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Course Detail

Course Name Object-Oriented Programming
Course Code 24OEL647
Program MSc Visual Communication (Digital Film Making & Media Production)
Credits 2
Campus Mysuru


Unit I

Introduction to OOPS: Object Oriented Programming features, Applications, History, Difference fromstructured Programming, Object Oriented Programming Languages, Program execution.

Unit II

Object Oriented Concepts: Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Inheritance, Classes and Objects, Programming Basics – Data types, Conditional Statements, Loops, arrays, Functions, Structures.

Unit III

Implementing Class, Object Data Types, User Defined Data Types, Defining a Class, e Access specifiers, The Scope Resolution Operator, Using Class Objects Like Built-in Types, Scope, Constructors, Member Initialization, Constructor Overloading, Destructors.

Unit IV

Inheritance: Introduction, The protected Access Level, Assignments Between Base and Derived Objects, Types of Inheritance, Compile-Time vs. Run-Time Binding, virtual Functions, Polymorphism, Abstract Base Classes.

Unit V

The iostream Library, Predefined Streams, Stream States, Formatted I/O, Disk Files, Reading and Writing Objects.

Text Books / References


  1. E Balaguruswamy “Object Oriented Programming Using C++” 6th Edition, TMH Publications
  2. Lalit Kishore Arora , Vikesh Kumar, “ Object Oriented Programming Using C++ “,S.K. Kataria & Sons; 2011 edition (2011)

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