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Course Detail

Course Name Project Appraisal and Financial Planning
Course Code 24COM604
Program M. Com. (Finance & Systems)
Semester III
Credits 3
Campus Amritapuri


Unit 1

Project, Meaning and definition, characteristics, importance, classification, project management cycle, project profile, search for a business idea, product planning and development, consumer adoption of an innovation.

Unit 2

Project identification, criteria for selection of a particular project, project formulation, steps, project analysis, technical, economic, financial, social, institutional and environmental analysis, project risks.

Unit 3

Project planning, meaning, project planning matrix, types of planning, functions of project planning, areas of planning, project design, network analysis, PERT and CPM, project report, contents, project appraisal, steps.

Unit 4

Financial analysis, meaning, significance, tools such as ratio analysis, fund flow analysis, Cash Flow Analysis, Comparative statement analysis and break even analysis.

Unit 5

Sources of finance, internal and external venture capital.

Course Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objective:
To make the students understand the procedure of selecting a project and the tools of financial analysis and planning.

Course Outcomes:

CO1 Understand the basic concepts of project management
CO2 Acquire information on project identification, formulation and profitability
CO3 Understand steps in project planning
CO4 Acquire thorough knowledge in tools of financial analysis
CO5 Identify the sources of institutional finance

Text / Reference Books


  1. Vasant Desai – Project Management – Himalaya Publishing Company
  2. S Chouchary – Project Management – McGraw Hill

Reference Books:

  1. B.M. Patel – Project Management – Vikas Publishing
  2. Rajeev M Gupta – Project Management – PHI
  3. Maylor – Project Management – Pearson

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