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Course Detail

Course Name Remote sensing & GIS
Course Code 23CIE452
Program B. Tech. in Civil Engineering
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore


Unit 1

Introduction, Basic concepts and principles of remote sensing; Definition components of remote sensing- energy sensor, interacting body – active and passive remote sensing – platforms – EMR interaction with earth surface material, radiance, irradiance, incident, reflected, absorbed and transmitted energy – reflectance – specular and diffused reflection surfaces – spectral signature – spectral signature curves – EMR interaction with water, soil and earth surface. Application; Meteorology, land use, networking, hydrological studies, soil studies and coastal zone analysis.

Unit 2

Photogrammetry; Aerial and Terrestrial; photo interpretation. Sensors; Radar imaging; colour scanners; thematic mapper. Geographic information system – components of GIS – hardware, software and organisational context

– data – spatial and non-spatial maps – types of maps – projection- types of projection – data input- digitiser, scanner, editing – raster and vector data structures – comparison of raster and vector data structure.

Unit 3

Analysis using raster and vector data – retrieval, reclassification, overlaying, buffering – data output – printers and plotters. Open source software’s.GIS and remote sensing applications – urban applications – water resources – urban analysis – watershed management – resources information system – hazard mitigation.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objectives

Explain the basic concepts of Remote Sensing and EM Spectra and the different types of satellite and sensors.

Expose to the concepts of Photogrammetry and its applications

Illustrate Energy interactions (with atmosphere and surface features) and Interpretation of satellite images Explain different components of GIS and its applications

Develop knowledge on using GIS data and working with GIS software.

Course Outcome

CO1: Understand principles and identify the components of remote sensing and EMR.

CO2: Schematize the process of data acquisition of satellite images and their characteristics

CO3: Understand the principles and identify the components of Photogrammetry and Thematic maps

CO4: Visualize the Remote sensing digitally with digital image processing techniques.

CO5: Apply Remote sensing and GIS in different engineering contexts

CO-PO Mapping































CO1 3 3 1
CO2 3 3 1 2 1
CO3 3 3 1
CO4 3 2 1
CO5 2 3 2 1 2 2

Text Books / References

Text book(s)

Francis D.K.Ching, “Architecture-Form, Space and Order”, John Wiley NP, 2015

Steven V. Szokolay., “Introduction to Architectural Science – The Basis of Sustainable Design”, Routledge, 2014.


Muthu Shobha Mohan, “Principles of Architecture”, Oxford University Press, 2006.

Koenigseberger., “Manual of Tropical housing and Building – Climatic Design”, Universities Press, 2010. Bureau of Indian standards, Handbook on Functional Requirement of Buildings – SP:41(S and T) – 1987 Krishnan, “Climate Responsive Architecture”, McGraw Hill Education, 2017.

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