Unit I
Research Framework and Literature Study
Meaning and Concept of research – Motivation and Objectives – Research Methods Vs Methodology – Types of Research – Defining and formulating research Problem – research questions- Importance of Literature Review. Qualities of a researcher. Ethical Issues – Ethical Committees – Reproduction of published material – Acknowledgement –Reproducibility and accountability.
Unit II
Research Design & Statistics Tools:
Research Design – Execution of the research – Problem, Formation- Observation and data collection. Methods of Qualitative – Methods of quantitative research in media studies. Sampling – Types of Sampling – Validity – Measurement – construct validity – Reliability- Levels of Measurement – Types of Data – Scaling – Qualitative – Quantitative measures.
Unit III
Hypothesis – testing
Hypothesis – testing – Generalization – Variables – Types of Data – Unit of analysis – Statistical Analysis- Tabulation of data – interpretation – Graphical representation of data – Presenting statistical Data– content analysis–Case Study – non –parametric statistics –chi- square – contingency table analysis – parametric statistics – Mean, Proportion, ‘t’ test – analysis of variance (ANOVA) – Regression and Correlation.
Unit IV
Theoretical Framework for Research
Media theories – Philosophy of Research – Structurization of Research – Deduction – Induction- Communication theories – Aesthetics theory of visual communication – character and visual aesthetics – Perception theory – audience research – Semiotics – motion and frame semiotics – Cognitive theory – film theory – narrative theory – cultural aesthetic theories – behavioral theories – Social – New media.
Unit V
Art of Research Writing and Research Aids
Writing research paper – reviews – presentation of research – Bibliography – APA Style – In text- Citation- plagiarism-Utility of the study – Different steps in the preparation – Layout, structure and Language of typical reports – Illustrations and tables – referencing and footnotes. Use of visual aids – Preparing Research papers for journals, Seminars and Conferences –Calculations of Impact factor of a journal, citation.
Objectives and Outcomes
Course Objectives:
- To introduce students to basic principles associated with conducting Post graduate-level research, including identifying a research topic; accessing and critiquing scholarly research; writing a literature review; and research ethics.
- Students are also introduced to research design and to qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches to collecting and analyzing data.
- Given the nature of the discipline, the course provides some emphasis on participatory research
- To develop new scientific tools, concepts and theories to solve and understand scientific and non scientific problems.
- To enrich the innovative framework towards communication research with a multidisciplinary
Course Outcomes (COs):
After completing the course, learners should be able to:
- Understand the concepts of research and its application to media and
- Appreciate the various elements and tools of media
- Understand the need and methods for hypothesis testing with statistical
- Develop a critical understanding of the different theories of media & communication that form the base for research proceedings.
- Comprehend the relevance and need for writing various research reports, thesis, dissertation, research papers, articles, essays.
CO – PO Mapping:
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PO6 |
PO7 |
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PSO5 |
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CO2 |
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CO3 |
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CO4 |
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CO5 |
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