1. Molecular Biology and Immunology
DNA replication, DNA Polymerase, Cell cycle, DNA repair.
Transcription, inhibition of transcription, genetic code, post transcriptional pro-cessing, reverse transcriptase.
Protein biosynthesis, post translational processing, inhibitors of protein synthesis.
Molecular genetics and gene expression, principles of breeding, autosomal, recessive, x- linked recessive, population genetics, gene location on chromosomes, mutations, recombination, mutagens, repression, operon, gene amplification, gene switching, transposition of genes, somatic recombination, enhancer, viruses.
Recombinant DNA technology.
Restriction endonuclease, DNA ligase, vectors, chimeric molecules, cloning, gene library, cloning strategies, insitu hybridization, blot techniques and applications, RFLP, Gene Therapy, Transgenesis, DNA finger printing, DNA sequencing, PCR,
DNA probes, hybridoma technology.
Pre-natal diagnosis of genetic disorders.
Immunology: Principles of immunology, antigen, antibodies and their reactions. Immunoglobulins, MHC, Complement system, Interleukins, Interferons and Cytokines. Cellular immunity, immune responses and cells involved, autoimmunity, immuno deficiency diseases.
Immunological Techniques, MIF, TRC, ELISA, Immuno electrophoresis, double diffusion technique, immunofixation, Immunoassay of enzymes, Nephelometric immunoassay, Chemiluminesence immunoassay western blot, Immunofluorescence and Radio immuno assay.
Preparation, assessment and storage of antisera (polyclonal and monoclonal). Methods of assessing analytical sensitivity, specificity and standardization.
2.Nucleic Acids
Chemistry of purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides, nucleotides, nucleic acids, nucleosomes. Structure of DNA and RNA.
3.Metabolism of Lipids:
Oxidation of fatty acids, Biosynthesis of fatty acids, Ketogenesis. Biosynthesis of Triglycerides, Phospholipids & Sphingolipids. Biosynthesis of cholesterol & Bile Acids, Plasma Lipoproteins, Apolipoproteins & Lipoprotein metabolism. Obesity, Fatty Liver, Lipotropic factors and ketosis.
PUFA, Lipid per oxidation & Eicosanoids-Prostaglandins & Leukotrienes . Lipid and Lipoprotein measurements- blood sampling and storage, Estimation of Lipids-Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Phospholipids & lipoproteins- Colorimetric and enzymatic methods
4.Inter – relation between the metabolism of Carbohydrate, lipids and proteins Generation of ATP, substrate level phosphorylation & Oxidative phosphorylation Brief out line of Electron transport chain