write a well-structured, clear, and concise dissertation that effectively communicates the research findings and their significance.

CO5: Present their research findings in a professional and engaging manner, effectively handling questions and feedback.

CO6: Demonstrate ethical considerations in conducting and reporting research.

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern:

Step1: Guide Evaluation (70%): The thesis advisor or supervisor will evaluate the student’s work

throughout the course. This evaluation will be based on the following criteria:

  1. Research Proposal (20%): Clarity of objectives, feasibility of research question, and quality of proposed
  2. Literature Review (20%): Depth and breadth of literature covered, relevance to the research question, and critical analysis of existing
  3. Dissertation (30%): Quality of data analysis, validity of conclusions, writing quality, and overall presentation of the

Step 2: Viva Voce (30%): A panel of experts will conduct a viva voce examination. The student will present their research findings and answer questions related to their work. The evaluation will be based on the following criteria:

  • Presentation (15%): Clarity and organization of the presentation, ability to effectively communicate research
  • Question Handling (15%): Ability to answer questions accurately and confidently, demonstration of in-depth understanding of the research

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