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Course Detail

Course Name Photography and Photo Journalism
Course Code 24VMC106
Program 5 Year Integrated B.Sc. – M.Sc. Visual Communication
Semester 1
Credits 3
Campus Mysuru


Unit 1

Introduction to Photography 

Definition and concept; Nature, Scope and functions of photography; Human Eye and Camera; Early developments in photography- Pinhole Camera, Camera Obscura; Types of camera; Aesthetics of photography; Scope of photography; Photography and Social Change; Photography as Art; Basics of photojournalism.

Unit 2

Fundamentals of Photography & Master Photographers 

Electromagnetic Spectrum; Colour theory; Parts & Functions of DSLR; Lens; Aperture; Shutter Speed; ISO; Exposure Triangle; Subject placement; Rules of composition – Angle of view – Rule of thirds, Leading Lines, Symmetry and Balance, Rule of Space, Fill the Frame, Patterns and Repetition, Golden Ratio, Rule of Odds; Master photographers: body of work; Camera shots- ECU, CU, MCU, MLS, MS, LS, ELS; Camera angles- High angle, low angle, eye level, bird eye, Worm eye.

Unit 3

Digital Photography: Types and Techniques 

Digital sensors; Basics of light; Natural vs Artificial; Colour temperature; White Balance: modes and uses; Photography Lenses: types and application; Depth of field: aperture, distance, focal length. Filters: types and uses; Modes and uses: Autofocus; Metering; Types of photography.

Unit 4

News and Photography 

Photojournalist: roles and responsibilities: accuracy, Timeliness, Objectivity; News values; Storytelling; Caption and cutlines; Covering events: weather, Breaking stories, Traffic, Crime, Accidents, Conflict, Street, Sports; Ethical Considerations; Documentary photography; War photography; Photo essay; Photo story.

Unit 5

Digital Storage and Photo Compositing 

Digital Files & Digital Storage process; Digital storage cards; Image resolution; Types of Digital image files; Digital Photo compositing- Crop, Resize, Exposure and Contrast; Processing RAW files; Ethics of photo compositing.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objective: 

This course aims to provide learners with a comprehensive introduction to the dynamic realms of photography and photojournalism. Students will gain a profound understanding of the technical intricacies of digital cameras, including exposure, depth of field, selective shutter speeds, and ISO settings. Moreover, the course endeavours to cultivate practical expertise, enabling students to apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios. By exploring the visual qualities inherent in photographic images, students will develop a heightened appreciation for the art form, fostering their ability to critically analyze and create compelling visual narratives. 

Course Outcomes (COs): 

After completing the course, learners should be able to: 

  1. Summarize the relevance of lights in storytelling. 
  2. Appreciate the art of photographic storytelling. 
  3. Demonstrate the functioning of a digital camera. 
  4. Establish a link between photography and photojournalism. 
  5. Evaluate the ethics and responsibilities of photojournalists. 

CO – PO Mapping: 
























Text Books / References

  1. Newton, M. (2023). The School of Photography: Beginner’s Guide. United Kingdom: Octopus. 
  2. Gatcum, C. (2021). Complete Photography: The Beginner’s Guide to Taking Great Photos. United Kingdom: Octopus Publishing Group. 
  3. Reporting World War II. (2023). United States: Fordham University Press. 
  4. Brown, J. (2023). Beyond the Lines: Pictorial Reporting, Everyday Life, and the Crisis of Gilded Age America. United Kingdom: University of California Press. 
  5. Henning, M. (2023). Photography: The Unfettered Image. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis. 
  6. Teubner, U., Brückner, H. J. (2023). Optical Imaging and Photography: Imaging Optics, Sensors and Systems. Germany: De Gruyter. 
  7. Crookes Sir William. (2023). Photographic News For Amateur Photographers, Volumes 3-4. (n.p.): LEGARE STREET Press.
  8. Pavlidis, G. (2022). Foundations of Photography: A Treatise on the Technical Aspects of Digital Photography. Poland: Springer International Publishing. 
  9. Vanderberg, B. (2021). The Art of Photography: Theoretical and Practical Photography: Composition Guidelines. (n.p.): Independently Published. 
  10. Why Photography?. (2020). Italy: Skira. 
  11. Jeffrey, I. (2020). Understanding Photography: Interpreting and Enjoying the Great Photographers. Belgium: Ludion, Abrams. 
  12. Scott, G. (2020). New Ways of Seeing: The Democratic Language of Photography. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis. 
  13. Mirzoeff, N. (n.d.). An Introduction to Visual Culture. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis. 
  14. Bogre, M. (2020). Documentary Photography Reconsidered: History, Theory and Practice. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.

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