Unit I
Simple linear regression: Examples of simple linear regression; Interpretation of parameters; Estimation of the slope and the intercept in simple linear regression; Sampling properties of estimates. Theory of point estimation: least squares, maximum likelihood, method of moments; Confidence Intervals for parameters in simple linear regression.
Unit II
Multiple linear regression: Design matrix; Interpretation and estimation of parameters; Multicollinearity; Hypothesis tests: t-test, F-test, Likelihood-ratio test; Weighted least-squares.
Unit III
Residuals and their analysis: Assessing goodness-of-fit, normality, homogeneity of variances, detection of outliers and influential observations; Diagnostic plots for linear regression models.
Unit IV
Model selection: Mallow’s Cp, AIC, BIC, R-squared, subset selection of independent variables, transformation of dependent and independent variables, multicollinearity, principal component regression, ridge-regression, Lasso.
Unit V
Logistic Regression: Statistical models for binary data; Interpretation of odds and odds ratios; Maximum likelihood estimation in logistic regression; Deviance, Residual analysis for logistic regression.
Course Objectives and Outcomes
CO1: Apply simple linear regression model to real life examples.
CO2: Understand multiple linear regression models with applications and concept of Multicollinearity and autocorrelation.
CO3: Compute multiple and partial correlation and checking residual diagnostic to validate model.
CO4: Apply Logistic and Non-linear regression models and its implementation in real life situation.