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Course Detail

Course Name Scripting for Rural Broadcasting
Course Code 24OEL652
Program MSc Visual Communication (Digital Film Making & Media Production)
Credits 2
Campus Mysuru


Unit I

Introduction to rural broadcasting. Rural life and issues. Cultural ecology – Anthropological approaches – traditional social activities-translocal ruralistic features. Practical: Visit any rural area for making detail analysis on the topics during weekends.

Unit II

Rural communities. Analysis of social and political life in a rural community. Caste

/ class dynamics and regional influences.

Unit III

Scope and Impact of broadcast journalism in rural development. Two day workshop by an external expertfrom the broadcast industry on the rudiments of script writing focusing on rural aspects/ communities.

Unit IV

Practice on Scripting. Focus on covering special issues concerning rural women, youth, farmers, self-helpgroups cottage industries etc.

Unit V

Developing the final script for rural broadcasting that will have practical application in the field. Finalevaluation by the external expert.

Text Books / References


  1. Eschenbach, (1977). The role of broadcasting in rural communication.
  2. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. George, A. M. (2004). India untouched: The forgotten face of rural poverty. East West Books.
  3. Kumar, K. (2003). Mixed signals: Radio broadcasting policy in India. Economic and political weekly, 2173-2182.
  4. Maddison, (1971). Radio and television in literacy. Unesco.
  5. Manyozo, (2011). People’s radio: communicating change across Africa. Southbound Penang
  6. Neurath, M. (1962). Radio farm forum as a tool of change in Indian villages. Economic Development andCultural Change, 10(3), 275-283.
  7. Onabajo, F. (2003). 37 Message Design & the Appropriateness of Language in Rural FourDecades in the Study of Languages & Linguistics in Nigeria: O’Hare,
  8. (1992). Scripts:    Writing   for   Radio    and    Television.   Canadian    Journal    of Communication, 17(4).
  9. Sharma, , & Kashyap, S. K. (2013). Information need assessment for empowering rural women throughcommunity radio programmes: A study in Tarai region of Uttarakhand. Journal of
  10. Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development, 8(2), 169-

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