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Course Detail

Course Name Production Planning and Control (PPC)
Course Code 23OM611E
Program MBA
Credits 3
Course category Elective
Area Operations & Supply Chain Management


Module 1

Module 1. Production Planning & Control and Demand management

  1. Context & scope of PPC: Definition, Framework & History
  2. Forecasting methods
  3. Forecast evaluation
  4. Demand management strategy & techniques
Module 2

Module 2: Sales & Operations Planning

  1. Process
  2. Plan trade-offs
  3. Exploring alternative techniques for operations planning
Module 3

Module 3: Master Production Scheduling

  1. Basics & techniques
  2. Bill of Materials
  3. MPS
  4. Issues & management
Module 4

Module 4: Material Requirement Planning & Enterprise Resource Planning

  1. Process of MRP
  2. Applications and issues
  3. ERP& MPS fit
  4. Metrics for evaluation
Module 5

Module 5: Distribution Requirement Planning Capacity planning & Utilization

  1. Linkages and Techniques for DRP
  2. Issues and applications
  3. Capacity requirement planning and scheduling
  4. Techniques

Course Description  & Course Outcomes

Course Description

Firms are bound to deliver the value that they commit to their customers in order to sustain and thrive. Towards this end, firms need to use their scarce resources in the best possible way to maximize service quality, productivity at most minimum costs. Production planning and control therefore, is of great importance for the competitive position of manufacturing firms. It is an integral function in businesses, critical in linking the planning activities across functional areas (like marketing, operations, finance, and engineering), enhancing the quality of their primary process- order fulfilment.

The course will describe the tactical use of planning and control systems to manage material flow and capacity in operations, primarily within the firm. The course covers demand management, master production scheduling, production planning, inventory management, material requirements planning, capacity management, and just-in-time techniques in light of the changing manufacturing environment. In particular, this course will emphasize the overall structure of the planning and control function in managing manufacturing and service operations and how this function coordinates activities with other internal business areas. Developing a broad perspective of the operations function and also an understanding of the details of operations planning and control system techniques is intended.

Course Outcomes& Learning levels

The course demands the students to bring together the concepts from the other operations courses – Operations Management and Logistics and Supply Chain Management. The course outcomes support the program learning outcome of “Critical and Integrative Thinking”.

On completion of this course, students will be able to

  1. Forecast demand using the techniques discussed in the course (L5 – Analyze)
  2. Evaluate sales &operations plan to identify appropriate planning strategies (L6 – Evaluate)
  3. Make a Master production schedule using information from BoM and inventory records (L6 – Evaluate)
  4. Make a MRP with the given information (L6 – Evaluate)
  5. Make a distribution requirement plan for a channel with the given information (L6 – Evaluate)

Evaluation Pattern

# Assessment Component Percentage of Marks
1 Continuous Assessment * 60
2 End –Term Examination 40

*Based on assignments / Tests / Quizzes / Case Studies / Projects / Term paper / Field visit report.

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