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Course Detail

Course Name Principles of Management
Course Code 24COM101
Program B.B.A.  (Honours/ Honours with Research) 
Semester 1
Credits 3


Unit 1

Concept and Evolution of Management

Concept and nature of management – Management as an Art, Science, and Profession – Basic roles and skills of manager – Levels of management- Overview of functions of management – Approaches to management: Classical approach – Scientific, Administrative and Bureaucratic – Neoclassical approach: Human relation and Behavioral, Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory, Theory X and Theory Y

– Modern approach: Quantitative, System and Contingency.

Unit 2

Planning and Organizing

Definition and nature of planning – significance – planning types – steps of planning – MBO – Definition and nature of organizing – Significance – Steps -Types of organization: Formal and Informal – Delegation – Centralization and Decentralization – Span of management and Departmentation.

Unit 3

Staffing and Directing

Staffing-Meaning and Importance – Process of Staffing function – Recruitment & Selection – Training and Placement – Directing – Meaning, importance, and features of directing – Principles of directing – Elements of directing: Supervision, Leadership, Communication, and Motivation – Concepts and importance.

Unit 4

Meaning and importance, characteristics of controlling-Steps in control process- Traditional and Modern Techniques: Break-even analysis, Budgetary Control, Statistical Reports, Personal observation, Return on Investment, Ratio analysis, Responsibility Accounting, Management Audit, PERT and CPM, Management Information System

Unit 5

Emerging Concepts in Management

Recent trends in management: Kaizen – Quality Circle -Total Quality Management – Knowledge Management – Lean Management – Stress Management – Change Management – Open Book Management – Talent Management – Business process re-engineering.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objective:

To help the students to understand management theory from functional perspectives and to provide students with opportunities to develop the basic managerial skills of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling.

Course Outcomes:

The student will be able to:

CO1: Understand the evolution of management, including its conceptual nature as an art, science, and profession, and explore various approaches to management such as classical, neoclassical, and modern perspectives.

CO2: Understand the importance of planning and organizing in achieving organizational goals.

CO3: Familiarize the significance of staffing and directing in achieving organizational objectives and ensuring efficient utilization of human resources.

CO4: Understand the necessity of a good control system and effectively manage the resistance to control.

CO5: Familiarize students with emerging concepts in management, including Kaizen, TQM, change management, and lean management, among others.

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Text Books / References


  1. Stephen Robins, Marry Coutler – Management – Pearson
  2. Samuel C Creto and Trevis Certo – Modern Management – Pearson


  1. Koontz, O Donnell – Management – McGraw-Hill
  2. Appaniah, Reddy – Essentials of Management – Himalaya Publishing
  3. Prasad, M. – Principles of management – Sultan Chand and Sons.
  4. Srinivasan, Chunawalla – Management Principles and Practice – Himalaya Publishing
  5. Tulsian, C., & Pandey, Vishal – Business Organization and Management – Pearson Education

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