- Carbohydrate Metabolism:
Glycolysis, Cori’s Cycle, Oxidation of pyruvates. Citric Acid Cycle, Hexose Mono Phosphate Shunt Pathway, Glucuronic acid Pathway, Gluconeogenesis, Glycogenolysis,Regulation of Glycogen Metabolism, Fructose Metabolism, Galactose Metabolism, Glyoxlate Cycle, Hormonal regulation of Blood Glucose, Hyperglycemia & Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Glycosuria, Hypoglycemia, Pentosuria, fructosuria, galactosemia & Glycosycated Haemoglobin. Investigation of disorders of carbohydrate metabolism: glucose, Glucose tolerance tests & other tolerance tests - Metabolism of Proteins & Amino Acids:
Metabolism of individual amino acids,Catabolism of Amino Acids, Formation of Ammonia, Transamination and Oxidative deamination. Urea Cycle. Formation of Creatine and Creatinine. One Carbon Metabolism, Conversion of amino acids to specialized products.
Principles and methods for the estimation of Urea, creatine, creatinine, Total protein and Albumin - Common Inborn Errors of Metabolism:
Disorders of Carbohydrates metabolism – Glycogen storage diseases, galactosemia, fructose & Lactose intolerance.
Disorders of lipid metabolism-DYSLIPOPROTEINEMIA- Hypolipoproteinaemia, Hyper lipo proteinemia, Atherosclerosis and sphingolipidosis.
Disorders of Amino Acid metabolism, Cystinuria, Homoystinuria, Cystathionuria, Phenyl ketonuria, Alkaptonuria, Albinism. Maple Syrup Urine diseases, Hartnups‘s diseases. Disorders of Nucleic acid metabolism – Gout, Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome,
Laboratoy diagnosis of Inborn errors of metabolism - Vitamins and Co-Enzymes:
Vitamins- water Soluble-Chemistry, sources, RDA, Biochemical role, Deficiency and assay Vitamins Fat soluble-chemistry, sources, RDA, biochemical role, Deficiency, toxicity and assay, Estimation of Vitamin A, C, E and B.
25 - C.S.F and Other Body Fluids:
Physical and chemical examinations. Estimation of sugar, protein and chloride. Composition and Chemical analysis of Synovial, Pleural, Peritoneal, Pericardial, Amniotic fluid etc., Estimation of sugar, protein and chloride in CSF Common Laboratory methods, estimation and its interpretation of Glucose, protein, Cholesterol (total & HDL), Uric Acid, Creatine, Creatinine, Urea, Triglyceride, phospholipids, Total lipids, Glycosylated Haemoglobin and tests for inborn errors of Amino acid metabolism. - Enzymes:
Classification, Co-enzymes, Co factors, Mechanism of enzyme action, factors affecting in Enzyme action, Enzyme Kinetics, Michaelis Menton constant, Enzyme Inhibition, Regulatory enzymes, Immobilization of enzymes. - Clinical Enzymology
Enzyme activity determinations-End point assay and Kinetic assay. Principles & Methods for the estimation of Phosphatases, Trasaminases, Amylase, lipase, Lactate dehydrogenase, Cretine kinase, Ceruloplsmin, Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase, Aldolase, 5‘Nucleotidase, Leucine Amino peptidase, Gamma gluta-myl transpeptidase, Cholin esterase, Enolase, Isocitrate dehydrogenase, Isoenzymes in Diagnostic Biochemistry. Plasma enzyme pattern in diseases- MI, Liver disease, Muscle disease etc - Mineral Metabolism and Estimation
Calcium, phosphate, magnesium, sodium, potassium, Chloride, Iron, Copper, Zinc, Iodine: metabolism and disorders. Methodology of the estimation of the above minerals in blood, plasma and other body Fluids - Function Tests
Liver function tests: Disease of the liver-Jaundice,acute and chronic hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Cholestasis etc. ,Kidney function tests -Glomerular function and measurements, clearance tests, Tubular function tests, clinicalsyndromes, Gastro intestinal function tests . Collection ofGastric Juice. Tests for Gastric Function, Stimulation methods-Test Meals, Measurements of other Gastric Components, Malabsorption, Tests for occult blood in faces, Tests for malabsorption studies, Schilling test, D-xylose absorption tese, faecal fat estimation. –
Estimation of free and total acidity. Pancreatic function tests -Tests in Pancreatic diseases, Serum Enzymes and Urinary Enzymes -Direct stimulation tests and indirect stimulation of the pancreas-Sweat tests. Thyroid function tests-hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Gonadal function tests –disordersin males and females. Fetal placental function tests -Hemolytic disease of New-borns, biochemical assay for fetal lung maturity, Biosynthesis of Estriol , measurements and clinical applications. - Acid-Base Balance
Body buffer system. Respiratory regulation of PH, renal regulation of PH. Disturbance in acid base balance, Anion gap, metabolic acidosis, metabolic alkalosis, Respiratory acidosis, Respiratory alkalosis, Fluid and Electrolyte balance, osmolality, methodology of Blood PH and Gases estimation.
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- Dr. M. Govindaraju,Dr. R. Vaira Vignesh & Dr. B. Venkataraman were Awarded INR 57,94,000 by the Aeronautics Research and Development Board (AR&DB), Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), Government of India for the development of Brazing Technology for Joining C(f)-SiC to C(f)-SiC and C(f)-SiC to Inconel using High-temperature Brazing Alloys and Surface Activators
- AMRITA IQAC Head Addresses Online FDP of SAGE University