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Course Detail

Course Name Parasitology
Program BSc. in Biotechnology, BSc. in Microbiology
Semester Six
Credits Three
Year Taught 2019


  1. arasitology-Introduction, Parasitic association,host parasitic interaction, Effect of parasitism in the host,Sources of parasitic infections. Classification,Introduction of protozoa(4 hr)
  2. Protozoa-Amoeba Flagellates-Intestinal, Hemoflagellates, Sporozoa and Microspora(10 Hr)-
  3. Trematodes- Schistosoma haematobium, S.mansoni, S.japonicum  (5 Hr)
  4. Cestodes-Intestinal Tapeworms and extra intestinal tape worm (7 Hr)
  5. Nematodes-Intestinal , Blood and tissues (8 Hr)
Syllabus - Year Taught
2015 2014

Text Books

  1. Human parasitology-Burton J Bogtish.


  • General parasitology-Thomas C Cheng
  • Medical parasitology-Markell and Voges
  • Foundation of parasitology-Roberts,Janovy

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