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Course Detail

Course Name Pharmacological & Toxicological Screening Methods-II
Course Code MPL202T
Program M. Pharm. Pharmacology
Semester 2
Credits 3
Campus Kochi


Unit 1

UNIT I 10 hours

Principles of toxicity studies

Introduction to general toxicology, History of toxicology, Different branches of toxicology (general, mechanistic, regulatory and descriptive toxicology). 1 hour

Toxicants: Exposure, exposure characterization, Routes of exposure: Organism environment interaction, Human health risk assessment, Hazard identification: Risk assessment, Risk prediction and management. 2 hours

Different regulatory guidelines for toxicity studies: Drug Laws, FDA, OECD, ICH, Schedule Y: Design of preclinical toxicity studies, Clinical risk/benefit analysis. 3 hours

Good Laboratory Practices (GLP): Principles of GLP, GLP establishment, Study plans: Study protocols, SOP writing and implementation, Roles of different personnel in GLP, Quality control and Quality Assurance, Multisite management and principal investigator’s responsibility, Test item characterization – importance and methods in regulatory toxicology studies. 4 hours

Unit 2

UNIT II 6 hours

General toxicity studies as per OECD guidelines

Acute, sub-acute and chronic-oral Toxicity studies 4 hours

Local toxicity studies: Acute eye irritation, skin sensitization, dermal irritation & dermal toxicity studies 1 hour

Inhalational toxicity studies: Acute, subacute and chronic toxicity studies 1 hour

Unit 3
UNIT III 10 hours

Special toxicity studies

Reproductive toxicology studies, Male reproductive toxicity studies (Spermatogenesis; Risk assessment in male reproductive toxicity), female reproductive studies (segment I and segment III), teratogenicity studies (segment II) 4 hours

Genotoxicity studies: AmesTest, invitro and invivo Micronucleus and Chromosomal aberrations studies. 3 hours

Carcinogenicity: Principles of carcinogenicity, dose-setting for carcinogenesis bioassay, transplacental carcinogenesis; Cocarcinogenisis/tumor promotion. 3 hours

Unit 4

UNIT IV 8 hours

Safety pharmacology studies : origin, concepts and importance of safety pharmacology 1 hour Tier1-CVS, CNS and respiratory safety pharmacology, HERG assay. 2 hours

Tier2-GI, renal and other studies. 2 hours

IND enabling studies (IND studies): Definition of IND, importance of IND, industry perspective, list of studies needed for IND submission 3 hours

Unit 5

UNIT V- Toxicokinetics 4 hours

Toxicokinetics: animals and dose groups, exposure measurement, determination of metabolites complicating factors in exposure interpretation, analytical methods according to good laboratory practices, regulatory requirements 2 hours

Saturation kinetics, Importance and applications of toxicokinetic studies 2 hours

Unit 6

UNIT VI Alternative methods to animal toxicity testing. 7 hours

Limitations of animal models, 4 R’s concept, importance and

applications of alternative models 2 hours

3D cell culture and lower animal models 3 hours

Organ-on-chip, examples, challenges and future potential. 2 hours

Unit 7

UNIT VI Alternative methods to animal toxicity testing. 7 hours

Limitations of animal models, 4 R’s concept, importance and

applications of alternative models 2 hours

3D cell culture and lower animal models 3 hours

Organ-on-chip, examples, challenges and future potential. 2 hours


This subject imparts knowledge on the preclinical safety and toxicological evaluation of drugs & new chemical entities. Different types of toxicology and various guidelines for toxicological studies are included here. The subject provides knowledge on various acute subacute and chronic toxicity studies, various special toxicity studies like reproductive toxicity studies, genotoxicity studies and carcinogenicity studies as well as various local toxicity studies to be performed for various new drugs and chemical entities. It also covers IND enabling studies as well as the concepts and methodology for safety pharmacology studies. This knowledge will make the student competent in regulatory toxicological evaluation.

The subject also imparts knowledge on toxicokinetics and its applications. Guidelines for toxicokinetic studies and its importance in further drug development stages are also covered here. Details and the importance of alternative methods for animal toxicity studies and new developments in toxicological evaluations are also included.

Objectives and Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, the students shall be able to,


  • K1: Explain the roles of various regulatory authorities in toxicity
  • K2: Explore different types of toxicity studies and their
  • K3: Recognize the ethical and regulatory requirements in toxicity
  • K4: Predict alternative methods in toxicity
  • K5: Appraise the principles of toxicokinetics and their application in
  • K6: Recommend regulatory requirements in drug development


  • S1: Apply regulatory guidelines in conducting toxicity
  • S2: Perform various toxicity tests according to the recommended
  • S3: Execute safety pharmacological studies based on recommended
  • S4: Implement good laboratory practices (GLP) in toxicity
  • S5: Design IND enabling studies for novel
  • S6: Predict the drug behavior in biological systems based on toxicokinetic studies


  • A1: Value ethical principles in the conduct of scientific
  • A2: Work effectively in collaborative research
  • A3: Stay updated about current regulations and guidelines in
  • A4: Communicate scientific findings clearly and
  • A5: Show responsibility in managing laboratory resources and
  • A6: Engage in continual learning to improve personal and professional

Text Books / References

Reference Books:

  1. Curtis D. Klaassen, John B. Casarett & Doull’s Essentials of Toxicology. 2nd edition 2010.
  2. Rick N Drugs: from discovery to approval. 3rd Edition. John Wiley & Sons; 2015.
  3. Shayne Animal Models in Toxicology. 3rd Edition. CRC Press; 2016.
  4. Stine KE, Brown Principles of toxicology. 3rd Edition. CRC Press; 2015.
Guidelines/ Online Resources
  1. Schedule Y Guideline: drugs and cosmetics (second amendment) rules, 2022, ministry of health and family welfare (department of health) New Delhi
  1. OECD test
  2. Guideline IH. Guidance on nonclinical safety studies for the conduct of human clinical trials and marketing authorization for pharmaceuticals M3 (R2). International conference on harmonisation of technical requirements for registration of pharmaceuticals for human
  3. CCSEA guidelines (
  1. Hand book on GLP, Quality practices for regulated non-clinical research and development, 2008.
  1. Toxicological Research. Springer Link (
  2. Drug discovery articles. Nature Portfolio (
  3. Pharmacology Research & Perspectives. British Pharmacological Society (
  4. Investigational New Springer Link (


  1. Prepare report on animal house visit and various animal experiments that are presently ongoing in animal house
  2. Structure, mission, Activities, and objectives of
  3. Ethical guidelines for carcinogenicity studies
  4. Waste disposal methods in toxicological studies
  5. LD-50 calculation and toxicology dose extrapolation
  6. Steps involved in new drug development with some
  7. SOP writing and implementation: GLP Establishment
  8. Multisite management and principal investigator’s responsibility
  9. Approval process for use of animals in experiments, Precautions in biological experiments., Labeling: Identification, cage cards
  10. Safety pharmacological studies for
  11. Regulations in use of pesticides, drugs and chemicals in

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