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Course Detail

Course Name Stochastic Modeling
Course Code 24AI739
Program M. Tech. in Artificial Intelligence
Credits 3
Campus Amritapuri ,Coimbatore


Introduction to Stochastic Processes: Overview of stochastic processes – Introduction to conditional expectations. Conditional Expectations: Definition and properties of conditional expectations – Conditional expectations in the context of stochastic processes – Bayesian inference and decision theory.


Discrete Time Martingales: Definition and properties of martingales – Stopping times and optional stopping theorem – Discrete Time Markov Chains: Definition and properties of Markov chains – Classification of states, ergodicity – Stationary distributions and convergence – Markov decision processes (MDPs) and modelling sequential decision problems.


Poisson Process: Interarrival times and memory lessness – Poisson processes in queuing theory and AI applications – Brownian Motion: – Stochastic integration and differential equations – Geometric Brownian motion and its applications in finance and AI. Elements of Ito Stochastic Calculus: Ito integral and Ito’s lemma – Stochastic differential equations and models in continuous time.

Objectives and Outcomes


This course provides an in-depth exploration of stochastic processes with a focus on their applications in artificial intelligence.


Course Objectives

  • Gain a foundational understanding of finite Markov chains in discrete time.
  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of martingales in discrete time, covering fundamental theoretical concepts and their practical implications.
  • Explore the essential principles of stochastic processes in continuous time, focusing on key examples such as the Poisson process and Brownian motion.
  • Acquire insights into elementary stochastic calculus applied to Brownian motion, enhancing comprehension of its theoretical underpinnings.


Course Outcomes





Demonstrate a deep understanding of the theoretical foundations of finite Markov chains in discrete time.


Apply martingale theory to analyze algorithms and decision-making processes in AI.


Understand the essential principles of stochastic processes in continuous time, with a focus on the Poisson process.


Apply elementary stochastic calculus techniques to Brownian motion and related processes.



  • None.

CO-PO Mapping










Demonstrate a deep understanding of the theoretical foundations of finite Markov chains in discrete time.



Apply martingale theory to analyze algorithms and decision-making processes in AI.



Understand the essential principles of stochastic processes in continuous time, with a focus on the Poisson process.


Apply elementary stochastic calculus techniques to Brownian motion and related processes.



Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern – 70:30


  • Midterm Exam – 20%
  • Quiz – 20%
  • Lab Continuous Assessment – 30%
  • End Semester Exam / Project – 30%

Text Books / References

Text Book / References

  1. Lawler, G. F. (2006). Introduction to Stochastic Processes (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.
  1. Del Moral, P. (2014). Stochastic Processes: From Applications to Theory, Springer.
  1. Shreve, S. E. (2004). Stochastic Calculus for Finance II: Continuous-Time Models (1st ed.). Springer.
  2. Brzezniak, Z., & Zastawniak, T. (1999). Basic Stochastic Processes (1st ed.). Springer.
  3. Taylor, H. M., & Karlin, S. (2010). An Introduction to Stochastic Modeling (4th ed.). Academic Press.

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