Mechanics: Motion along a straight line, motion in two and three dimension, projectile motion(link is external), circular motion, relative motion. Force(link is external), Friction, Work, energy, power. System of particles(link is external), collisions(link is external), Rotational motion, combined rotational and translational motions.
Waves and Oscillations: Oscillations: Oscillatory systems, Harmonic motion, Simple harmonic oscillator, applications of simple harmonic motion(link is external). Types of oscillations(link is external), Resonance. Waves: Types. Wave equation-power, intensity, principle of superposition- interference, standing waves(link is external) – reflection, resonance(link is external). Sound-properties, interference, vibrating system and sources of sound, beats, Doppler effect(link is external), Effects at high speed ultrasonic’s(link is external).
Light: Electromagnetic spectrum, Properties of light, Reflection, Refraction, Optical fiber(link is external), Interference-Thin film interference, Newton’s rings(link is external), Air wedge, Michelson Interferometer(link is external), Holography, Diffraction- Single slit, double slit, multiple slit diffraction, grating(link is external). X-ray diffraction, Polarization-Types, production and detection of polarized light. Dichroism, polarizing sheets. Thick and thin lenses-Defects, Uses of lenses, Laser(link is external)– principle, types, uses.
Imaging Techniques: Microscopy: Electron Microscope – Dual nature of electron and its interaction with electric and magnetic fields, electron lens formation, Electron Microscope-construction, type, applications. Atomic Force microscope, Scanning Tunneling Microscope, Scanning Near field optical Microscope – an introduction. X- ray Crystallography: X-rays, X-ray scattering, general design of X-ray spectrometer.
Spectrometry: Mass spectrometry – General design of Mass spectrometers, Types of mass spectrometers, Mass spectrum.