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Course Detail

Course Name Social Media Website Awareness
Course Code 24OEL653
Program MSc Visual Communication (Digital Film Making & Media Production)
Credits 2
Campus Mysuru


Unit I

Introduction to Social media; Definition – Social Media and Digital transformation; Social Networking and online communities; Social support and service; Wikipedia, Facebook, Instagram, Tagging, LinkedIn; Social mobile applications; Security settings in Facebook, Whatsapp.

Unit II

Blogging – History; Creating blog, effect of blogging, micro blogging; Protocol, Platform, Content strategies.

Unit III

Tweeting – Introduction, History, Protocol; Twitter; Twitter apps; Managing Twitter; #hashtag# creation andfollowing; Security settings in Twitter.

Unit IV

Social media sharing – History, Protocol; YouTube, Flickr, Slide share, Social news; News apps – Newshuntand others; Bookmarking – History, Digg, Reddit, Delicious.

Unit V

Social theory in the information age; Social Network for professional, business, Digital Marketing; Usingsocial networking sites for research, Security aspects of social networking.

Objectives and Outcomes

To understand the history, theory, technology and uses of social media; to create, collaborate, and share messages with audiences of all sizes; to know and explore the possibilities and limitations of social media. Hands on experience with several forms of social media technology; to understand and use social media productively and to evaluating new tools and platforms.

Text Books / References


  1. Social Networking – Digital and Information Literacy Series by Peter Ryan, The Rosen Publishing Group,

2011 ISBN 1448823463, 9781448823468

  1. The Social Media Marketing Book Dan Zarrella “O’Reilly Media, “, 13-Nov-2009

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