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Course Detail

Course Name Radio and Television Journalism
Course Code 24VMC206
Program 5 Year Integrated B.Sc. – M.Sc. Visual Communication
Semester 4
Credits 3
Campus Mysuru


Unit 1

Introduction to Broadcast Journalism:

Definition, characteristics, origin and development of Radio and Television in India. Impact of Science and Technology Internet and Satellite Communication – FM and AM radio – Cable and Satellite TV, DTH – Impact of Privatization, Prasar Bharti, ethical guidelines 

Unit 2

Organization, roles and responsibilities in radio stations: 

Departments in a radio station, roles and responsibilities in Akashvani and private FM channels, types of radio news based programmes like Radio News Bulletins, Radio Dramas, Radio feature, Radio commentary, Radio magazine, Radio documentary, Radio music – Radio Jockeying

Unit 3

Organization, roles and responsibilities in television stations: 

Departments in a TV news channel, roles and responsibilities in Akashvani and private FM channels, types of news based programmes like TV news bulletins, live reporting, news stories, panel discussion, interviews, etc.

Unit 4

Practical techniques for broadcast news production 

Writing techniques for radio, recording for radio, preparation for radio interviews, radio news bulletins, Planning and production of different types of TV programs – Introduction to preproduction Process – writing scripts – voice overs, sound bites and PTC, shooting tips, production workflow involved in developing a TV news bulletin, etc.

Unit 6

Digital news gathering trends 

Tips and techniques for news based content on digital platforms – podcast and auido-visual news stories, interviews, analysis and review of popular content, and popular news platforms on internet.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objective: 

This course is aimed at developing skills required for broadcast and digital news production and post-production, writing for broadcast to equip them with skills and practices to take up journalistic and production jobs in TV Channels. 

Course Outcomes (COs): 

After completing the course, learners should be able to: 

  1. Differentiate between radio and television formats of journalism
  2. Develop content for radio by applying the characteristics of radio
  3. Learn news production techniques for broadcast media. 
  4. Develop journalistic content based on ethical practices. 
  5. Produce medium level news reports and bulletins for radio and television CO – PO Mapping: 























Text Books / References

  1. Techniques of Television Production by Bretz Rudy. 
  2. Video Production Handbook by Schihl J. Robert. 
  3. Indian Broadcasting by Luthra H.R. 
  4. Radio and TV Journalism by Srivastva K.M 
  5. Boyd, Andrew (2001). Broadcast Journalism: Techniques of Radio and Television News. Fifth Edition, Great Britain:Focal Press.
  6. Chapman, Jane and Kinsey, Marie (2009). Broadcast Journalism: A critical introduction. London: Routledge.

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