Introduction to IoT, Architectural Overview and Design Principles, Elements of IoT (Arduino, Rasp- berry Pi, NodeMCU, Sensors & Actuators), IoT Applications, Sensing, Actuation, Networking Basics, Embedded OS, IoT and Cloud, Security aspects in IoT.
IoT Application Development, Introduction to Raspberry Pi, Integrating Sensors and Actuators with Raspberry Pi, Pushing and Managing Data in IoT Clouds, Programming APIs (Python/Node.js/Arduino) for communication protocols (MQTT, ZigBee, Bluetooth, UDP, TCP), Implementation of IoT with Raspberry Pi (lab – sensor, MQTT, visualization)
Introduction to ML and Deep learning models for IoT (challenges, opportunities, solutions), Sensor data classification using ML in Raspberry Pi (lab), Introduction to TensorFlowLite, Image classification on Raspberry Pi (lab), building scalable ML pipeline using Flask, Python, uWSGI, TensorFlow