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Unit 1

Basics: Atomic theory, nuclear composition, sizes and masses of nuclei, binding energy, radioactive decay, radioactive chains. Nuclear reactions, transmutation of elements, conservation laws, neutron cross sections, interaction of charged particles and gamma radiation with matter.

Fission and fusion: The fission process, energetic of fission, byproducts of fission, energy from nuclear fuels. Fusion reactions, electrostatic and nuclear forces, thermo nuclear reactions in plasma. Energetics of fusion. Comparison of fusion and fission reactions.

Unit 2

Neutron chain reactions and nuclear power: Criticality and multiplication, factors governing the multiplication, neutron flux and reactor power, reactor types and reactor operations. Methods of heat transmission and removal, steam generation and electric power generation, waste heat disposal.

Unit 3

Breeder reactors and fusion reactors: The concept of breeding nuclear fuel, isotope production and consumption, fast breeder reactor, breeding and uranium sources. Technical problems in the functioning of fusion reactor, requirements for practical fusion reactors, magnetic confinement, inertial confinements and other fusion concepts. Prospects of fusion power.

Radiation protection and waste disposal: Biological effects of radiation, radiation dose units, protective measures, internal exposure, and radon problem. Nuclear fuel cycle and waste classification, spent fuel storage and transportation, high level waste disposal, low level waste disposal.

Text Books

  1. Raymond L Murray, Nuclear Energy: An Introduction to the Concepts, Systems and Applications of Nuclear Processes, Butterworth-Heimann-Elsevier Inc (2009)


  • David Bodansky, Nuclear Energy: principles, practices and prospects, Springer Verlag
  • S K Rajput, Nuclear Energy, Mahaveer & Sons (2009)

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