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Course Detail

Course Name Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
Course Code 24AI601
Program M. Tech. in Artificial Intelligence
Credits 4
Campus Amritapuri ,Coimbatore


Principles of search, uninformed search, informed (heuristic) search, genetic algorithms, game playing – Basic idea behind search algorithms. Complexity. Combinatorial explosion and NP completeness. Polynomial hierarchy. Uninformed Search – Depth-first. Breadth-first. Uniform-cost. Depth-limited. Iterative deepening. Informed search – Best-first. A* search. Heuristics. Hill climbing. Problem of local extrema. Simulated annealing. Genetic Algorithms.

Knowledge bases and inference; constraint satisfaction, logical reasoning – Fuzzy logic. Reasoning under uncertainty – probabilities, conditional independence, Markov blanket, Bayes Nets – Probabilistic inference, enumeration, variable elimination, approximate inference by stochastic simulation, Markov chain Monte Carlo, Gibbs sampling. Agents that reason logically – Knowledge-based agents. Logic and representation. Propositional (Boolean) logic, Inference in propositional logic. Syntax. Semantics. Probabilistic Reasoning over time: Temporal models, Hidden Markov Models, Kalman filters, Dynamic Bayesian Networks, Automata theory. Planning – Definition and goals. Basic representations for planning. Situation space and plan space.

Inductive learning, concept formation, decision tree learning, statistical approaches, probabilistic methods, learning from examples – neural networks – Probability-Based Learning: Probabilistic Models, Naïve Bayes Models, EM algorithm, Introductions to AI Ethics, Heterogeneous Data Acquisition techniques, Reinforcement Learning.


Objectives and Outcomes


This course will deal with the fundamental principles of Artificial Intelligence including knowledge representation, reasoning, decision making and programming techniques. The course will also support developing an understanding of the theoretical relationships between these algorithms.

Course Objectives

  • To understand basic principles of Artificial Intelligence.
  • To understand the basic areas of artificial intelligence including problem solving, knowledge representation, reasoning, decision making, planning, perception and action.
  • To understand automatic learning methods in artificial intelligence

Course Outcomes

COs Description
CO1 Understand and apply formal methods of knowledge representation in AI systems.
CO2 Develop and utilize foundational principles, mathematical tools, and programming paradigms of AI.
CO3 Implement learning methods to solve real-world problems effectively.
CO4 Employ problem-solving techniques through search algorithms for various AI applications.
CO5 Communicate AI concepts and solutions effectively through technical reports and presentations.


CO-PO Mapping

COs Description PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5
CO1 Understand and apply formal methods of knowledge representation in AI systems. 3 3 2
CO2 Develop and utilize foundational principles, mathematical tools, and programming paradigms of AI. 3 3 2
CO3 Implement learning methods to solve real-world problems effectively. 3 3 3
CO4 Employ problem-solving techniques through search algorithms for various AI applications. 3 3 3
CO5 Communicate AI concepts and solutions effectively through technical reports and presentations. 2 3



  • None


Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern – 70:30

  • Midterm Exam – 20%
  • Quizzes – 20%
  • Lab Assignments & Case Study – 30%
  • End Semester Exam – 30%

Text Books / References

Text Book / References

  1. Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Fourth edition, Pearson Education, 2021
  2. Deepak Khemani. A First Course in Artificial Intelligence. McGraw Hill Education (India), 2013.
  3. Denis Rothman. Artificial Intelligence by Example, Packt, 2020, 2nd

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