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Course Detail

Course Name Physics Lab I
Course Code 24PHY184
Program 5 Year Integrated MSc/ BSc. (H) in Mathematics with Minor in Data Science
Semester IX
Credits 4
Campus Amritapuri

Course Objectives and Outcomes

Course Outcomes: After successful complete of the course, students will be able to

  1. Experimentally verify laws of mechanics, optics, electricity and magnetism and understand them from practical perspective.
  2. Handle apparatus and assemble simple experimental setup
  3. Record measurements and Perform data analysis
  4. Calculate physical parameters from experimental results and their deviation from theoretical predictions and Error Analysis
  5. Suggested list of experiments is given below. Equivalent experiments may be considered. A minimum of eight experiments are to be completed from the suggested list.


  1. Timing ball and error analysis
  2. Viscosity – Stoke’s method
  3. Compound pendulum / Kater’s Pendulum
  4. Centripetal force
  5. Flywheel/ Moment of Inertia, Angular momentum, Torque, Rotational acceleration, rotational KE
  6. Forced Oscillation and Resonance
  7. Rigidity modulus – Torsion pendulum
  8. Conversion of Galvanometer to DC Ammeter and Voltmeter or Conversion of Ammeter to Voltmeter and Vice Versa
  9. Spectrometer: Basics, i-d curve and refractive index of glass prism (Sodium vapour lamp)
  10. Fresnel Biprism
  11. Sonometer

Evaluation Pattern: As in the rules for Assessment Procedure (R.14)

Skills and Employability: Lab sessions and experimentation help develop intuition for lab equipment and builds practical knowledge of using lab instruments, measurement techniques and experimental techniques needed for work involving communication of science such as lab instructor/ demonstrator, technical staff, educator or a scientist in schools, colleges, universities, industries and research labs/organisations.

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