Unit 1
Introduction: An Historical Perspective on the Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory.Molecular Techniques for diagnosis – Methods for extracting nucleic acids (DNA & RNA); Methods for Nucleic Acid Amplification: PCR, Modifications of PCR (Multiplex-PCR, SSP-PCR, Nested PCR, Reverse transcriptase PCR [RT-PCR], Realtime PCR)
Unit 2
Methods for mutation detection: PCR-RFLP, DNA Sequencing, Reverse Hybridization Assay, Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification [MLPA], Allele specific PCR; NGS Applications, Global review of NGS platforms, Clinical NGS in practice. Other Clinical Diagnostic Technologies: Flow Cytometry, Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization, Immunohistochemistry, Laser Capture Microdissection (FFPE).
Unit 3
Quality Assurance in the Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory: Framework for Quality Assurance in Molecular Diagnostics, Verification of Molecular Assays, Standards and Standardization of Molecular Diagnostics, Laboratory-Developed Tests in Molecular Diagnostics.
Unit 4
Applications of Molecular Diagnostics for Genetic Diseases, Molecular diagnostics of Coagulation, Cystic Fibrosis; Prenatal Genotyping for Identification of Fetuses at Risk for Immune CytopenicDisorders. Applications of Molecular Diagnostics for Human Cancers. Applications of Molecular Diagnostics for Infectious Diseases, Identity-Based Testing: HLA Typing Using Molecular Methods. Molecular Analysis for Forensic Casework and Parentage Testing, Molecular Assessment of Bone Marrow Transplant Engraftment. Personalized Medicine.
Unit 5
Genetic Counseling Considerations in Molecular Diagnosis, Ethical, Social, and Legal Issues Related to Molecular Genetic Testing.
Objectives and Outcomes
Pre-requisites: Basic understanding of biology and biotechnology
Total number of classes: 30
Course Outcome
- Understand the molecular diagnostic aspects, its significance and goal
- Understand the technology behind the various molecular techniques used in the
- clinical diagnostic laboratory for the diagnosis of various pathogenic situations
- Develop awareness of sample types, preparation, and storage for molecular
- diagnostic
- Understand the Quality assurance that needs to be followed in the molecular
- diagnostic lab
- Develop awareness of ethical issues related to genetic testing