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Course Detail

Course Name Principles of Advertising
Course Code 24OEL650
Program MSc Visual Communication (Digital Film Making & Media Production)
Credits 2
Campus Mysuru


Unit I


History of advertising, Advertising-meaning and definition, Advertising as a tool of communication, Features of advertising.

Unit II

Types of Media – Advantages & Disadvantages

Types of advertising, Types of media in advertising – Features – advantages – disadvantages – Print, Television, Radio, Internet, OOH.

Unit III

Structure of an Advertising Agency

Structure of advertising agency – Small, Medium, National, In-house.

Unit IV

Other Promotion

Sales Promotion, Direct Marketing, Public Relations, Publicity and Corporate Advertising, UnconventionalPromotional Media.

Unit V

Case Studies

Objectives and Outcomes

The objective of this paper is to help student to make basic understanding on advertising, providing understanding on the processes behind successful advertising. The students are introduced to the processes, tools and techniques used in developing advertising concepts with the study areas including creative thinking and visualizing.

Text Books / References


Advertising, Frank Jefkins Revised by Daniel Yadin Kleppner’s Advertising Procedure

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