Unit I
What is Technical Writing? – Purpose and characteristics of technical writing and need for developing technical writing skill. Use of Technical terms, Defining terms, Style and tone.
Course Name | Writing for Technical Purposes |
Course Code | 24OEL655 |
Program | MSc Visual Communication (Digital Film Making & Media Production) |
Credits | 2 |
Campus | Mysuru |
What is Technical Writing? – Purpose and characteristics of technical writing and need for developing technical writing skill. Use of Technical terms, Defining terms, Style and tone.
Use of resources, documentation style and citation; Standard operation procedures, Instruction Manuals and Handbooks.
Oral presentations, Analysis of published papers – format, content and style.
Drafting a research paper for publication; Grammar check and editing; proof reading.
Submission of term paper.
Overview: The course aims at developing skills that will enable students to produce clear and effective scientific and technical documents as required in their work-life. Though the focus of the course is on writing, oral communication of scientific and technical information forms an important part of the course.
Objectives: To familiarize the students with the requirements of effective technical writing; to enable students to independently work on their publication and presentation of papers; developing skills required for presentation of reports, papers and proposals
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