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Course Detail

Course Name Prestressed Concrete – Analyses, Design and Construction
Course Code 23CIE333
Program B. Tech. in Civil Engineering
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore


Unit 1

Historical developments – Basic principles of prestressing – Classification and types – Advantages over ordinary reinforced concrete – Materials – High strength concrete and high tensile steel – Methods of prestressing – Analysis of sections of stresses by stress concept, strength concept and load balancing concept – Location of pressure line – Losses of prestress in post -tensioned and pre-tensioned members.

Unit 2

Basic assumptions for calculating flexural stresses – Permissible stresses in steel and concrete as per IS 1343– Design of sections of Type I and Type II pre tensioned and post-tensioned beams –Factors influencing deflections – Short term deflections of uncracked members – Prediction of long term deflections due to creep and shrinkage – Check for serviceability limit state of deflection. Determination of anchorage zone stresses in pre tensioned and post-tensioned beams by IS 1343– design of anchorage zone reinforcement – Check for strength limit based on IS 1343– Layout of cables in pre tensioned post-tensioned beams – Design for shear based on IS 1343.

Unit 3

Analysis and design of composite beams – Shrinkage strain and its importance.

Partial prestressing – Definition, methods of achieving partial prestressing, merits and demerits of partial prestressing.

Circular prestressing- Design of Prestressed Concrete Pipes and water tanks

Objectives and Outcomes

Prerequisite(s): 19CIE303 Basic Reinforced Concrete Design

Course Objectives

The objective is to equip the students with basic understanding of theory and application of analysis and design of prestressed concrete structures. The course focuses on understanding the behavior and design of reinforced concrete components and systems subjected to gravity loads according to the Indian standard code requirements and on par with current Industry practices.

Course outcomes

CO1: Understand the concept of prestressing and apply it suitably in construction.

CO2: Analyse and design the prestressed concrete members for ULS and SLS of flexure, shear and torsion

CO3: Design the pre-stressed concrete pipes and tanks

CO-PO Mapping

CO1 3 1 2 1 3 3
CO2 3 2 2 3 3
CO3 3 2 2 3 2 3

Text Books / References

Text Book(s)
N. Krishna Raju, “Prestressed Concrete”, Tata McGraw Hill, 6th Edition, 2018.

Naaman, A.E., “Prestressed Concrete Analysis and Design – Fundamentals,” 3rd Edition, Techno Press, 2012.


Edward. G .Nawy, Prestressed Concrete, Prentice Hall, 5 th Edition, 2010.

Arthur. H. Nilson, Design of Prestressed Concrete, John Wiley and sons, 2 nd Edition, 1987

T.Y. Lin, Ned H. Burns, “Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures”, John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
P. Dayaratnam, “Prestressed Concrete”, Oxford & IBH, 2018.

R. Rajagopalan, “Prestressed Concrete”, Narosa publishers, 2017.

IS 1343-2012, “Code of Practice for Prestressed Concrete”, 2012.

ACI 318-14 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary, 2014

PCI Design Handbook, Seventh Edition, 2017


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