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Course Detail

Course Name Nutrigenetics
Course Code 24CNF611
Program M. Sc. Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics
Semester III
Credits 1
Campus Kochi


  1. Introduction to nutritional genetics and genomics- Gene and DNA structure
  2. Nutrients and Gene expression with its regulation
  3. Nutrients and epigenetics, Genes and disease
  4. Molecular methods used in nutritional genomics
  5. Technologies in nutrigenomics: Genomic techniques: Different sequencing approaches, Microarray, SNP genotyping, PCR and RT-PCR techniques Proteomics Techniques:1-D, 2-D gel electrophoresis, Differential gel electrophoresis (DIGE), novel peptide identification, peptide sequencing methods Metabolic techniques: Chromatography and mass spectrometry techniques, Discovery and validation of biomarkers for important diseases and disorders
  6. Nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics in ageing and calorie restriction, obesity, Cardiovascular disease and cancer.

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